The tomb of King Thieu Tri in Hue is one of the famous tombs recognized by UNESCO as a World Cultural Heritage Site in 1993. Let’s explore the fascinating features of this beautiful and captivating architectural complex. Situated in a picturesque landscape, distinguished by its unique architecture, intricate carvings, and harmonious design, the tomb of King Thieu Tri in Hue remains a destination rich in historical value, attracting numerous travelers to visit when they come to the ancient capital.

Introduction to the Tomb of King Thieu Tri in Hue

Where is the Tomb of King Thieu Tri located?

The historical site of the Tomb of King Thieu Tri in Hue is nestled amidst vast hills in the area of Cu Chanh village, Thuy Bang commune, Huong Thuy district, approximately 8km from the city center of Hue.

If you’re looking for a means of transportation to get to the Tomb of King Thieu Tri, the private car rental service with a driver in Hue provided by will help ensure you have a safe and comfortable journey. With our private car service, we will pick you up and drop you off at your destination. While you explore, our driver will wait for you at no extra cost, and our transparent pricing will help you have the most cost-effective trip. Additionally, if you’re in Da Nang or Hoi An, you can book a day trip from Da Nang to Hue to visit various attractions in Hue

The Formation Process of the Tomb of Thieu Tri in Hue

The Tomb of Thieu Tri is also known by another name, Xương Lăng, serving as the resting place of King Thieu Tri – the third monarch of the Nguyễn Dynasty and the eldest son of King Minh Mạng. King Thieu Tri ascended the throne for 7 years before falling seriously ill and passing away on November 4th, 1847. As the tomb had not been constructed yet, the king’s remains were temporarily kept at Long An Palace within Bao Dinh Imperial Complex for 8 months.

Before his passing, King Thieu Tri had instructed his son (King Tu Duc) regarding the construction of his tomb. Consequently, the Tomb of King Thieu Tri features a rather distinctive architectural style compared to the tombs of his predecessors. It is also the only tomb facing the Northwest – a direction uncommon in the architectural works of tombs or palaces during the Nguyễn Dynasty.

The son of King Thieu Tri, King Tu Duc, proceeded to build a tomb for his father after ascending the throne, naming the tomb the Tomb of Thieu Tri.

After King Thieu Tri’s demise, construction of the tomb for his father began under King Tu Duc reign in February 1848. By March 1848, the Toại Đạo (the main pathway) and the tunnel for transporting the king’s coffin into the tomb were completed. In November 1848, the memorial stone tablet inscribed with a lengthy eulogy of over 2,500 characters, composed by King Tu Duc himself, was erected.

The main architectural structures of the tomb were completed by May 1848. King Tu Duc personally inspected the construction for the final time in June 1848, and approximately 10 days later, King Thieu Tri’s remains were laid to rest inside the tomb.

The Unique Architectural Features of the Tomb of King Thieu Tri

The structure of the Tomb of King Thieu Tri in Hue consists of two main areas: the tomb axis on the right side and the sacrificial axis on the left side.

  • Tomb Axis: The main tomb area is located in a picturesque setting, with the Nhuan Trach Lake in front, connected to the Điện Lake in the Sacrificial area through an underground drainage system. Behind the Nhuận Trạch Lake is a screen wall and the Nghi Mon Gate made of cast bronze in the “dragon vein bronze pillar” style leading to the Bai Dinh Courtyard, continuing to the Bi Dinh and the Duc Hinh Pavilion.
  • Sacrificial Axis: This worship area is situated 100 meters to the left of the Duc Hinh Pavilion and is constructed differently. To reach the Bieu Duc Palace (where the worship of King and Queen Tu Du is performed), one passes through the Nghi Môn Gate made of jade stone and the Hong Trach Gate.

Strong Rural Charm in the Surrounding Walls

Unlike other royal tombs in Hue, the Tomb of Thieu Tri does not have surrounding walls; instead, natural hills and artificial mounds in the surrounding area are used to create screen walls and rear curtains. It can be said that the tomb is surrounded by rice fields and green gardens, giving it a deep rural, serene, and tranquil atmosphere.

The crescent-shaped lake surrounds the front of the Bửu Thành Palace, where the king’s tomb is located

Unique Orientation of the Tomb

The Tomb of King Thieu Tri faces the Northwest, a direction not commonly used in prominent architectural structures in Hue at that time. However, considering Feng Shui, it aligns with the principle of “mountain facing water,” symbolizing prosperity. Additionally, the Vọng Cảnh hill, located about 1km from the tomb, and the Ngoc Tran mountain on the left side, facing towards the tomb, create the “guardian dragon watching over tiger” position for the tomb. The “forecourt” for the tomb area is the Chằm mountain about 8km away, and the Bau Ho cave, located closer, acts as a natural barrier for the sacrificial area.

Among the complex of royal tombs in Hue, the Tomb of King Thieu Tri is the only one facing the Northwest direction

The Surrounding Landscape of the Tomb of Thieu Tri

Surrounding the Tomb of King Thieu Tri in Hue is the tranquil scenery of the countryside, with lush green trees, vast stretches of verdant rice fields, and the system of tombs of his mother, wife, kings, queens, and the offspring of King Thieu Tri gathering and reuniting.

The resting place of King Thieu Tri boasts a serene landscape, evoking a sense of tranquility and peace for visitors who come here

Slightly ahead of the Tomb of King Thieu Tri in Hue is the Tomb of Hieu Dong (his mother – Lady Ho Thi Hoa), behind and to the left is the Tomb of Xuong Tho (his wife – Lady Tu Du), while in front lies the “tảo thương” burial area, the resting place of kings, petite queens, and the offspring of King Thieu Tri.

Ticket Prices for Visiting the Tomb of King Thieu Tri in Hue

The ticket price for visiting the Tomb of King Thieu Tri in Hue is the same for both Vietnamese and international visitors, set at 50,000 VND per adult ticket, FREE for children.

Other Famous Royal Tombs of the Nguyen Dynasty in Hue

The tombs of the Nguyen Dynasty kings are all distinguished by their unique architecture and hold significant historical value across different periods.

Khai Dinh Tomb

Khai Dinh Tomb stands out among the seven royal tombs of the Nguyen Dynasty for its unique architecture, blending Eastern and Western styles influenced by various architectural schools such as Buddhism, Roman, Indian, and Gothic.

Minh Mang Tomb – One of the Three Most Unique Royal Tombs in Hue

Minh Mang Tomb is renowned for its favorable Feng Shui and picturesque scenery. Additionally, its architectural features are exceptionally prominent. The tomb complex consists of 40 large and small structures arranged along a central axis.

Tu Duc Tomb

When visiting Hue, do not miss Tu Duc Tomb, known as the most beautiful among the seven royal tombs of the Nguyen Dynasty, built during King Tu Duc’s reign. This tomb boasts architectural features with a sense of grandeur, soft lines, along with beautiful natural surroundings, providing a delightful experience.

Tu Duc Tomb (Khem Lang) is located on the right side of Canh Vong Hill

Here are some notes to remember when visiting the Tomb of King Thieu Tri in Hue

As it is a place of solemnity and worship, please take note of the following during your visit to the Tomb of King Thieu Tri in Hue:

  • Pay attention to dressing modestly and respectfully, avoiding revealing or offensive attire.
  • Maintain orderliness, refrain from playing around, and avoid speaking loudly.
  • Follow the regulations set by the tourism management authority, respect the significance of the site, refrain from touching artifacts, and avoid climbing on statues or sacred objects.
  • Preserve general cleanliness, refrain from littering, as it affects the surrounding landscape

The Tomb of King Thieu Tri in Hue is an enticing destination that visitors should not overlook when exploring the ancient capital to witness the rich historical value and unique architectural features of the royal tombs. Refer to the information provided in the article to plan your visit to the Tomb of Thieu Tri effectively. Wishing you a joyful and fulfilling journey.


The Nguyen Dynasty (Nôm: 茹阮, Han: 阮朝; Sino-Vietnamese: Nguyen Trieu) was the last feudal dynasty of Vietnam, established and ruled by the powerful Nguyễn family. The Nguyen Dynasty rose to power from the 16th century until the mid-20th century (1802 – 1945). Spanning 143 years of existence, the Nguyen Dynasty witnessed numerous ups and downs in history, particularly the French invasion in the mid-19th century. Let’s take a look back at the historical process of the Nguyen Dynasty, one of the most prominent dynasties in Vietnamese history, in this article!

When was the Nguyen Dynasty established?

The Nguyen Dynasty (1802 – 1945) was established in 1802 after Emperor Gia Long ascended to the throne. The Nguyen Dynasty was also the last feudal dynasty in the history of Vietnam. From 1802 to 1804, the dynasty used the national name Nam Viet, from 1804 to 1839 it used the national name Viet Nam, Dai Viet Nam, and in 1839, Emperor Minh Mang changed the national name to Dai Nam. The Nguyen Dynasty marked many ups and downs in history, particularly the French invasion in the 19th century.

The ancestors of the Nguyen Dynasty kings were the Nguyen lords during the Trinh-Nguyen rivalry period. Nguyen Phuc Anh (Gia Long) was the first emperor of the Nguyen lineage, and he proclaimed himself emperor in 1802. Nguyen Phuc Anh was the grandson of Lord Nguyen Phuc Khoat, the last Nguyen lord in the central region. After the Nguyen lord family was overthrown by the Tây Sơn – Nguyen Hue forces in 1777, he fled and began a 25-year war against the Tây Sơn. Nguyen Anh sought the assistance of the French and the Qing Dynasty troops, weakening the Tây Sơn forces.

After the sudden death of King Quang Trung, Nguyen Anh maintained control over the southern region and in 1802 completely defeated the Tây Sơn, becoming emperor and establishing the Nguyen Dynasty with the country’s name as Viet Nam, choosing Phu Xuan (Hue) as the capital. The Nguyen Dynasty was a dynasty marked by many ups and downs in history, including the French colonization in the 19th century.

King Gia Long

In 1802, the descendant of the Nguyen family, Nguyen Anh, overthrew the Tây Sơn Dynasty and established the Nguyen Dynasty. In the early period of their rule, they attempted to consolidate unified governance and promote urgent reforms and cultural development. However, the Nguyen Dynasty failed to modernize the country, and when the French colonialists invaded, they quickly surrendered, while people throughout Vietnam rose up to resist the invaders.

When did the Nguyen Dynasty come into being?

The Nguyen Dynasty came into being in the context of the post-Trinh-Nguyen rivalry period, which took place from 1593 to 1778. In 1777, Nguyen Anh (Nguyen Phuc Anh), the descendant of the Nguyen lords in the southern region, escaped from the persecution by the Tây Sơn forces. He lived in exile in Siam (now Thailand) and endured hardships for 25 years, nurturing a strong determination to seek revenge against the Tây Sơn and defeating their loyalist forces.

After the death of King Quang Trung, the Tay Son dynasty gradually weakened. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Nguyen Anh mobilized his forces to attack the Tay Son dynasty with the assistance of Siam and France. In 1802, Nguyen Anh concentrated his forces to conquer the southern region, and then defeated the Tay Son dynasty, establishing the unified Nguyen Dynasty that ruled over a vast territory from the south to the north. The Tay Son dynasty was overthrown, and Nguyen Anh ascended the throne as Emperor Gia Long, with the capital established in Phu Xuan (Hue).

Nguyen Anh and Le Chieu Thong were the only two kings who sought the assistance of foreign powers to overthrow the existing dynasty, seize the throne, and govern the country. Therefore, in history, there have been differing opinions about Nguyen Anh’s actions.

In the world, the early 19th century was a time when capitalism was flourishing, with political systems tending to be more democratic. In Vietnam, however, the feudal Nguyen Dynasty came into being. It was the last monarchy in the history of Vietnam’s feudal rule, which ended in 1945 with the successful August Revolution during the reign of King Bao Dai.

Emerging in a unique context, the Nguyen Dynasty went through many upheavals during its existence. It faced challenges such as seeking assistance from foreign powers, losing sovereignty to French colonization, but also made significant contributions to the unification of the country, territorial expansion, and economic development. Therefore, when evaluating this dynasty, a fair and objective assessment is needed to understand its role in the history of Vietnam.

The two main periods of the Nguyen Dynasty’s history.

The first period (1802-1858) is the period of independence and self-governance.

The Nguyen kings held full control over the country, spanning four reigns: Gia Long, Minh Mang, Thieu Tri, and Tu Duc. The Nguyen kings in this period sought to build Vietnam based on Confucianism and abolished the progressive reforms of the Tay Son dynasty.

During the reign of Minh Mang, there were numerous wars in Cambodia to expand territory, which depleted the treasury. By the time of Tu Duc, all aspects of the country were in decline. In the 1850s, a portion of Vietnamese intellectuals, exemplified by Nguyen Truong To, recognized the stagnation of the country and advocated for learning from the West to develop industry and commerce, as well as reforming the military and foreign affairs.

However, most of the Nguyen court officials and scholars failed to perceive the necessity of reforms and opening up the country, so Tu Duc lacked determination to implement these proposals. Dai Nam gradually became stagnant, backward, and at risk of European colonial invasion.

The second period (1858-1945) is the period of French colonization and domination.

It began when the French troops attacked Da Nang and ended with Emperor Bao Dai’s abdication in 1945.

In August 1858, the French naval forces attacked the port of Da Nang and then advanced to capture Gia Dinh (Saigon). In June 1862, King Tu Duc signed a treaty ceding three eastern provinces to France.

In 1867, France occupied the three western provinces, forming the colony of Cochinchina. After consolidating their position in Cochinchina, from 1873 to 1886, the French waged wars in Tonkin (Northern Vietnam). Finally, in 1884, the Nguyen Dynasty officially recognized French rule over Vietnam.

The French held the ruling power over the country, while the Nguyen emperors maintained their imperial titles but acted as mere puppets. The French could establish puppet emperors from the Nguyen Dynasty at their discretion. This period ended when Bao Dai declared his abdication in 1945.

From 1883 onwards, the Vietnamese people continued their multifaceted struggle to protect their national cultural identity, selectively assimilate Western cultural values, and engage in a series of uprisings with various aims to expel colonialism, capitalism, and regain independence.

In 1930, the Indochinese Communist Party was founded, putting forth the correct Revolutionary line. Over 15 years, under the leadership of the Vietnamese people, the August Revolution of 1945 was carried out, overthrowing the colonial feudal regime, establishing the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, and ushering in a new era for the Vietnamese nation.

How many kings did the Nguyen Dynasty have?

The Nguyen Dynasty was the last imperial dynasty in the history of Vietnam, lasting for 143 years (1802-1945) and spanning 13 kings. The dynasty was established when King Gia Long (Nguyen Anh) ascended the throne in 1802 and ended with the abdication of Emperor Bao Dai in 1945.

The kings of the Nguyen Dynasty were:

  1. Gia Long (1802-1820)
  2. Minh Mang (1820-1840)
  3. Thieu Tri (1841-1847)
  4. Tu Duc (1847-1883)
  5. Duc Duc (3 days, 1883)
  6. Hiep Hoa (6 months, 1883)
  7. Kien Phuc (1883-1884)
  8. Ham Nghi (1884-1885)
  9. Dong Khanh (1885-1888)
  10. Thanh Thai (1889-1907)
  11. Duy Tan (1907-1916)
  12. Khai Dinh (1916-1925)
  13. Bao Dai (1926-1945)

The imperial capital Hue was built during the reign of which king? The history of the Imperial City of Hue.

In April 1805 (the year of At Suu), the Nguyen dynasty began the construction of the Imperial City. The Nguyen rulers mobilized over 30,000 soldiers and workers from Quang Binh to Quy Nhon to participate in the construction of the Imperial City of Hue. Various materials such as stone, wood, lime, bricks, and tiles were brought from all regions of the country. After several decades of construction and multiple renovations, a magnificent and vast citadel, stretching 2km, emerged on the banks of the Perfume River.

By 1807, an additional 80,000 soldiers from Thanh Nghe and Bac Thanh were brought in to reinforce the labor force day and night. Initially, the walls were made of soil, with outer facades covered in wooden planks. In the 17th year of Gia Long’s reign (1818), brick construction began on the western and southern sides. The eastern and northern sides were built with bricks in 1822. In 1832, during the reign of Minh Mang, the construction was completed, and subsequent renovations were carried out.

The location of the Imperial City of Hue was originally chosen by the Nguyen lords as the capital of the southern region from 1687 to 1775. Later, during the Tây Sơn dynasty, it served as the national capital from 1788 to 1801. King Gia Long selected this location again to build the Imperial City on a larger scale, situated on the land of eight villages: Phu Xuan, Van Xuan, Dien Phai, The Lai, An Van, An Hoa, An Buu, and An My.

The Imperial City was built in the style of Vauban, nearly square-shaped, covering an area of 520 hectares, with a circumference of over 10,500 meters. The fortification system, including the Imperial City (outer citadel), the Royal Enclosure, and the Forbidden Purple City (inner citadel), all aligned on one axis, facing south-southeast, was constructed based on the topography of Mount Ngu and the Perfume River. The main axis of this system runs through the middle of Ngu Binh mountain.

The Royal Enclosure was the most important political and administrative center of the dynasty, built in 1804 and completed and upgraded in 1833. It covered an area of 36 hectares, nearly square-shaped, with each side measuring about 600 meters. Within the Royal Enclosure, there are over 100 beautiful architectural structures divided into different areas, each serving specific functions.

The Imperial City of Hue holds significant defensive value. Surrounding the citadel walls are 24 fortresses, along with an auxiliary fortress called Tran Binh Dai (Small Mang Pond). All of these structures, combined with the Hồ Thành Ha (outer defensive wall), created a robust defensive system.

Prominent Vauban defensive ramparts in Hue citadel

The architecture of the Imperial City of Hue is a harmonious and intelligent combination of architecture and nature. It represents the knowledge and craftsmanship of the Vietnamese people in the first half of the 19th century.

If you are planning to visit the ancient capital of Hue to explore the history and discover the tombs of the Nguyen Dynasty kings, please contact us for the best transportation services in Hue.

Policies and Governance of the Nguyen Dynasty

The Administrative Machinery of the Nguyen Dynasty

Bureaucratic System and Central Government Organization during the Nguyen Dynasty

The Nguyen Dynasty essentially maintained the same bureaucratic system and central government structure as the previous Le Dynasty. At the head of the state was the emperor, holding all the executive powers. To assist the emperor in handling paperwork, official documents, and recordings, there was the Van Thu Phong (later changed to Noi Cac in 1829). In terms of important military affairs, there were four Dai Hoc Si (Grand Doctorate) known as the Four Pillars of the Court, which later became the Institute of Confidentiality in 1834. Additionally, there was the Tong Nhan Phu responsible for the affairs of the Royal Court.

Below the imperial court, six Ministries were established, each headed by a Minister who was responsible for directing the general affairs of the state. The ministries included the Ministry of Rites, Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Ceremonies, Ministry of War, Ministry of Justice, and Ministry of Public Works. Alongside the six ministries, there was the Dosat Vien (also known as Ngusudai), consisting of six departments responsible for inspecting and supervising officials, and the Han Lam Vien, which handled various documents and communications. There were also five Tự (self-governing bodies) responsible for specific matters, the Nội Vụ Phủ overseeing treasury matters, the Quốc Tử Giám in charge of education, the Thai Y Vien responsible for healthcare and medicine, as well as several other offices and bureaus.

During the Nguyen Dynasty, the kings did not appoint a queen regnant and abolished the position of prime minister. They personally took direct control over important internal affairs from the central to local levels, including legislating laws, organizing Hoi examinations, making changes to key court officials, mobilizing distant military expeditions, and directly managing the local authorities. All these decisions were made by the kings themselves. This demonstrated that the Nguyen kings were not willing to share their power with anyone else.

Administrative Division during the Nguyen Dynasty.

In 1802, while deciding on Phu Xuan as the capital, Nguyen Anh temporarily established 11 trấn (equivalent to the present-day northern region) in the north as a Tổng Trấn (General Governorate) called Bac Thanh, led by a Tổng Trấn.

During the reign of Minh Mang, in order to unify the administrative units throughout the country, in 1831-1832, the king implemented a major administrative reform by abolishing the Tổng Trấn system and transforming dinh and trấn into provinces. This was the first appearance of provincial administrative units in Vietnam.

The provinces were headed by Tổng Đốc (Governor-General) who was in charge of 2-3 provinces and a Tuần Phủ (Deputy Governor) who was responsible for a single province. The administrative tasks were divided between Bố Chánh Sứ Ti (Fiscal and Administrative Affairs) responsible for taxation, household registration, and administration, and Án Sát Sứ Ti (Security and Legal Affairs) responsible for security and legal matters. Military affairs were overseen by a Lãnh Binh (Military Commissioner). The provincial officials were directly appointed by the central government, usually high-ranking military officials, and later supplemented by civilian officials. The governance system clearly distinguished between the central and local authorities, with the king, as the head of the country, holding significantly more power than in previous periods.

Below the province were phủ (prefectures), huyện (districts), châu (sub-districts), tổng (townships), and xã (communes). The imperial officials were only involved in the administration up to phủ huyện, while the selection of officials from tổng downwards was done by the local residents. Each tổng consisted of several villages or communes, with a cai tổng (township chief) and a deputy township chief appointed by the Council of Village Elders to manage taxation, infrastructure, and security within the tổng. In general, the administrative structure of the tổng and xã was tightly organized to facilitate effective governance and prompt response to any changes or incidents.

As of the end of the 19th century, Vietnam had 98 phủ (prefectures) consisting of 342 huyện (districts) and châu (sub-districts).

Regarding the two archipelagos of Hoang Sa (Paracel) and Truong Sa (Spratly), King Gia Long officially ordered the incorporation of Hoang Sa into Vietnam in 1816. The Vietnamese flag was planted on the islands, and hydrographic surveys were conducted. During the reign of Minh Mang, the Nguyen Dynasty constructed shrines, erected stone steles, installed markers, and planted trees on the islands. The Hoang Sa Flotilla and Bac Hai Flotilla were assigned additional tasks such as exploitation, patrol, collection of taxes from residents on the islands, and defense of the two archipelagos. These flotillas continued their operations until the arrival of the French in Indochina. From the 1890s, the protectorate authorities in the name of the Hue court of the Nguyen Dynasty planned to establish a lighthouse to assert French sovereignty over the Hoang Sa archipelago, but the project was not realized, and it was not until 1938 that an official force occupied these islands. However, when the Qing Dynasty sent ships to encroach upon the Hoang Sa archipelago in the early 20th century, the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a protest note. This dispute continued until the French lost their sovereignty in Indochina and has yet to be resolved.

The Nguyen Dynasty’s Military.

After gaining control of the entire country, the Nguyen Dynasty built a more sophisticated and disciplined military. To maintain a well-equipped army, King Gia Long implemented a recruitment system based on household registration, selecting 1 soldier from every 3, 5, or 7 households. The regular army was stationed in the capital and strategically weak areas, while localities had their own armed forces responsible for maintaining public order. The regular army consisted of 140,000 soldiers, in addition to auxiliary troops. The military was organized into four branches: infantry, cavalry, navy, and artillery, with a focus on developing the infantry and navy for independent operations. In addition to traditional weapons, the regular army was equipped with Western firearms such as muskets, rifles, steamboats, and explosives. Cannon and mortars were standardized in size and weight, and fortresses and small forts were regulated for each level with a certain number of troops.

Under Minh Mang’s rule, the Western model was adopted for organizing the military, aiming for a highly skilled and efficient army, reducing the number of flag bearers from 40 to 2 in a unit of 1 battalion (500 soldiers). The military tactics were observed by Manchu scholars to be similar to the French style, as Minh Mang’s army employed Western-trained officers. It can be said that during Minh Mang’s reign, the Nguyen Dynasty’s military was the most modern and advanced force in East Asia, surpassing neighboring countries such as China, Thailand, and Cambodia.

Soldiers of the Nguyen Dynasty

During the reign of Tu Duc, the defense efforts of the Nguyen Dynasty declined significantly, showing clear contrast with the previous reigns. One of the reasons for the military’s decline was financial issues. The modernization of weapons and equipment was almost nonexistent. The equipment for infantry was outdated: for every 50 soldiers, there were only 5 guns, and they only practiced shooting 6 rounds of ammunition once a year. The maintenance of weapons was also poor. In terms of the navy, no new warships were built, and the naval forces lacked the capability to protect the coast from pirates. The emphasis on Western military teachings diminished, returning to the Binh Thu Yeu Luoc (Essential Military Doctrine) of Tran Hung Dao. The living conditions of the soldiers were neglected, and their rations were reduced. As a result, the morale and fighting spirit of the soldiers were not high. The military philosophy of the Nguyen Dynasty’s rulers did not surpass the limits of feudal military science. The failure to keep up with the latest advancements in Western military science during Tu Duc’s reign caused Vietnam’s military to lag behind. Therefore, when the French invaded Vietnam in 1858, there was a significant gap in terms of equipment between the Nguyen Dynasty’s army and the French forces.

Tax and Labor Policies during the Nguyen Dynasty.

King Gia Long reorganized the issue of registration, requiring each village to record the number of men aged 18-60 in the village register.

Since Vietnamese society was fundamentally based on communal and village structures, the royal court did not directly demand taxes from the people. Instead, they delegated the task of tax collection and labor conscription to the villages, without specifying how the responsibilities would be divided among the villagers. Each village enjoyed a significant degree of self-governance, ruling according to their own customs recorded in the village’s regulations.

Regarding personal and land taxes, the Nguyen Dynasty abolished the previous tax system established by the Tay Son Dynasty and replaced it with a new, heavier tax regime. King Gia Long rectified the household registration records and land surveys that had been damaged during the internal conflicts. The household registration was divided into nine categories, and each category determined whether the entire tax was to be paid, or if exemptions or reductions would be granted for both tax collection and labor conscription.

During the reign of Minh Mang, the land tax was revised, and the country was divided into three regions for taxation purposes. According to the statistics of the Ministry of Interior, the population at the beginning of Gia Long’s reign was 992,559 people, and by the end of Thieu Tri’s reign, it was 1,024,380 people. As for land, Tự Đức’s reign started with 3,398,584 acres of cultivated land and 502,672 acres of uncultivated land.

Legal System during the Nguyen Dynasty.

Initially, the Nguyen Dynasty did not have a clear and detailed legal system. King Gia Long only ordered officials to refer to the Hong Duc Code to establish the 15 most important laws. In 1811, under Gia Long’s command, Nguyen Van Thanh, the governor of Bac Thanh, presided over the compilation of a new legal code, which was then promulgated by King Gia Long in 1815 under the name Hoang Viet Law or Gia Long Law. The Gia Long Law consisted of 398 articles divided into 7 chapters and was recorded in a set of 22 books that were printed and distributed everywhere. According to the preface, the law was developed by referring to the Hong Duc Code and the Qing Dynasty’s law, but in reality, it was almost a direct copy of the Qing Dynasty’s law with minor modifications. The chapter “Criminal Law” accounted for a significant portion, with 166 articles, while other chapters like “Family Law” had 66 articles, and “Administrative Law” had only 10 articles. The legal code included some strict laws, especially regarding acts of rebellion and spreading “subversive” speech or writing. However, the legal code also emphasized the fight against corruption and introduced many strict laws to punish corrupt officials. Of course, in the reigns of subsequent kings after Gia Long, this legal code was further revised and improved, especially during Minh Mang’s reign.

Foreign Policy during the Nguyen Dynasty.

Foreign policy with China:

Similar to previous dynasties, the first country with which Gia Long conducted diplomatic relations was China. In 1803, Gia Long sent envoys to China to request recognition of his royal title and investiture. In 1804, the Qing Dynasty sent envoys to confer the royal title on Gia Long. Since then, the Nguyen Dynasty had to regularly pay tribute to China.

Foreign policy with Cambodia and Laos:

Regarding Cambodia and Laos, the Nguyen Dynasty used military force to subjugate them, and at times, even established a protectorate over Cambodia.

Foreign policy with the West:

In the early stage, Gia Long pursued a relatively open policy towards France and Christian missionaries. However, during Minh Mang’s reign (1820-1840), the Nguyen Dynasty implemented a policy of suppressing Catholicism and closing off the country, aiming to prevent the influence of Westerners on Vietnamese soil.

The Nguyen Dynasty became increasingly conservative, leading the country to stagnation and backwardness to the point of losing the ability to defend itself.

The Nguyen Dynasty implemented a policy of religious prohibition against which religion?

The Nguyen Dynasty implemented a policy of religious prohibition against Catholicism. As early as the 17th century, when they began to look towards the East, the missionary activities of the Paris Foreign Missions Society became closely associated with French colonialism. The missionaries saw their missionary work as a precursor to a subsequent colonial invasion. Recognizing this danger, the Nguyen kings implemented a policy of religious prohibition against Catholicism.

From 1862, especially from 1874, due to various reasons stemming from the war with France, the Nguyen court created opportunities for the development of Christianity. The treaties of 1862 stipulated: “French and Spanish citizens may freely practice their religion in Vietnam, and the citizens of this country are allowed to convert to Christianity voluntarily without obstruction.” In 1865, Emperor Tu Duc issued an official decree granting freedom to the missionaries to spread their faith and allowing the people to freely adopt the religion. In 1874, according to the treaty, Catholics were granted the freedom to participate in examinations organized by the court and to engage in the state apparatus at all levels, participating in the country’s political and social activities as ordinary citizens.

Therefore, unlike the three traditional religions of Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism, which were trusted by the early Nguyen kings, Christianity faced frequent difficulties. However, due to conflicting interests and cultural disruptions, the prohibition order was consistently issued. Because of the strong anti-Christian sentiment and the presence of subversive elements, espionage, and those who exploited religion for political activities, Catholicism became a tool for invaders. By 1874, Catholicism had become openly active and gradually developed.

The anti-Nguyen dynasty uprising movements

The Nguyen dynasty attempted to perfect its ruling apparatus to stabilize the social situation but failed to prevent the development of corrupt practices.

The struggle movements erupted immediately after the establishment of the Nguyen dynasty and continued persistently. In the first half of the 19th century, there were nearly 400 uprisings against the Nguyen dynasty, averaging about 10 uprisings per year. During the reign of Emperor Minh Mang, a period of Nguyen dynasty’s development, there were 250 major and minor uprisings.

The struggle movements attracted participation from various social classes, and many uprisings were led by officials of the Nguyen dynasty, with even soldiers opposing the royal court.

The scale of the struggle movements spanned across the country, from the North to the South, occurring continuously and carrying strong local sentiments, but they did not form a unified movement. Therefore, the Nguyen dynasty had the opportunity to concentrate its forces for suppression.

Some notable uprisings against the Nguyen dynasty include:

  • Phan Ba Vanh Uprising (1821-1827)
  • Nong Van Van Uprising (1833-1835)
  • Le Van Khoi Uprising (1833-1835)
  • Cao Ba Quat Uprising (1854-1856)

In addition, in the southern region (Nam Ky), the incompatible policies of the Nguyen dynasty towards minority groups, especially the Khmer people, and the foreign policy towards the Kingdom of Champa, also caused dissatisfaction among the Khmer community, leading to numerous uprisings against the royal court, such as the Lam Sam, Ba Xuyen, That Son, and Ha Tien uprisings.

The downfall of the Nguyen Dynasty marked the end of its 143-year existence.

After the death of Gia Long in 1820, the Nguyen Dynasty adopted a conservative policy opposing foreign missionary activities in Vietnam. The French, partly due to this anti-missionary policy, invaded Vietnam in 1858, initially landing in Da Nang and later establishing a base in Saigon. They forced Emperor Tu Duc, who was already facing uprisings in other places, to cede three provinces in the eastern part of Cochinchina, known as French Cochinchina, in 1862. Five years later, the French gained control over the entire Cochinchina region. French control over all of Vietnam was established after invasions in 1883-1885, and Vietnam’s ancient vassal relationship with China came to an end. However, the Nguyen Dynasty retained its rule in Hue with nominal control over Central Vietnam, referred to by the French as Annam, and the northern part of Vietnam, known as Tonkin (Bac Thanh). The French continued their governance until 1945.

The French-Spanish coalition attacked Gia Dinh citadel on February 17, 1859

In August 1945, following Japan’s unconditional surrender to the Allies, the opportunity arose, and the Communist Party of Vietnam raised the flag of rebellion. The August Revolution took place within 15 days and was bloodless, yet it achieved independence and sovereignty after nearly a century of oppression. It also sounded the bell for the feudal history of Vietnam. On August 25, 1945, at the Gate of Noon, Bao Dai, the 13th and final emperor of the Nguyen Dynasty, read the Abdication Edict. On the afternoon of August 30, 1945, Bao Dai handed over the imperial seal to the revolutionary government. On September 2, 1945, President Ho Chi Minh read the Declaration of Independence, giving birth to the Democratic Republic of Vietnam.

Cultural heritage and symbols of the Nguyen Dynasty.

The Nguyen Dynasty left behind a significant cultural heritage for the Vietnamese people. Some of these have been recognized by UNESCO as world heritage sites, such as Hue Court Music (Nha Nhac), the Complex of Hue Monuments, and the Nguyen Dynasty Woodblocks.

Professor of history Phan Huy Le remarked, “No other period in Vietnamese history has left the nation with three cultural heritages recognized and honored by the world with such global significance.”

The Nguyen Dynasty also left behind an extensive archival system documenting its reign, an educational system, and thousands of communal houses, shrines, and temples spanning from the south to the north. Many of these cultural treasures have long been forgotten and considered as “remnants of a decaying dynasty.” Hue Court Music was recognized by UNESCO as an intangible cultural heritage representative of humanity in 2003.

The first coffee shop in Saigon in the 1860s.

When mentioning Hue, overlooking the exquisite culinary beauty of the imperial city would be a regrettable thing. The rich flavors, diverse dishes, captivating presentation, and intricate attention to detail in Hue’s cuisine have captivated many people. If you are a food lover who enjoys tranquility and gentleness, you definitely shouldn’t miss the unique vegetarian cuisine here. With over 15 famous vegetarian restaurants in Hue recommended by’s below, you will surely have a peaceful and meaningful culinary experience.

Introduction to the beauty of vegetarian cuisine in Hue

As an ancient capital with a sacred land, the home of countless kings and emperors, it’s no wonder that vegetarian cuisine here is highly regarded and renowned. Unlike the image of plain stir-fried vegetables, boiled vegetables, and oily mushroom dishes that you often encounter in other restaurants, the list of over 15 vegetarian restaurants in Hue offers many differences. Each dish is meticulously prepared from ingredients to cooking methods, ensuring that every bite is delicious and satisfying, yet light and brings a sense of extraordinary tranquility.

The beauty of vegetarian cuisine in Hue

Still consisting of vegetables, mushrooms, and beans, but they are different in appearance, flavor, and aroma. The crispy spring rolls made from rice paper, with a slight crunch from the vegetables, and a creamy texture from the beans and tofu, dipped in a sweet and sour sauce made from fragrant fish sauce (made from fruits) have enchanted many vegetarian eaters. Or the fried rice dish with 77 different toppings, whether it’s the rich and buttery rice grains or the fragrant and vibrant green lentils combined with tender mock chicken and soft rice balls, sprinkled with peanuts and seaweed, it creates a satisfying and filling meal.

Vegetarian cuisine… it’s incredibly diverse, even more diverse and intricate than our imagination. If you are a true vegetarian food enthusiast, you must know about the top list of delicious vegetarian restaurants in Hue below. And if you’re not a dedicated vegetarian, don’t hesitate to taste the unique vegetarian cuisine prepared by these famous vegetarian restaurants. You’ll undoubtedly nod in appreciation for this exceptional culinary experience.

If you are looking for transportation to the vegetarian restaurants in Hue, you can hire a private car with a driver from our company in Hue. We have a professional team of drivers with many years of experience and various types of vehicles to suit your transportation needs.

The Most Popular Vegetarian Restaurants in Hue

Below is a list of 15 restaurants, along with their addresses, opening hours, and approximate prices, to help you easily explore the unique cuisine of this magical land.

Please see our article about the top famous vegetarian restaurants in Da Nang.

Thanh Lieu Vegetarian Restaurant, Hue

Thanh Lieu is a vegetarian restaurant in Hue where you can be pleasantly surprised by the incredibly delicious dishes at affordable prices. Those who visit Hue are often amazed by the combination of delicious and flavorful food at such reasonable prices. As a budget-friendly vegetarian restaurant, Thanh Lieu may not have extravagant decorations, but it offers a wide variety of unique and outstanding dishes.

Interior space of Hue vegetarian restaurant Thanh Lieu

In addition to traditional vegetarian rice dishes such as braised tofu, mushroom stew, and grilled mock meat, Thanh Lieu also serves other dishes like pho, vermicelli with grilled meat, ensuring a tasty and nutritious meal that is light on the stomach.

Especially on full moon days, holidays, or the first day of the lunar month, Thanh Lieu vegetarian restaurant is usually crowded, and if you arrive late, you may not find a seat. However, because of its reputation for delicious food, many customers don’t mind taking the food to-go. The restaurant may be a bit dimly lit, but the atmosphere is peaceful, allowing you to enjoy your meal in a comfortable and relaxed state.


Lien Hoa Vegetarian Restaurant

In stark contrast to the bustling urban atmosphere, when you step into Lien Hoa, a delicious vegetarian restaurant in Hue, you will experience a strangely peaceful and serene ambiance. Amidst this dreamy city of Hue, it is hard to find a vegetarian place that brings such a sense of tranquility and serenity.

Lien Hoa Vegetarian Restaurant

Lien Hoa’s space is divided into two parts. One is an open space, where you can sit inside the restaurant without enclosed doors, providing a refreshing environment for those who love natural openness. The other part is air-conditioned, which creates a warmer and more private atmosphere, especially on chilly winter days.

As a famous vegetarian restaurant in Hue, Lien Hoa offers an extensive vegetarian menu with over 150 diverse dishes. The vegetarian dishes here possess both affordability and great taste, making it highly regarded. The flavors of the vegetarian dishes are unique, enticing, beautifully presented, and captivating. The prices of the dishes range below 120,000 VND per dish.


An Nhien Garden Vegetarian Restaurant

An Nhien is a renowned vegetarian restaurant in Hue, known for its impressive culinary offerings and service. With a diverse menu and regular exciting vegetarian culinary events, An Nhien strives for perfection in every dish and isn’t afraid to explore and create new flavors to ensure that guests have a delightful and satisfying experience.

Outside space of Hue An Nhien Vegetarian Restaurant

The menu here is varied, and the integration of a café next to the restaurant ensures that both the food and beverages are exceptional and worthy of praise. First and foremost, their Salad deserves special mention, with a delightful combination of sweet and tangy flavors from their exclusive sauce, mixed with crisp lettuce, carrots, jicama, lotus seeds, beans, and a touch of sesame oil and olive oil that will surely leave you wanting more. On chilly winter days, their mushroom hot pot, packed with flavorful mushrooms, perfectly embodies the authentic taste of vegetarian cuisine in Hue.


Chay Dieu Lac Vegetarian Rice Restaurant

Continuing the list is Chay Dieu Lac, a delicious vegetarian rice restaurant in Hue. Located at the beginning of Han Mac Tu Street, this vegetarian restaurant is easy to find. The restaurant offers a spacious, clean, and airy space with ample parking. The menu features numerous vegetarian dishes, including the highly recommended kimchi hotpot, noodle soup, and kimbap.

Delicious vegetarian rice at Dieu Lac

With a diverse menu and appetizing presentation, Chay Dieu Lac is well-known among the vegetarian community in Hue. You can visit to experience the food and the ambiance of Hue at this vegetarian restaurant. In addition to the mentioned dishes, Chay Dieu Lac also offers many other delicious options, including homemade soy milk, rich, hot, and fragrant.


Bo De Vegetarian Rice Restaurant

Located in the center of Hue city, Bồ Đề Vegetarian Rice Restaurant has become a familiar and cozy place for those who love to enjoy the flavors of vegetarian cuisine. Without being fancy or luxurious, the dishes here mainly consist of Vietnamese vegetarian dishes such as spring rolls, coconut soup, braised tofu with bamboo shoots, sour soup, hot pot, and more. Despite using simple ingredients like beans, vegetables, and mushrooms, the skillful preparation, seasoning, and presentation of the dishes make them outstanding and satisfy diners both visually and in terms of taste.

The prices at Bồ Đề Vegetarian Rice Restaurant are affordable, and the staff is quick, enthusiastic, and attentive, making it a recommended place to try delicious vegetarian rice. However, due to the limited information available about this vegetarian restaurant in Hue, it might be difficult to research the menu in advance or make a reservation.


  • Address: 11 Le Loi, Hue City

Han Thuyen Vegetarian Rice Restaurant

Hàn Thuyên Street is known for its many vegetarian rice restaurants, but the address below is the right place to enjoy authentic and delicious vegetarian rice. The restaurant offers a clean and airy space. The diverse vegetarian menu includes many delicious dishes found in other vegetarian establishments. In addition to rice, they also serve vermicelli, porridge, cellophane noodles, and more, all in tasty vegetarian versions. Especially, you must try their flavorful soup when dining here.

Vegetarian rice at Han Thuyen

Some dishes here are known to be quite spicy and are loved by many people. With visually appealing and high-quality dishes at very affordable prices, along with the cleanliness of the place, Hàn Thuyên Vegetarian Rice Restaurant is undoubtedly one of the top 15 famous and delicious vegetarian restaurants in Hue.


Tam Thien

Tâm Thiện is a vegetarian restaurant in Hue that is loved by locals. Although the menu is not too diverse, every dish is delicious and well-seasoned. Some notable dishes here include phở hến (rice noodle soup with clams), dry phở, noodle soup, rice plates, crispy fried noodles, and more. The portions are generous, tasty, and filling. With affordable prices, Tâm Thiện Vegetarian Restaurant is an ideal dining spot and a regular choice for students.

In addition to the quality food, the friendly and enthusiastic owner is well-liked by everyone. If you want to enjoy a delicious and affordable vegetarian meal in a spacious and peaceful environment, Tâm Thiện is a great recommendation.


  • Address: 1/K19 Nguyen Thai Hoc, Phu Hoi, Hue City

San May

Not just an ordinary vegetarian restaurant in Huế, Sân Mây is also a famous snack eatery, so it’s no wonder that it’s mentioned in today’s toplist. The vegetarian rice dishes here are praised for being delicious, clean, and completely different from other establishments. The food is moderately seasoned, not as rich as other places in Huế, and leans towards a tranquil and pure style. This is a frequented spot for many young people, so you can visit if you appreciate the serenity of Sân Mây.

In addition to the main dishes, there are also various signature snacks such as bánh bèo (steamed rice cakes), bánh nậm (sticky rice dumplings), and bánh bột lọc (tapioca dumplings), all sold at an affordable price. However, the most impressive feature of Sân Mây is its prime location, situated right by the romantic Perfume River, providing a peaceful atmosphere for diners. It is also a place that vegetarian clubs or older customers frequently visit due to its solemn ambience adorned with lanterns.


Thien Phu

When it comes to famous vegetarian restaurants in Huế, Thiên Phú vegetarian eatery must be mentioned. Although the restaurant has a simple ambiance, it creates a cozy and familiar feeling. The dishes are not overly elaborate but still carry the distinctive flavors of Huế cuisine. The two most famous dishes at Thiên Phú are bún nghệ (turmeric vermicelli) and cháo nấm (mushroom rice porridge), both offered at an affordable price.

The shimmering golden bún nghệ, infused with the fresh scent of turmeric, served hot, will be a delicious choice for the winter season. The flavorful mushroom porridge, with its strong mushroom aroma and slightly chewy texture, will satisfy your taste buds on the first try. Thiên Phú attracts a considerable number of customers every day and is located on a bustling street, so it tends to be crowded.


  • Address: 58 Nguyễn Công Trứ, Huế

Tinh Quan

Tịnh Quán vegetarian restaurant in Huế opens from early morning until late at night, making it a place where you can enjoy meals throughout the day. It is renowned for its natural and rich vegetarian dishes with the flavors of the Central region. The dishes here are not overly complex, but the ingredients carefully chosen by the owner ensure freshness and deliciousness. Moreover, the spacious and airy space, along with professional service, makes it a favorite destination for many international tourists.

With its serene atmosphere, the restaurant also categorizes its dishes for Vegan and Vegetarian diners, so those who do not consume eggs or dairy products can rely on the staff’s advice to avoid allergies or have a meal according to their preference. The environment at Tịnh Quán is warm and clean, guaranteeing a satisfying dining experience.


  • Address: 2 Trần Cao Vân, Vĩnh Ninh, Huế

Quan chay 8K

8K vegetarian restaurant in Huế is one of the most familiar affordable vegetarian eateries among local residents. Here, the focus is mainly on vegetarian rice dishes with various options. Although the menu doesn’t offer many unique or outstanding dishes, the high praise for the cooking style at this place comes from its deep flavors and delicious taste.

Delicious vegetarian dishes at 8K

Furthermore, the vegetarian rice at 8K is priced at a low rate, starting from 8,000 VND per dish. As a result, it attracts a large number of customers not only on special occasions like the lunar calendar’s 1st and 15th days but also on regular days. If you feel a bit lazy to cook, you can conveniently visit and buy affordable and delicious vegetarian rice from here.


  • Address: 312 Đinh Tiên Hoàng, Huế

Phuong Nam

Regularly on major holidays or at the beginning of the month and on the full moon day, Phuong Nam vegetarian restaurant in Hue is always packed with diners. The restaurant is highly regarded for its diverse menu and affordable prices. Therefore, it is a popular vegetarian dining destination for both local residents and tourists.

Food at Phuong Nam restaurant

If you come here, you should seek advice from the staff because there are so many delicious dishes that it can be difficult to choose. Additionally, the restaurant also accepts banquet reservations with a wide variety of unique vegetarian dishes, so you should consider this place. You can trust the service at the restaurant as the staff members are extremely friendly and attentive, making everyone feel happy and satisfied when leaving.


  • Address: 4/15 Kiệt 12 Ưng Bình, Hue

Truong An

Truong An vegetarian restaurant in Hue is located on Phan Boi Chau Street, offering a spacious and cool environment along with a diverse menu. Some signature dishes at Truong An vegetarian restaurant include dry vermicelli, Hue vegetarian rice, and banh nam (sticky rice dumplings), which are sure to be favorite choices for you. All of Hue’s vegetarian specialties are prepared here. They also serve delicious and famous vegetarian thit kho tau (braised tofu and mock meat), which you must try and enjoy.

Delicious dishes in Truong An

Another plus point is that most of the serving staff are older individuals, creating a warm and familiar atmosphere, just like being at home. You can rest assured that the staff members are quick and flexible, ensuring that you won’t feel bothered and will feel as comfortable as having a home-cooked meal.


  • Address: 213 Phan Boi Chau, Truong An, Hue

Tinh Thuc

Tinh Thuc is a delicious vegetarian restaurant in Hue with a unique and meaningful name. It is one of the long-standing vegetarian rice eateries in Hue, offering many famous and tasty dishes. Banh bot loc (tapioca dumplings) and bun mam (fermented fish vermicelli soup) are two signature dishes that will surely impress diners. The chewy tapioca dumplings with flavorful vegetarian fillings are not your ordinary green bean tapioca dumplings. The bun mam here is also delicious and fragrant. Creating a bowl of tasty bun mam may seem simple, but it requires great effort, so don’t hesitate to come here and try these two specialties.

Delicious dishes at Awakening

Additionally, Tinh Thuc, a good vegetarian rice restaurant in Hue, also serves delicious plate rice and fried rice, which are flavorful and rich. The serving staff is also enthusiastic and extremely cheerful. The quality of the food, fresh ingredients, delicious rice, flavorful broth, and spicy and sour soup all contribute to the unique charm of Tinh Thuc.


Tinh Lam Nhi

If you are a dedicated vegetarian, you cannot miss Tinh Lam Nhi vegetarian restaurant in Hue. With its unique architecture in an ancient style and attentive service from the staff, you will have a perfect meal with your family and loved ones. On major holidays, Tinh Lam Nhi vegetarian restaurant often organizes attractive vegetarian buffet parties with a wide variety of delicious dishes.

Delicious dishes at Tinh Lam Nhi

With its rich and well-balanced preparation, the vegetarian restaurant in Hue attracts a large number of customers and is loved by many, including frequent visits from foreigners to experience unique and diverse vegetarian cuisine.


Vegetarian cuisine in Hue is not just an ordinary meal, but also a unique culinary art that has become a cultural symbol of the dreamy land of Hue. Therefore, don’t forget to bookmark these 15 delicious and affordable vegetarian restaurants in Hue and come to enjoy them whenever you have the opportunity!

Not only known as the largest lagoon in Southeast Asia, Tam Giang Hue is also regarded as one of the most beautiful and captivating tourist destinations in the fascinating land. It carries the untouched beauty and rare tranquility that leaves anyone who visits in awe and admiration. If you’re unfamiliar with this place, today’s article will provide you with all the necessary information and tips to start a convenient and memorable journey.

Introduction to some features of Tam Giang Hue before exploration

Where is Tam Giang Hue located and how far is it from the city center?

The first thing that travelers want to know when planning to explore this destination is the address of Tam Giang Hue. It is a lagoon located within the Tam Giang – Cau Hai lagoon system, in Ngu My Thanh village, Quang Loi. This location is approximately 15 km away from the city center of Hue, which takes about 35 minutes to travel by car, and about 120 km away from the tourist city of Da Nang. Despite being close to Hue, this place boasts a completely different, poetic, and close-to-nature beauty. It has become one of the attractive tourist destinations in Thua Thien – Hue.

Where does the name Tam Giang come from?

For those who are fond of traveling to Hue and enjoy exploring, the name Tam Giang is not unfamiliar. Famous and beautiful as it is, do you know why it is called Tam Giang? According to the “Dai Nam Nhat Thong Chi” historical document, Tam Giang was originally called “bien can” (dried-up sea) and it wasn’t until 1821 that it was officially renamed as Tam Giang.

The name originates from the fact that the river divides into three branches when flowing into the lagoon.

Many documents explain that the name was given because the river divides into three branches when flowing into the lagoon: From the O Lau River (also known as Luong Dien River), it flows down towards the southwest into the lagoon, forming three river mouths: Ta River, Trung River, and Huu River. Each river flows for 2-3 miles, hence the name Tam Giang. Currently, the lagoon is rich in diverse dynamic and plant resources, serving as an important waterway and connecting link for economic exchange and trade in the region.

Guide on how to get from the center of Hue to Tam Giang Hue

There are two route options to reach Tam Giang Hue.

Although not located in the city center, reaching Tam Giang Hue is not difficult. From Hue, you can choose one of the following two routes:

  • First route: At Le Duẩn Street near the Hue Imperial City, go straight and then turn left onto Huỳnh Thúc Kháng Street. Continue straight until you reach Bao Vinh Ancient Village, where you will encounter a signboard. Follow the directions on the signboard to reach the town of Sịa. From the town, find the way to the Cồn Tộc ferry terminal, then hire a boat to explore the lagoon or cross to the other side to reach Tam Giang Hue.

  • Second route: Depart from the city center and head towards Thuận An Beach. A few kilometers away from this beach, there is a bridge. On the bridge, there are signs indicating a road to Thuận An Beach and another road to QL 49A. Choose to turn left onto QL 49A, follow the signposts, and the instructions on the boards to reach Tam Giang Bridge and Tam Giang Hue.

You can also take the QL 1A route. This route is suitable for those who do not want to visit the center of Hue, as it is shorter and more spacious (about 11 km). Along the way, you can admire the ancient beauty of Hue’s villages and the lush green rice fields.

Exploring Tam Giang Hue

DanangPrivateCar’ suggests that you can explore independently or join a tour:

  • Independent exploration: If you are traveling alone or with a small group, you can choose to rent a motorbike in Hue, with prices ranging from 100,000 to 150,000 VND per day. If you choose to ride a motorbike, remember to carefully check the bike before setting off and ensure you have a phone with a 4G connection and Google Maps installed in case you get lost. Alternatively, if you are traveling with a larger group or family, booking a private car rental with driver in Hue is the optimal choice.
  • Tour exploration: For those who feel less confident in self-navigation, there are various one-day tours from Hue that include Tam Giang Hue as a destination. Joining a tour eliminates the worry about transportation as the travel company will handle all arrangements. You can book a motorbike tour with a driver who also serves as your guide to explore Tam Giang Hue and other places. You can make reservations directly on the website or via email at

What is beautiful and worth exploring in Tam Giang Hue?

What makes Tam Giang Hue an attractive tourist destination? It is a famous ecotourism site in Thua Thien Hue, with a length of about 24 km and a total area of about 52 km2. It stretches across 12 communes in 3 different districts: Phong Dien, Quang Dien, and Huong Tra.

You will surely be enchanted by the beauty of Tam Giang.

This place has a pristine and peaceful charm, surrounded by vast water on all sides. The lagoon has a depth ranging from 2 to 4 meters, with some areas reaching up to 7 meters deep. This largest brackish water lagoon in Southeast Asia not only provides a significant source of income for the locals through aquaculture and fishing activities but also captivates many travel enthusiasts.

The locals and visitors alike consider Tam Giang as a graceful and charming lady of Hue. It boasts a rich ecosystem and unique genetic resources. Perhaps, it is because of these characteristics that this place retains its untouched and peaceful beauty. Here, you can admire the breathtaking natural scenery, visit traditional fishing villages imbued with Hue’s culture, explore interesting destinations, and indulge in a wide variety of fresh seafood delicacies.

When is the best time to visit Tam Giang Lagoon?

Choosing the right time is crucial if you’re planning to explore Tam Giang Lagoon in Hue. According to the shared experiences of many people, except for periods with heavy rain (usually towards the end of the year), this destination is beautiful in every season, so you can visit at any time you want. However, the ideal time is still summer, on sunny days with clear blue skies. Not only is it convenient for transportation, but you can also fully appreciate the beauty of the lagoon and its surrounding areas.

To fully enjoy the beauty of the lagoon, you should choose sunny days.

One more small tip to keep in mind is the time of day. The best times are around 5:30 in the morning and 5:30 in the evening. These are the moments when the sunrise and sunset occur, creating a more beautiful and poetic atmosphere. The entire lagoon area immersed in the radiant golden-red light is a sight that will captivate anyone. If you can’t leave early, you can consider booking accommodation or a homestay near this area for convenient travel and to catch the scenery in time!

Exciting experiences when visiting Tam Giang Lagoon

When you visit Tam Giang Lagoon in Hue, you will have the opportunity to immerse yourself in the stunning and unique landscapes of this place. If you’re wondering what activities to do here, below are some suggestions for you.

Check-in at Rú Chá Mangrove Forest near Tam Giang Lagoon

The Rú Chá Mangrove Forest in Hue can be said to be the hottest tourist spot in Tam Giang Lagoon that you must spend some time exploring. It is essentially a pristine natural forest that nature has generously given to Tam Giang. This place has a rich ecosystem of vegetation and diverse wildlife. The notable feature is the dense mangrove trees growing densely like sturdy walls surrounding the area. You only need to take a boat deep into the forest to explore it completely.

The Rú Chá Mangrove Forest is a place you shouldn’t miss.

Here, you will feel detached from the outside world, wild and pure, helping you forget the hustle and bustle of everyday life. In addition, the tree-lined paths in Rú Chá Forest are extremely popular among young people and chosen as a “virtual living” check-in spot. If you have the opportunity, don’t forget to capture a few photos before you leave!

Explore Chuồn Lagoon in the Tam Giang Lagoon system

Chuồn Lagoon is also a lagoon within the Tam Giang Lagoon system and is worth a visit. This place is a vast land of rivers and water, with a genuine and straightforward human presence. What impresses tourists when coming here is the beauty that changes throughout the day. Every moment, Chuồn Lagoon adorns itself with a unique and gentle yet charming appearance.

But perhaps the most enchanting and sparkling moments are in the early morning or at sunset. These are the times many people choose to “hunt” for photos. I suggest renting a small boat to take a tour around the lagoon. The fresh air and cool breeze will make you feel much more relaxed and at ease.

Visiting the Thai Duong Ha Fishing Village next to Tam Giang Lagoon in Hue

When visiting Tam Giang Lagoon in Hue, it would be a huge omission not to visit the Thai Duong Ha Fishing Village. It is located next to the lagoon, facing the East Sea, and resembles a small island on the lagoon. This ancient fishing village has existed for hundreds of years and continues to thrive and develop until now. It combines the harmonious beauty of traditional Vietnamese village halls with the cultural aspects of temples and shrines in the former imperial land. It is an ideal place to explore the culture.

Thai Duong Ha Fishing Village – where people mainly live by fishing.

Similar to most fishing villages, the people of Thai Duong Ha Village make a living primarily through net fishing, catching and farming aquatic products. Men go out to sea on boats, while women harvest clams in the lagoon. When visiting the village, you will have the opportunity to sit on the fishing boats of the fishermen, participate in fishing activities, and experience the life of a real fisherman. Additionally, every three years on the 12th day of the lunar calendar, the fishermen organize a grand fishing festival.

Unique experience of the floating market in Tam Giang Lagoon, Hue

If you think floating markets are only found in the Mekong Delta, you are mistaken. It is also one of the distinctive features of Tam Giang Lagoon. The floating markets in this brackish lagoon typically start gathering from 4 am and disperse at sunrise (around 6 am). The floating market in Tam Giang Lagoon is not crowded with boats, nor does it offer a wide variety of goods like other floating markets. It mainly focuses on trading seafood caught by fishermen.

Floating market on Tam Giang lagoon.

That’s why it is understandable that the traders in the market are all locals. They are the fishermen living in Thai Duong Ha Village, Ngư Mỹ Thạnh, and others. Therefore, these floating markets are always bustling with the voices of people mingling with the sound of boats running and the flow of the river. It is undoubtedly an activity that you will find very enjoyable to experience.

Admiring the Sunset at Tam Giang Lagoon

Whether exploring the fishing village, the Rá Chú mangrove forest, or the Chuồn lagoon, there is one thing that visitors should not miss, and that is the sunset at Tam Giang Lagoon. Experiencing the sunset at the lagoon will bring you emotions that are hard to find elsewhere. Unlike the ancient and tranquil sunsets at Thiền Viền Trúc Lâm or the Khai Dinh Tomb, here you will witness magnificent colors bestowed by nature upon this land.

The sunset over Tam Giang Lagoon is breathtakingly beautiful.

Between 4 pm and 5:30 pm, the golden and rosy light spreads across the entire lagoon, creating a romantic painting that captivates people’s hearts. At this time, the weather gradually transitions into a dreamy purple, and the boats dock after a day of hard work and fishing. The swaying clusters of trees and flocks of birds returning to their nests… All of it creates a gentle, poetic, and sentimental scenery. Of course, capturing these enchanting and vibrant moments in photographs is a must.

Epark Tam Giang Lagoon Ecotourism Area

As an attractive tourist destination in Hue that attracts many visitors, especially young people, the development of the Epark Tam Giang Lagoon ecotourism area is a response to their need for entertainment and relaxation when coming to this region of Central Vietnam.

Visitors should not forget to check-in at this ecotourism area.

Located within the Tam Giang Lagoon area, you will be able to admire the picturesque scenery with vast water waves and a clear blue sky. The lush green wind-blocking forests blend with the salty scent of the sea and the refreshing taste of the air, relieving all stress and fatigue. Moreover, this ecotourism area is also considered a superb and unique check-in spot.

What to Eat When Traveling to Tam Giang Hue? Famous Local Specialties

After a period of exploring Tam Giang Hue, it’s time for you to take a break and indulge in the delicious local dishes and specialties that can only be found around the lagoon. Here, you can enjoy traditional dishes from the region such as banh xeo (Vietnamese sizzling pancake) with shrimp, snakehead fish, and more. Especially if you are a seafood lover, this place can be called a paradise. Shrimp, crabs, clams, fish, and more, all are fresh and flavorful as they come from the brackish water rather than the sea. Some famous and delicious fish varieties you should try include “ca dia” (mullet fish), “ca hay” (ponyfish), “ca doi” (giant gourami), “ca hanh hao” (herring), “ca chinh” (barramundi), “ca vuoc” (goby), and more.

Apart from seafood, you should not miss this dish.

Although not particularly unique, it carries the taste of the countryside, evoking a sense of familiarity and leaving a sentimental feeling in the hearts of visitors to the lagoon. In addition to dining at local markets and small eateries, you can also choose one of the following restaurants:

  • Cồn Tộc Restaurant (Tam Giang Lagoon)

This is a restaurant that many visitors come to enjoy. It has a beautiful and poetic atmosphere with a refreshing view of the lagoon. Not only that, the food at Cồn Tộc is highly praised for its delicious taste, clean preparation, and very affordable prices. The staff is enthusiastic and friendly, making everyone feel welcome.

  • Tam Giang Hoi Quan Restaurant (Thuan An Town, Huong Tra)

If you’re not sure what to eat and where to go when traveling to Tam Giang Hue, you can visit Tam Giang Hoi Quan Restaurant. Due to its location near the lagoon, the restaurant offers a spacious and airy environment. They serve a diverse menu with rich flavors that appeal to everyone’s taste buds. Moreover, they also offer complimentary green tomato and cucumber appetizers with delicious fish sauce.

Are there accommodations available for overnight stays in the Tam Giang lagoon area?

Due to the relatively short distance between Tam Giang lagoon and the city center of Hue, most visitors from various places choose to book accommodations in Hue and then travel to explore the lagoon during the day. Staying in the city center is more convenient because you can combine exploring various attractions around the city, experience the night market, and participate in nighttime activities in the ancient capital. It is especially convenient for dining options.

However, there is a charming resort in the middle of the lagoon for those who want to stay overnight.

Nevertheless, if you wish to witness the early sunrise on Tam Giang lagoon in Hue, you can book accommodations for one night near the area. There are various types of accommodations available around the lagoon, such as hotels, guesthouses, homestays, etc., for you to choose from. Here are some suggestions:

  1. Vedana Lagoon Resort and Spa: Located near Tam Giang lagoon.
  2. Ana Mandara Hue: Located in Thon An Hai, Thuan An town.
  3. New Space Arts Stay: Located in Phu Thuong, Phu Vang.
  4. Shmily Homestay: Located in Lai The, Phu Thuong, Phu Vang.

What should I prepare when experiencing Tam Giang lagoon in Hue?

Attire for visiting Tam Giang lagoon:

When it comes to Tam Giang lagoon, it’s not just about this specific lagoon. There are many other beautiful check-in spots nearby. Therefore, invest in preparing beautiful outfits for your “insta-worthy” photos. Before your trip, check the weather forecast to pack suitable clothes. Summers in Hue are usually hot, with temperatures sometimes reaching 40°C, so opt for loose and cool attire to stay comfortable. And if you’re visiting in winter, don’t forget to bring a jacket as it can get quite cold.

Prepare necessary items:

When exploring riverine areas, there’s a chance of accidentally getting your clothes wet, so pack a lightweight spare outfit just in case. Additionally, equip yourself with a 4G network and have Google Maps ready to access information and navigate when needed. Bring a hat, sunscreen, phone, camera, selfie stick, and other essentials to capture beautiful memories.

Imagine what it would be like to escape the hustle and bustle of daily life and arrive at a place with the simple and rustic scenery of the countryside and waterways. You would feel peaceful and comfortable. If you want to experience this, visit Tam Giang lagoon in Hue. It’s guaranteed not to disappoint you.

For me, the ancient capital of Hue in Vietnam is a collection of unique tourist destinations. These places hold significant historical and cultural importance, complemented by stunning landscapes that cannot be compared to any other place in Vietnam. Every time you visit Hue, you’ll be enchanted by its tranquil and poetic beauty. The Perfume River faithfully reflects the graceful silhouette of Truong Tien Bridge, while the elegant women of Hue gracefully adorn the streets in traditional ao dai dresses. If you, too, are captivated by the alluring beauty of Hue, I urge you not to overlook its famous landmarks. Exploring these treasures will provide you with a deeper understanding of the city’s rich history and the enduring cultural heritage that has developed through many eras.

Ticket prices for visiting tourist attractions in Hue

When visiting Hue, tourists will seek out the following ticket prices for tourist attractions in the ancient capital of Hue, applicable until December 31, 2022:

  • Bach Ma Village: 100,000 VND/1 person
  • Ca Hue on the Perfume River: 100,000 VND/1 person
  • Tomb of King Khai Dinh, Tomb of King Minh Mang, Tomb of King Tu Duc
    • Vietnamese: 150,000 VND/adult, Children: 30,000 VND
    • Foreigners: 150,000 VND/adult, Children: 30,000 VND
  • Imperial City + Museum of Antiquities
    • Vietnamese: 200,000 VND/adult, Children: 40,000 VND
    • Foreigners: 200,000 VND/adult, Children: 40,000 VND
  • Dan Nam Giao: 50,000 VND/adult, Children: free
  • Dien Hon Chen: 50,000 VND/adult, Children: free
  • Alba Thanh Tan Hot Mineral Springs Resort: 160,000 – 170,000 VND depending on services
  • Truc Lam Bach Ma Zen Monastery: 60,000 VND/1 person
  • Bach Ma National Park: 60,000 VND/adult, Children: 20,000 VND
  • YesHue Eco Tourist Area: 150,000 VND/1 person

See More: Ticket price list for 2023 to visit Hue, Vietnam


Based on my experience traveling to Hue, choosing the right means of transportation to reach tourist attractions is extremely important. Each mode of transportation offers fascinating experiences.

Renting a motorbike

Many tourists choose to rent a motorbike in Hue to visit tourist attractions, and it is quite an enjoyable option. When traveling by motorbike, you have more time to explore multiple destinations. Additionally, riding a motorbike provides a comfortable and liberating experience, allowing you to discover many valuable things along the way.

Choosing a motorbike tour to conquer Hai Van Pass is the most suitable option for many tourists.

You can explore the city with a motorbike tour from This is a leading company that provides motorbike tour services in Hue. Exploring the city by motorbike, enjoying street food, and admiring the sunset in Hue are wonderful experiences when visiting Hue for tourism.

Hiring private car services

Alternatively, if you are traveling in a group or with your family and prefer flexibility in terms of time, you can opt for hiring private car services with drivers. By choosing this option, you have more control over your schedule, eliminating the need to wait or adhere to a fixed itinerary. You can provide your own customized itinerary, and the driver will take you accordingly. Moreover, the drivers in Hue are extremely friendly and enthusiastic.’s provides car rental services with drivers in Hue. Book with them for the best trip experience. Contact them via WhatsApp: +84 88 666 0396 or email:

Joining organized tours

If you are traveling with family and visiting Hue for the first time, joining organized group tours is a convenient option. By joining a tour, you can benefit from having a tour guide who narrates the history of each tourist spot. Furthermore, you don’t need to worry about finding directions, purchasing tickets, or arranging meals. Therefore, booking group tours with travel agencies in Hue will be very convenient for your trip.

Historical tourist attractions in Hue

Imperial City of Hue – the most impressive tourist attraction in Hue

As the most famous tourist attraction in Hue, no one visits Hue without wanting to visit the Hue Imperial City at least once. It is the historical center and a unique architectural complex within the Hue Citadel, which was recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1993. Located in Thuan Thanh Ward, Hue City, the Imperial City includes the Imperial Enclosure and the Forbidden Purple City. It still preserves unique architectural structures from the Nguyen Dynasty. From Ngo Mon Gate to Thai Hoa Palace and the Nine Dynastic Urns, these are the remnants of the various ups and downs of Vietnamese feudal dynasties.

  • Address: Phu Hau, Hue City

Tomb of Tu Duc – the melancholic royal tomb in Hue

Known as one of the most beautiful constructions of the Nguyen Dynasty, the Tomb of Tu Duc is the final resting place of Emperor Tu Duc (1848-1883). The tomb was built according to Tu Duc’s own desires before his death. As an erudite and romantic ruler, the tomb reflects a sense of melancholy and a harmonious natural landscape. It also represents the mysterious life and unique personality of Emperor Tu Duc.

  • Address: Thượng Ba Village, Hue City.

Minh Mang Tomb – a famous historical site in Hue

Minh Mang Tomb, also known as Hieu Lang, is the burial place of Emperor Nguyen Phuc Dam, with the regnal name Minh Mang. He was the emperor who made significant contributions to expanding the country and positioning Vietnam among the strongest nations in Southeast Asia at that time. It took Emperor Minh Mang 14 years to find a special location, which is on Cam Khe Mountain, where the Huu Trach and Ta Trach rivers converge.

  • Address: National Highway 49, Huong Tho, Hue City.

Khai Dinh Tomb – the most beautiful royal tomb in Hue

Known as the tomb dedicated to the last emperor of the Nguyen Dynasty, Khai Dinh Tomb is also regarded as the most elaborate and labor-intensive tomb. Despite being smaller in size and not located in a scenic landscape like other tombs, Khai Dinh Tomb attracts visitors due to its modern and more beautiful architectural style.

Among the three famous tombs in Hue, including Tu Duc Tomb, Minh Mang Tomb, and Khai Dinh Tomb, Khai Dinh Tomb stands out the most. While previous emperors focused on ancient Vietnamese architectural styles, King Khai Dinh had a tendency for “foreign influence,” as the tomb incorporates various architectural influences such as Hinduism, Buddhism, and Roman architecture.

  • Address: Thuy Bang, Huong Thuy, Hue City.

Hue tourist attractions – famous attractions in the city

Dong Ba Market

One bustling tourist destination in Hue is Dong Ba Market. It is the largest market in Hue and offers a wide range of famous products. The market has a spacious area with three floors. Each floor has different sections, such as dried seafood on the first floor, handicrafts on the second floor, and fabrics and clothing on the third floor. Visitors can enjoy shopping according to their preferences and needs.

Trang Tien Bridge

One of the symbols of tourism in Hue is Trang Tien Bridge. This bridge spans the Perfume River and has witnessed many ups and downs in the history of Vietnam. The graceful bridge reflecting on the beautiful river is an iconic image of Hue.

Hue National School

One of the renowned schools located on the banks of the Perfume River is Hue National School. This school has a significant historical importance, unique architecture, and a spacious campus.

Bach Ma Mountain

Bach Ma Mountain in Hue, with an altitude of 1,450 meters, is a famous tourist destination known for its numerous streams and majestic waterfalls. It serves as the boundary between Hue and Da Nang, providing panoramic views of the Hai Van Pass from its summit.

Nam Giao Esplanade

The Nam Giao Esplanade is the site of royal rituals during the Nguyen dynasty. It is a beautiful tourist destination in Hue worth visiting. The area is surrounded by ancient trees.

Perfume River

The Perfume River is deeply ingrained in the poetry and literature of Hue. It is a source of inspiration for many famous authors. With a length of over 80 kilometers, visitors can admire and enjoy the fragrance while taking in the picturesque scenery along the river.

Perfume River Hue – the pride of the people of the period

Tourist destinations in Hue with spiritual significance.

Thien Mu Pagoda

One of the famous spiritual tourist destinations in Hue, this pagoda is built on Ha Khe Hill, next to the romantic Perfume River. Thien Mu Pagoda was constructed during the reign of Nguyen Hoang, the first lord of the Nguyen Dynasty. The architectural design of this pagoda is exquisite, and it holds ancient spiritual stories.

Dien Hon Chen

A spiritual tourist destination in Hue that attracts a large number of visitors is Dien Hon Chen. Here, visitors can admire the unique scenery. Particularly, many visitors come here to worship, pray for peace, and good health. You can travel by road or take a dragon boat on the Perfume River to reach the temple.

Thien Lam Zen Monastery

Thien Lam Zen Monastery is an ancient temple with a royal architectural style. The beautiful natural scenery here brings a sense of comfort and relaxation to visitors. The temple follows the Southern Buddhist style, with gentle colors and impressive details, mainly using yellow as the dominant color.

Tu Dam Pagoda

When it comes to spiritual tourist destinations in Hue, we cannot ignore Tu Dam Pagoda. It is a place that carries the unique imprint of Vietnamese Buddhism. Although it is located far from the city center, it is always highly sought after by tourists.

An Ton Tower, Tu Dam Pagoda

Huyen Khong Son Thuong Pagoda

Huyen Khong Son Thuong Pagoda was built in 1989 and is located in Cham Village, Huong Tra District. This pagoda is considered to have a scenery resembling a heavenly place on earth. The air here is extremely fresh, with a vast forest of trees.

Tu Hieu Pagoda

Another famous spiritual tourist destination is Tu Hieu Pagoda. It is an ancient pagoda that holds historical significance for the Vietnamese people. When visiting this place, tourists will experience a profound sense of relaxation, as if they are stepping into a mythical paradise. The architecture of this pagoda is unique and has gone through many stages of development throughout history.

Tourist destinations in Hue for entertainment and leisure.

Thuan An Beach

A beautiful beach that attracts many tourists is Thuan An Beach, located about 15km from the city center. It is also the place mentioned in the “Thien Kinh Nhi Thap Canh” by King Thieu Tri. This place has a pristine beauty that leaves a lasting impression on visitors.

Lap An Lagoon

Lap An Lagoon can be described as a picturesque and romantic tourist destination in Hue. It is located in Lang Co town, quite far from the city center, but many young people come here to capture stunning photos. The best time to visit is from April to July when there is plenty of sunshine and less rain.

Lang Co Beach

A must-visit tourist destination in Hue is Lang Co Beach, known for its smooth white sands and clear blue water. Together, they create a captivating and unique natural landscape that enchants visitors. Here, you can also indulge in fresh and delicious seafood.

Thanh Tan Mineral Springs

Thanh Tan Mineral Springs is an excellent destination for relaxation and rejuvenation in Hue. It offers various services, including accommodation and mineral baths for good health. Moreover, the entire system here is well-maintained and clean.

Thanh Tan Hot Spring is a famous resort destination that you should not miss when you have the opportunity to travel to Hue.

Bach Ma National Park

Bach Ma National Park is a place of breathtaking natural beauty, with charming landscapes and flowing waters. Visitors can explore famous trails within the park, admire tall ancient trees, and discover the mysterious beauty of the garden itself.

The hottest check-in spots in Hue.

Thuy Tien Lake

A newly popular tourist destination for young people is Thuy Tien Lake, with an incredibly romantic scenery that captivates visitors, making them indulge in the virtual world and forget the way back. Here, visitors can enjoy the gentle cool breeze reminiscent of the climate in Dalat. The surrounding landscape is deep, tranquil, and unusually peaceful. I myself was enchanted when I set foot here.

Vong Canh Hill

One destination where visitors can have a panoramic view of Hue city is Vong Canh Hill. The air here is incredibly fresh and romantic, and in the past, it was chosen by kings as a resting place. Nowadays, it is the most beautiful tourist spot in Hue preferred by young people.

Canh Duong Beach

One of the hottest destinations in Hue is Canh Duong Beach. Many tourists come here to organize camping trips with friends or colleagues. You will be able to enjoy the natural beauty that this place offers. Don’t miss the moments of sunrise and sunset here.

Pham Ngu Lao Walking Street

One cannot forget a famous destination in Hue, which is the walking street on Pham Ngu Lao Street. Visitors can not only admire the beauty of Hue at night but also immerse themselves in the vibrant atmosphere of this place. Moreover, you will have the opportunity to savor delicious street food here.

Hai Van Pass

Hai Van Pass, built during the Tran Dynasty, is a historically important landmark located between Da Nang and Hue. When you travel here and take a check-in photo, it will be fantastic as it belongs to the boundary between the two cities. Despite enduring many years of warfare, this place, though rugged, attracts many tourists.

Hai Van Pass is a route that many travelers eagerly want to experience

Huong Thuy Xuan Village

A tourist destination in Hue that creates a wonderful atmosphere is Huong Thuy Xuan Village. It is not only a place that produces incense with various ingredients and colors but also an unmissable check-in spot. During the Lunar New Year, many tourists come here to enjoy the fragrant scents.

What delicious dishes should you try when visiting tourist attractions in Hue?

When you visit Hue, you should definitely try the famous local dishes such as “bun bo” (beef noodle soup), “com hen” (rice with baby clams), “banh beo” (steamed rice cakes), “banh canh” (thick noodle soup), and more. These dishes each have their own unique characteristics but share the common feature of rich and flavorful aromas of Hue. In addition, there are also various desserts to try such as “che Hue” (Hue-style sweet soup) and “keo me xung” (sesame brittle).

Above are the top 30 tourist destinations in Hue that I want to recommend to you. I hope it will make your trip more complete. Let’s share more experiences together.



Chan May Port is located in Thua Thien – Hue province and is the nearest and most convenient gateway to the East-West Economic Corridor for the central region of Vietnam, with access to the East Sea. It is the main port along the sea route connecting Singapore, the Philippines, and Hong Kong (China). Additionally, Chan May Port is situated in the center of Vietnam, between the two largest cities in the central region – Hue and Da Nang. If you stop at Chan May Port and choose Hue as a one-day itinerary, it is a great idea. However, first, you should know how many kilometers from Chan May Port to Hue and what is the most reasonable means of transportation. All will be fully explained below.What Are Some of the Must-See Attractions Along the Way?

Some information about Hue city – the beautiful ancient capital of the Central region.

Hue, a land that may not have many hot tourist attractions, still has a great attraction as a destination for both Vietnamese and international tourists. This city is marked by its long-standing cultural heritage, rich historical value, and a series of unique architectural works, traditional cultural features, and extremely unique cuisine.

Despite its silence, Hue still has its own charm.

Hue is not bustling and modern like Da Nang, nor is it dull by any other Vietnamese tourist destinations. Hue still retains its own unique beauty, making everyone who visits feel relaxed and peaceful. In Hue, everything seems to happen more slowly, more quietly, bringing a different feeling. What could be more interesting than visiting the Imperial Citadel, tombs, or simply stopping by a restaurant to enjoy some specialties of the ancient capital?

From Chan May Port to Hue is not too far, but not too close either. Therefore, it is necessary to know how far the distance between Chan May Port and Hue is in order to plan in detail.

How many kilometers is it from Chan May Port to Hue and how long does it take to travel?

The distance between Chan May Port and Hue is a question that many people ask because almost everyone who visits Chan May Port wants to visit Hue at least once. In reality, Chan May Port is about 62km from Hue. If you travel from Chan May Port to Hue by car, it will take you about 1 hour and 20 minutes, which is a relatively short distance for a day trip to explore Hue from Chan May Port.

What is the most convenient mode of transportation from Chan May Port to Hue?

Chan May Port to Hue by Bus or Taxi

When arriving at Chan May Port, there are several ways to get to the city of Hue. The most popular and affordable option is taking a bus, but it is not the most convenient choice as the port is quite far from the city center. The estimated travel time for the entire distance from Chan May Port to Hue is about 1 hour and 20 minutes depending on traffic conditions.

Another option is taking a shuttle bus, which is cheaper but takes more time as it makes stops at several bus stations. However, unlike private cars, shuttle buses won’t stop at any beautiful spots for sightseeing on the way. Additionally, shuttle buses may be crowded and not as comfortable as cars.

At Chan May Port in Hue, there are several popular taxi companies as follows:

  • Mai Linh Taxi Hue: Phone number: +84 234 3894 894
  • Thanh Cong Taxi Hue: Phone number: +84 234 3828 282
  • Van Nhien Taxi Hue: Phone number: +84 905 55 11 66
  • Hue Hai Van Taxi: Phone number: +84 234 3626 266
  • Tin Thanh Taxi Hue: Phone number: +84 234 3828 828

These taxi companies provide transportation services from Chan May Port to other destinations in the city of Hue and neighboring areas, ensuring convenience and safety for customers. You can choose the suitable taxi company according to your transportation needs at Chan May Port

Traveling to Hue by private car from Chan May Port

In the case of a large group of adults and children, it is recommended to choose a private car for convenience. Compared to other means of transportation, private cars include expenses such as driver, tolls, and gas, so the price will be higher. However, if you travel in a large group, the cost will not be too expensive. Moreover, it ensures safety during the trip.

Choosing a private car from Danang Private Car is the best choice, the driver takes you to any destination and helps you save time for the journey from Chan May Port.

Traveling by private car is the most convenient option because you can travel at your own speed and stop at any places on the way that you want to enjoy the scenery. Therefore, you should book a tour of Hue city from our Chan May port.

The best option is to book a private car transfer from Chan May Port to Hue with an English-speaking driver if you want privacy. Moreover, with Danang Private Car’s, you can choose a sedan, SUV, or minivan that suits your needs without waiting for anyone else.

A day trip from Chan May Port to Hue is a suitable choice for short time you stop at the port.

On the way from Chan May Port to Hue, there is a beautiful lake with clear water. Additionally, there is the Cau Hai Lagoon – the largest brackish water lagoon in Southeast Asia. When traveling by private car, you can ask the driver to stop for sightseeing and taking photos.

You can also book the Chan May Port Shore Excursions service with an English-speaking driver from and a tour guide to fully explore the heritage of Hue. You can also consider coastal cruises from Chan May Port if you want to explore Hoi An, Da Nang,…

How many kilometers from Chan May Port to Hue? What are the places you will pass by?

Lang Co Bay

Starting the journey, you will be able to admire the beauty of Lang Co Bay, an attractive tourist destination in Hue and also one of the most beautiful bays in the world. From afar, Lang Co appears very impressive, with white sandbanks embraced by the light blue sea, beautiful to the heart. Don’t forget to stop and enjoy the beauty of this place and take pictures to capture this moment.

Dam Cau Hai

After finishing the journey at Lang Co Bay, you will set foot on Dam Cau Hai, known as a masterpiece of nature. Dam Cau Hai not only brings the pristine and rich beauty of nature, but also impresses with the simple life of the people here.

Dam Cau Hai is a large lagoon in the Tam Giang – Cau Hai lagoon system in Thua Thien Hue province. The whole system consists of 3 interconnected lagoons: Tam Giang Lagoon, Thuy Tu Lagoon, and Cau Hai Lagoon.

The most popular tourist destinations in Hue.

Once you know how many kilometers it is from Chan May Port to Hue, you should also find out what fun things there are to do in Hue to make the trip worthwhile. Below are some must-visit attractions.

The Imperial City of Hue

This is the most beautiful and famous architectural structure in Hue, embodying the pinnacle of Nguyen dynasty architecture built hundreds of years ago. With over 100 small structures such as Ngo Mon, Forbidden City, Thai Hoa Palace, etc., visitors will learn more about the lives of the Nguyen dynasty kings and the mysteries of the imperial court.

The Royal Tombs

The Hue Royal Tomb system is known to be the most magnificent in the country. It also somewhat reflects the dignity, style, and aesthetics of each king. Now, out of a total of 7 royal tombs, 3 are considered the most beautiful: Khai Dinh Tomb, Tu Duc Tomb, and Minh Mang Tomb.

Explore the Minh Mang Tomb with a day trip from Chan May Port To Hue with Danang Private Car’s

Thien Mu Pagoda

A ancient pagoda with a beautiful location and also the most spiritual tourist destination in Hue. Visitors can take a boat to the Thien Mu pagoda, which is a very interesting combination of sightseeing and worship.

Thien Mu Pagoda is included in the Danang Private Car’s day tour itinerary

In addition to the above attractions, there are many other destinations in Hue waiting for you to explore. Furthermore, the traditional cuisine of Hue is always attractive with its delicious and affordable dishes.

What should you pay attention to when traveling from Chan May Port to Hue?

If you are planning a trip from Chan May Port to the city of Hue, please take note of the following important points.

  • You need to calculate the distance from Chan May Port to Hue to plan your transportation appropriately. This distance is about 100km and takes about 1.5 – 2 hours to travel by car.
  • You also need to prepare necessary documents such as vehicle registration papers and personal identification papers. If you do not have a personal car, you can rent a car or use taxi services for transportation.
  • You should research the famous tourist attractions in the city, including the Imperial City of Hue, the system of tombs, Thien Mu Pagoda, and many other places. In addition, you should not miss the opportunity to enjoy local cuisine in Hue, as it is one of the most unique and diverse culinary regions in Vietnam.
  • When traveling to Hue, you should allocate enough time to enjoy and explore the beautiful and interesting destinations of the city without being in a rush.

Through the article, hopefully, you have found a satisfactory answer to the question of how many kilometers it is from Chan May Port to Hue. Whether you travel by bus or private car, there are plenty of options for making the journey between Chan May Port and Hue city. Along the way, you will have the opportunity to discover beautiful beaches, breathtaking mountain passes, and many cultural and historical sites. And with many local experiences to explore, it’s a journey that’s sure to leave a lasting impression

Have you made plans to travel with friends or family this summer? Add Thanh Tan Hot Spring Stream Hue to your list of destinations, and you won’t be disappointed. At this hidden gem, visitors can relax and unwind, and take memorable photos.

By reading the latest detailed travel guide to Hue from’s, you will have all the necessary information about Thanh Tan Hot Spring Resort, such as its address, distance from the airport and city center, amenities, ticket prices, and travel tips. This information will prepare you for your trip before you pack your bags and go.

Overview of Thanh Tan Hot Spring in Hue.

Where is Thanh Tan Hot Spring located?

Thanh Tan Hot Spring, also known as Alba Hot Spring Resort, is located on Provincial Road 11B, at the foot of Truong Son Mountain Range, in Phong Son commune, Phong Dien district, Thua Thien Hue province.

Thanh Tan Hot Spring is a famous resort destination that you should not miss when you have the opportunity to travel to Hue.

This tourist destination is about 30km northwest of Hue city center, taking approximately 45 minutes to get there, and 140km from Da Nang city, taking about 3 hours to get there. This distance is quite convenient for tourists who want to plan a trip combining hot spring bathing with visiting the ancient capital or traveling to Da Nang.

  • Phone number: 0234 3553 225

If you are in Hue and want to find a trip to Thanh Tan Hot Spring, we provide a private car transfer service from Hue to Thanh Tan Hot Spring.

When was Thanh Tan Hot Spring built?

The Thanh Tan Hue resort is surrounded by high mountains and a year-round flowing stream, making the climate in this area always cool, fresh, and pleasant.

The climate in this area is always cool, very fresh and pleasant.

This hot spring was discovered by a famous French doctor named Albert Sallet in 1928. Thanh Tan Hot Spring is an ideal destination for those who want to relax and soak in the mineral hot spring with spa treatments to enhance their health.

What makes Thanh Tan Hot Spring attractive to visitors?

In addition to relaxation and spa treatments, Thanh Tan Hot Spring also offers outdoor activities such as highwire, zipline, fishing, water park, and camping.

Thanks to its many attractive services, Thanh Tan Hot Spring attracts thousands of tourists for a holiday every year.

Currently, Openasia Group – a French multi-sector investment group – has acquired Alba Thanh Tan Hot Spring and invested in exploring its potential, including resort tourism, producing high-end bottled natural mineral water, and distributing it to the system of 5-star hotels, restaurants, etc. nationwide.

When is the best time to visit Thanh Tan Hot Springs in Hue?

As a province located in the Central region, Hue has two distinct seasons: cold rainy season and dry season. Therefore, based on travel experience in Hue, you should consider choosing the most suitable time to explore Thanh Tan for a complete trip.

The ideal time is around March to November every year. During this time, the weather is dry, mostly sunny days.

The ideal time to go to hot springs is in Summer and Autumn

Around October to November in Hue, there are usually early season cold air spells, cool weather, not too much rain, ideal for outdoor activities or soaking in the hot mineral stream. This time is also very suitable for a Hue day tour, you should register for a tour after experiencing Thanh Tan Hot Springs to ensure convenient transportation when visiting Hue.

Note that you should not go to Thanh Tan Hot Springs in Hue during the winter months because the weather will be very cold and there will be prolonged heavy rain, making it difficult for you to bathe in the hot springs or participate in outdoor entertainment activities.

Tips for choosing transportation and directions to Thanh Tan Hot Spring.

Directions to Thanh Tan Hot Spring:

If you are starting from Da Nang: The total distance from Da Nang to Thanh Tan is 140km. Drive on National Highway 1A towards the north, reach the center of Hue, and continue to the hot spring.

You can book a private car trip from Da Nang to Hue, and on the way, you can visit Hai Van Pass, Lang Co Beach, Lap An Lagoon, and more

If you are starting from Hue: The distance is 30km following this route: From the center of Hue, return to National Highway 1A for 20km towards the north. At An Lo Bridge intersection, turn left and continue straight ahead to reach Alba Thanh Tan Hue Resort and Mineral Spring.

Transportation options:

Travel by motorcycle:

For young travelers, especially those traveling in groups and interested in exploring and admiring the scenery, a motorcycle is a priority choice to help you take control of your journey. If you are a tourist and do not have your own motorcycle, you can rent one at hotels or rental stores for prices ranging from 100-150 thousand VND/day.

Travel by car or taxi:

This option is suitable if you are traveling with family, especially if there are elderly or young children. This mode of transportation may not be as cost-effective as traveling by motorcycle, but it is safer and more comfortable.

Opening hours and ticket prices for Thanh Tan Hot Springs in Hue.

Opening hours of Thanh Tan Hot Springs.

Thanh Tan Hot Springs in Hue is open to visitors every day of the week from 7:00 AM to late at night.

Ticket prices for Thanh Tan. provides the following packages for reference:

Children’s Combo: 160,000 VND/person:

  • FIT soaking ticket – for children
  • Highwire ticket
  • Craft village voucher
  • Food voucher

Zipline Combo: 180,000 VND/person:

  • Fitness soaking ticket
  • Zipline adventure ticket
  • Food voucher

Highwire Combo: 310,000 VND/person:

  • Thanh Tan soaking ticket
  • Highwire adventure ticket
  • Food voucher

Alba Signature Combo: 510,000 VND/person:

  • Thanh Tan soaking ticket
  • Highwire adventure ticket
  • Craft village voucher
  • Back massage voucher

Special Combo: 760,000 VND/person:

  • Thanh Tan soaking ticket
  • Unlimited Zipline ticket
  • Unlimited Highwire ticket
  • Craft village voucher
  • Full-body massage voucher

If you do not want to buy a combo package, you can also check the ticket prices for using individual services and games:

  • Zipline game: 80,000 VND/person.
  • Highwire – Discovery: 120,000 VND/person.
  • Highwire – Adventure: 210,000 VND/person.
  • Ticket price for soaking in the hot mineral stream at Thanh Tan: 100,000 VND/adult, 50,000 VND/child.
  • The “Little Farmer for a Day” tour costs around 280,000 VND/person. Participating in this practical experience tour, children will become real farmers and participate in activities such as learning to grow and harvest vegetables, flowers; Learning to feed animals such as deer, chickens, ducks…; Making traditional handicraft products by themselves; Immersing themselves in the cool and fresh space of grass, flowers, and leaves…

See More: Bach Ma Village Hue: Guide for fun activities, discounted ticket purchases.

Fun activities at Thanh Tan Hot Spring in Hue.

The Thanh Tan hot mineral spring tourist area is a well-known destination in Hue, offering both entertainment and renowned health restoration through its natural hot mineral spring water.

Thanh Tan is like a giant park surrounded by mountains, with green and clean design, and a diverse and rich range of games. Let’s explore the experiences that cannot be missed when visiting Thanh Tan Hot Spring in Hue.

Relax in the hot mineral spring water.

The Thanh Tan hot mineral spring area has two hot mineral spring streams and one swimming pool. For first-time visitors, many people will be surprised to see the natural stream flowing from the ground with a temperature of nearly 70 degrees Celsius.

Visitors will be extremely excited to try boiled chicken eggs lifted from the hot spring water, steaming and white.

Numerous scientific studies have shown that soaking or bathing in hot mineral spring water can regulate heart rate, blood pressure, breathing rate, body temperature, and skin reaction.

Soaking in hot mineral spring water is particularly beneficial for health, especially for older people, as it provides nutrients and energy to the body, enhances health, and also helps to detoxify and rejuvenate the body.

For young people, soaking in the hot mineral spring stream also helps to relax muscles, reduce tension on joints, alleviate stress, and insomnia. The space here is extremely romantic, cool, and quiet, making it very convenient for relaxation and dating.

Swimming pool area and water park.

In addition to the hot mineral spring area, visitors, especially children, are also thrilled with the cool swimming pool and games at Thanh Tan Hot Springs Water Park.

  • The swimming pool here is huge, with an area of ​​920m2, 38m long and 24m wide.
  • The 2-lane water slide is 20 meters long and 7.5 meters high.
  • The massage pool has 5 nozzles with an area of ​​350m2, and an artificial rain garden.

Soaking in mineral mud at Thanh Tan hot springs.

In addition to soaking in hot mineral springs, Thanh Tan tourist area also has a mud bath area to serve tourists. Mineral mud baths have many beneficial effects on health, especially for older people, office workers who move little, often feel tired and sluggish.

The active ingredients in natural mud can also prevent aging factors, reduce stress, and problems with the nervous system, bones, and joints. When coming to Thanh Tan, don’t miss the opportunity to use mud bath therapy to enhance your physical and mental health.

Adventure games.

Thanh Tan hot springs tourist area in Hue has two adventure games, Highwire and Zipline, designed and installed by Altus Outdoor Concept, headquartered in France – the world’s leading developer of high-altitude adventure games.

All equipment is guaranteed to be of the highest safety standards, certified by Vertic Alps Expertise, the authorized organization of France.

Zipline game: 560m long from Ma Yen Mountain and flies at a height of 45m above the ground. Having come to Thanh Tan without trying this famous game would be a great waste. The feeling of “flying” in the air while hanging on a long cable from the mountain top will make visitors extremely excited.

Highwire cable balancing game: This adventure game includes 32 challenges with a total of 600m of cable 6m high above the ground. Section 1 is designed for families, while sections 2 and 3 will be upgraded, dedicated to adventure enthusiasts who seek stronger sensations.

Visit traditional craft villages.

One of the new experience activities at Thanh Tan hot springs in Hue is to learn about traditional Vietnamese handicrafts in general and Central Vietnam in particular, such as making paper fans, paper masks, paper utensils, paper lotus flowers, silk flowers, and pottery in the Alba handicraft village.

Here, visitors have the opportunity to meet and admire the skillful hands of handicraft artisans who are meticulously and enthusiastically creating their handicrafts.

For those who love to learn about the history of the development of craft villages, this is also a suitable opportunity. Not only that, tourists can also make handicraft products themselves and bring them home as a lovely souvenir.

Alba farm and deer garden.

In addition to the stream, swimming pool, and water park, Thanh Tan tourist area also has farms that cultivate organic rice, vegetables, fruits, herbs, and spices using sustainable methods.

Here, tourists will experience being a real farmer, planting vegetables, collecting eggs, and taking care of deer with other close-to-nature activities. Trying to be a farmer will surely make you a little tired, but your spirit and mind will be extremely relaxed and comfortable.

Fishing hut and mushroom hut.

The mushroom hut at Thanh Tan hot mineral spring tourist area in Hue can accommodate 5-10 adults, an ideal place to rest and chat after moments of soaking in the bath, participating in outdoor games and activities.

Check-in at the suspension bridge inside the tourist area.

When traveling, a “so deep” check-in moment cannot be missed. With an extremely vast area, the Thanh Tan hot mineral spring tourist area offers thousands of backgrounds for young people to “live virtually” to their heart’s content.

Among them, the suspension bridge leading to Alba Farm and the Zipline peak is an unmissable check-in spot. Enjoy strolling on the bridge, gaze at the mountainous forest and listen to the sound of the flowing stream.

Restaurant system.

In addition to the above-mentioned recreational and resort activities, Thanh Tan Hue hot spring also offers services such as karaoke, badminton court, volleyball, golf cart tours in the tourist area, and cultural exploration tours by bike.

Resort options for a trip to Thanh Tan hot springs in Hue.

Finding a place to stay in Thanh Tan for a trip is a common question among travelers when planning their itinerary.

Thanh Tan Resort.

Thanh Tan hot springs in Hue is a well-known resort equipped with a full range of restaurants and leisure services.

Thanh Tan Resort will not let you down!

Choosing Thanh Tan Resort with its system of 82 modernly designed rooms and bungalows fully equipped with modern amenities is the most convenient option, ensuring an ideal vacation space.

  • Price: Around 900,000 VND per night for two people.

In addition, if you are a tourist from another area visiting Thua Thien Hue, you can choose from several hotels and resorts near Thanh Tan hot springs.

Pilgrimage Village.

Pilgrimage Village Boutique Resort & Spa is a nature-oriented resort located in a peaceful and spacious area of Thua Thien Hue province. From here, guests can take advantage of free shuttle service to Hue city or travel the short distance of about 20km to Thanh Tan hot springs.

Pilgrimage Village Boutique Resort & Spa

At Pilgrimage Village Boutique Resort & Spa, you have a variety of options for vacation rooms at different price points, including bungalows, cottages, villas and beautifully designed houses, all surrounded by natural green forest.

Hue Ecolodge Resort.

Hue Ecolodge is situated in Thuy Bieu, a quiet village just 7km away from Hue city center. This is an ideal destination for those who want to seek and experience the peace and beauty of the ancient city.

Hue Ecolodge Resort.

This resort combines the rustic style of traditional Hue houses with modern amenities, creating a cozy, comfortable and relaxed atmosphere.

Hue Riverside Boutique Resort & Spa.

Hue Riverside Boutique Resort & Spa is located at 588 Bui Thi Xuan – Thuy Bieu – Hue, set in a 4-hectare tropical garden. This resort features a large outdoor swimming pool and free bicycle rentals. There are 2 river and garden view restaurants, serving both a la carte and buffet menus with local dishes.

Hue Riverside Boutique Resort & Spa.

Note when visiting Thanh Tan Hot Spring in Hue.

According to the experience of, you should pay attention to some issues to ensure the most complete and ideal trip.

  • Thanh Tan Hot Spring does not allow tourists to bring food inside, so you should be aware to avoid feeling uncomfortable if you accidentally bring food that is not allowed into the tourist area.
  • Thanh Tan tourist area is very large with a range of experiential and resort services, so you will spend the whole day exploring this place. Don’t forget to bring necessary personal items such as power banks, suitable clothing and shoes for many water activities, outdoor adventure games…
  • For those who have poor health or are afraid of heights, suffer from cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, they should not try adventurous games such as Zipline, Highwire, sliding bridges, sliding tubes…
  • Note that soaking in the hot springs should not exceed 3 times/day. Each time should only last about 20 minutes, and between times, take a break for a few minutes. People with cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, pregnant women, or those who have recently undergone surgery should not soak in hot water.

Thanh Tan Hot Spring is exactly the tourist destination that has never been “hotter” – both literally and figuratively in Hue. Hue is not only known as an ancient capital city, quietly lying on the romantic Huong River, preserving the unique and ancient culture of the dynasties, but also for many famous ecological tourist destinations. Thanh Tan hot mineral spring tourist area is one of them.

Don’t forget to follow and update the latest travel information and experiences on, because summer is the season of travel!

Bach Ma Village is a tourist destination in Hue that always fascinates visitors with its unique features, making them want to visit. The tourist site is built in the style of the Hobbit village – the home of the dwarves in fairy tales. If you have never been here, it is a great suggestion for your upcoming vacation. Below, I will guide you on how to enjoy the activities and purchase discounted tickets at Bach Ma Village Hue.

Location of Bach Ma Village Hue.

Anyone who has watched the movie “The Lord of the Rings” filmed entirely in New Zealand will surely recognize the village of the dwarves. One thing you might not expect is that it actually appears in Bach Ma Village Hue. The location of this place is in Khe Su, Loc Tri commune, Thua Thien Hue province. It is 40km away from the center of Hue and quite close if traveling from Danang.

Directions to Bach Ma Village Hue.

Getting to Bach Ma Village from Hue.

With a travel time of about 1 hour by car, you just need to go to National Highway 1A towards Danang. When you reach Phu Loc town, you will see a sign indicating the way to Bach Ma National Park. Turn right onto Tran Dinh Tuc Street, then turn left onto Le Thuc Khang Street and go straight until you reach your destination.

You can get to Bach Ma National Park from Hue by private car

Getting to Bach Ma Village from Danang.

If you are in Danang, it is also very easy to get to Bach Ma Village Hue. You can follow Nguyen Tat Thanh coastal road along National Highway 1A towards Hue. Along the way, you will pass through Hai Van Pass, Lang Co – Phuoc Tuong Tunnel. After passing through the tunnel, drive another 3km and turn into Bach Ma following the instructions above.

Means of transportation.

The route to Bach Ma Village Hue is very easy, so you can use various means of transportation such as motorcycles, cars, or packaged tours. Most people will ride a motorcycle or rent a car in Hue to go to Bach Ma Village. This will help you fully explore the destination and save costs.

Renting a car with a driver from’s will save you time and costs, with good prices and professional drivers ensuring a fun and enjoyable trip.

Ticket prices for Bach Ma Village Hue

Bach Ma Village is a tourist destination where the ticket prices have not changed as of the current time. Specifically, ticket prices are as follows:

Ticket prices for visiting Bach Ma Village Hue

  • Adults: 100k/ticket
  • Children over 1m – 1m3: 60k
  • Children under 1m: Free.

Note that the service includes:

  • Entrance ticket + travel insurance
  • Locker, life jacket, changing room, bathroom, chairs, umbrella, toilet
  • VAT tax

Combo ticket + camping tent

  • Price for adults: 250,000 VND/1 guest
  • Price for children over 1-1.3 meters: 120,000 VND/1 guest
  • Price for children under 1 meter: Free

The service includes:

  • Entrance ticket + insurance
  • Check-in the tent at 6 PM and check-out at 8 AM the next morning
  • Breakfast
  • Tent for 2-4 people. Additional fee applies for solo tent usage
  • Locker, life jacket, changing room, bathroom, waterfall shower service, chairs, toilet
  • VAT tax

Hotel accommodation service at Bach Ma Village Hue

If you want to experience a luxurious stay when visiting Bach Ma Village tourist destination, you can consider the hotel accommodation service. Unlike camping tents, the price of this service will be higher but the quality will be better.

Experience using resort rooms in Bach Ma Village

Menu at Bach Ma Village

Bach Ma Village Hue has a regulation that visitors are not allowed to bring outside food and drinks into the tourist area. To ensure a clean environment, visitors can only use the food and beverage services inside the tourist area.

Price list for BBQ buffet menu

Below is the price list for the BBQ buffet menu served in the evening, perfect for having a good time with your family.

The BBQ menu is extremely diverse

Price list for set menu at Bach Ma Village Hue restaurant

In addition to the outdoor BBQ service, Bach Ma Village also has a large and luxurious restaurant. You can sign up for a set menu with a wide variety of dishes. Here is the price list for the set menu for everyone to refer to.

Guests can enjoy the food at the restaurant

How to book services at Bach Ma Village

If you are planning to visit Bach Ma Village for a retreat or overnight camping, you should follow these steps to book services:

During weekends, the services can be fully booked early. If you plan to visit during holidays or weekends and want to use the camping or resort hotel, you should book at least 2 months in advance. For weekdays from Monday to Thursday, you should book at least 15 days in advance to ensure availability.

Why is Bach Ma Village Hue considered a resort paradise?

Bach Ma Village Hue is considered a resort paradise due to its Hobbit village architecture and high-end accommodation services. Visitors will be immersed in a fairytale world with impressive scenery. You will encounter houses with half-submerged and half-floating architecture surrounded by lush greenery that creates a peaceful and picturesque scene.

Why is Bach Ma Village Hue considered a resort paradise?

Moreover, the place is also likened to a fairyland because of the “weaving village” where visitors can experience a sense of being in Northern Europe and immerse themselves in the fairytale world. The wooden houses and the unique path design also add to the charm of the place.

Exciting experiences when visiting Bach Ma Village

As with other tourist destinations in Hue, visitors to Bach Ma Village can experience many exciting things such as:

Live your best life and capture photos at Bach Ma Village

With beautiful and romantic scenery, no one can resist the opportunity to take pictures that resemble Northern Europe. The houses, gardens, grass fields, and river create a picture-perfect setting. If you love taking photos, this is definitely a must-visit destination.

Immerse yourself in the clear stream

In the summer, it’s fantastic to immerse yourself in the cool stream. At Bach Ma Village, you can freely swim in the natural stream, play water slides, soak in the natural pool, and relax in the free-form swimming pool.

Experience the fun of camping overnight

With a total area of 3 hectares located on the edge of Bach Ma National Park, surrounded by mountains and forests, this place is a perfect place for relaxation. You will hear the sound of the flowing stream, the chirping of birds, creating an extremely pleasant and peaceful space. Moreover, camping overnight is an exciting experience that you should not miss.

Enjoy delicious food

In addition to being a great resort destination, Bach Ma Village also has a system of excellent culinary delights. A cool and refreshing place to explore, where you can also enjoy delicious outdoor barbecue dishes. What could be better?

Important notes when visiting Bach Ma Village Hue tourism area.

  • Do not bring food or drinks from outside into the tourism area.
  • Bring a thin coat and a flashlight if camping overnight as the weather can be very cold at times.
  • Prepare beautiful clothes for taking photos of the surrounding landscapes.
  • Bring a life jacket and supervise children when swimming in the lake or streams.
  • Buy tickets in advance to avoid sold-out situations or tents.

It can be said that tourism in Hue is becoming more and more diverse, attracting many visitors from different places, and Bạch Mã Village Hue is also fantastic. This is also the place that promises to bring visitors extremely new experiences. If you have not had a chance to visit here yet, quickly plan your trip. Have a great and interesting journey!

Nestled in the heart of Vietnam’s Hue city, Thanh Toan Bridge is a magnificent landmark that stands out for its historical significance and architectural beauty. A popular tourist attraction, this bridge draws visitors from all over the world. In this article, we will explore the rich history of Thanh Toan Bridge, its unique architecture, and why it is a must-visit destination for travelers.

The History of Thanh Toan Bridge

Thanh Toan Bridge, also known as Thanh Toan Tile-Roofed Bridge, was built in the early 18th century during the Nguyen dynasty. The bridge was constructed to connect the two villages of Thanh Thuy Chanh and Thuy Thanh in Hue city. The project was spearheaded by a woman named Tran Thi Dao, the wife of a high-ranking mandarin in the Nguyen dynasty.

The construction of Thanh Toan Bridge was essential in connecting the two villages and providing a place of shelter for locals during the rainy season. The bridge’s importance to the community made it an integral part of the local infrastructure. The historical significance of the bridge stems from its longevity and its survival of many natural disasters, including floods and storms.

See More: Visit Thanh Toan bridge By Hue Sightseeing Tours

The Architecture of Thanh Toan Bridge

Thanh Toan Bridge is a unique example of traditional Vietnamese architecture. The bridge is made entirely of wood, with no nails or screws used in its construction. The wooden frame is joined together by wooden dowels, which is an ancient technique used in the construction of Vietnamese architecture. The roof of the bridge is tiled, which gives it a distinct look that is different from other traditional Vietnamese bridges. The bridge is also decorated with beautiful carvings that depict scenes from daily life in the countryside.

The intricate design of the bridge showcases the architectural prowess of the Nguyen dynasty. The wooden frame of the bridge was constructed using techniques that have been passed down through generations, which have helped preserve the historical significance of the bridge. The carvings on the bridge represent the cultural and societal values of the Vietnamese people, offering a glimpse into their daily lives and traditions.

Why Visit Thanh Toan Bridge?

Thanh Toan Bridge is not only a beautiful attraction but also a place of historical significance. The bridge has been standing for more than 200 years and has survived many natural disasters, including floods and storms. The bridge has been carefully maintained by the local authorities, and its unique architecture has been preserved for future generations to admire.

Visitors to Thanh Toan Bridge can also experience the daily life of the local community. The bridge is located in a rural area, and visitors can observe the farmers at work in the rice fields or catch a glimpse of the daily market. The Thanh Toan Bridge Festival is also a popular event that takes place in the village every year, which is a celebration of the local culture and heritage.

Apart from that, the area around Thanh Toan Bridge offers a serene and peaceful escape from the hustle and bustle of city life. The surrounding landscape is filled with lush green rice paddies, small canals, and beautiful gardens. Visitors can take a leisurely walk along the bridge, admiring the beautiful scenery and enjoying the peaceful environment.

How to Get to Thanh Toan Bridge

Thanh Toan Bridge is located in Thanh Thuy Chanh village, approximately 7 km from Hue city center. Visitors can easily get to the bridge by motorbike, bicycle, or private car. The road leading to the bridge is well-maintained and easy to navigate. Once you arrive, you can park your vehicle at the parking lot and walk to the bridge.

See More: Private Car Hire With Driver In Hue

Private car is a perfect choice – Thanh Toan Bridge

In conclusion, Thanh Toan Bridge is a unique attraction that offers visitors a glimpse into the rich history and culture of Vietnam. The bridge’s unique architecture, its importance to the local community, and its beautiful surroundings make it a must-visit destination for travelers. Whether you are a history buff, architecture enthusiast, or simply looking for a peaceful place to relax, Thanh Toan Bridge is a destination that should not be missed.

Discover the quickest and most convenient ways to travel from Hue to Quang Binh, including options such as bus, train, private car, and more. Make your journey hassle-free with this comprehensive guide.

Quang Binh is a beautiful province located in central Vietnam, known for its stunning scenery, rich culture, and unique natural attractions. If you’re planning a trip to Quang Binh, you’ll likely start your journey in the nearby city of Hue. In this guide, we’ll explore the different transportation options available for traveling from Hue to Quang Binh.

How long is it from Hue To Quang Binh?

The distance between Hue To Quang Binh is about 200 kilometers and it typically takes about 3 – 4 hour to drive there. Along the way, you also have the opportunity to admire the scenic beauty of the country, along the way are the overlapping mountains, or the trees of the green mountains.

Map From Hue To Quang Binh

How to travel from Hue Quang Binh

There are many ways to travel from Hue To Quang Binh. Therefore, before going, you should consider your own situation and choose the most suitable form of transportation.

Private car From Hue To Quang Binh

Private car From Hue To Quang Binh

Traveling by private car is the most convenient and comfortable way to get from Hue to Quang Binh. You can book a car and driver through a travel agency, online platform, or directly with a local driver. With a private car, you’ll have the flexibility to stop and explore along the way, and you’ll arrive at your destination quickly and comfortably.

See More: Hue To Quang Binh By Private Car

Bus Hue To Quang Binh

Taking a bus is a budget-friendly option for getting from Hue to Quang Binh. Buses depart regularly from Hue’s central bus station and take approximately 4-5 hours to reach Quang Binh. While traveling by bus may be more cost-effective, it’s important to consider the comfort and travel time when choosing this option.


Another option is to take a train from Hue to Dong Hoi, the nearest major city to Quang Binh. The journey takes approximately 4 hours and trains run regularly throughout the day. From Dong Hoi, you can take a taxi or a local bus to reach Quang Binh. While traveling by train can be a more scenic option, it may not be as convenient as traveling by private car or bus.


For a quicker journey, you can fly from Hue to Dong Hoi’s airport, which is located about 40 kilometers from Quang Binh. The flight takes approximately 45 minutes and several airlines operate flights between the two cities. Flying is the quickest option, but it may also be the most expensive.

Tourist places you can visit on the way from Hue to Quang Binh

La Vang Holy Land: 

La Vang Holy Land

La Vang Holy Land is a Catholic pilgrimage site in Vietnam. It is located in the province of Quảng Trị and is considered to be a sacred place for Vietnamese Catholics. The site is named after the Marian apparition that is said to have occurred there in the late 18th century. It has become a popular destination for Catholic pilgrims, who come to offer prayers and seek blessings from the Virgin Mary. La Vang Holy Land is considered an important symbol of faith and hope for Vietnamese Catholics, and is also a symbol of the resilience and strength of the Catholic Church in Vietnam.

The Hien Luong Bridge: 

The Hien Luong Bridge

The Hien Luong Bridge is a historic bridge located in the former demilitarized zone (DMZ) in Vietnam. It spans the Ben Hai River and served as the dividing line between North and South Vietnam during the Vietnam War. The bridge was named after a legendary river in Vietnamese folklore, and it symbolizes the division and separation of the country during the war. After the war, the Hien Luong Bridge became a symbol of reunification and a site of national reconciliation. Today, it is a popular tourist attraction, visited by both Vietnamese and foreign visitors who are interested in learning about the history of the country and the Vietnam War.

Vinh Moc Tunnels:

Vinh Moc Tunnels

The Vinh Moc Tunnels are a network of tunnels in Quang Tri Province, Vietnam. The tunnels were used by Vietnamese civilians and Viet Cong soldiers during the Vietnam War as a means of protection and shelter from American bombing campaigns. The tunnels were constructed and expanded over the course of years and are now a popular tourist destination in Vietnam, offering a unique look into the lives of those who lived and fought in the tunnels during the war.

Regardless of the transportation option you choose, it’s important to plan ahead and consider factors such as cost, travel time, and convenience when selecting the best option for your needs. With a little research and preparation, you’ll be on your way to exploring the beauty and culture of Quang Binh in no time!