Green travel, a journey towards nature to seek relaxation, inner peace, and rejuvenation for both the soul and body, has become a popular trend. If you’re in search of such a destination, Tra Que Vegetable Village in Hoi An is an excellent recommendation offered by Danang Private Car’s. While it’s not a new destination, it continues to exude its timeless charm and allure, appealing to both domestic and international travelers.

History of Tra Que vegetable village in Hoi An.

In the past, Tra Que village, Hoi An (Quang Nam) was inherently attached to farming and fishing because it was located on the Co Co river branch. After that, the villagers realized that the riverside land is alluvial all year round, helping to make the trees lush and rich, they decided to do a side job of growing vegetables.

Taking advantage of irrigation water from the river, especially the amount of seaweed in the lagoon, can be used as fertilizer, helping the soil to be more fertile and more fertile… so that vegetable farming gradually develops. Growing vegetables gradually became the main occupation of Tra Que villagers.

Up to now, Tra Que vegetable village in Hoi An has been over 300 years old. Throughout the village, there are hundreds of households growing vegetables with an area of ​​​​about 40 hectares, including more than 20 different types of vegetables.

The vegetable village has become the largest vegetable granary providing fresh vegetables all year round for people around the region and neighboring areas in Quang Nam and Da Nang provinces.

In particular, Tra Que is a vegetable village that still maintains the method of growing organic vegetables, mainly watering with clean water and applying green fertilizers, organic fertilizers are utilized from seaweed picked up directly from the lagoon. As a result, the finished vegetable product is clean, fresh, and loved by consumers.

Today, it is not just a traditional vegetable growing village. Tra Que also develops tourism services, which is a destination that attracts both domestic and foreign tourists.

Where is Tra Que Vegetable Village in Hoi An?

Address of Tra Que vegetable village

Tra Que vegetable village is located in Cam Ha commune, Hoi An city, Quang Nam province – Only about 3km from the center of the old town to the northwest.

This place is known for growing a variety of green vegetables on the fertile land between Tra Que lagoon and De Vong river.

Tra Que Vegetable Village is located in Cam Ha Commune, Hoi An City, Quang Nam Province
Tra Que Vegetable Village is located in Cam Ha Commune, Hoi An City, Quang Nam Province

Tra Que vegetable village today has become an ideal eco-tourism destination for those who want to leave the city, find a peaceful and quiet countryside to relax, find peace in their souls and forge peace of mind. exercise, improve health.

To explore Tra Que Vegetable Village in Hoi An using the private car service in Hoi An from’s, you can undoubtedly make your trip more comfortable and convenient. Professional drivers and basic English language skills will help you interact easily and provide you with additional information about the places to visit during your journey.

To book a private car trip from Hoi An to Tra Que Vegetable Village, you can contact’s through their website or phone number at +84 88 666 0396. Wishing you an exciting journey and a great experience at Tra Que Vegetable Village!

The origin of the name Tra Que vegetable village in Hoi An

Many visitors to Tra Que are curious about the origin of the name of this tourist village. It is known that the origin of this name comes from the story of the Nguyen king.

Accordingly, in the past, the vegetable village was called Nhu Que – which means that it is a place to grow vegetables with a strong and fragrant smell like the scent of cinnamon trees.

In the 18th century, a king of the Nguyen Dynasty, while traveling on the De Vong River, heard the reputation of the village with many strange and aromatic herbs, so the king decided to stop by to enjoy the taste of the dishes here.

In it, there is a vegetable with a spicy taste like cinnamon but fragrant with camellia, the king was extremely impressed and named this place Tra Que land.

Since then, for more than 300 years, Tra Que vegetable village has been associated with the name given by the king. The village specializes in growing aromatic vegetables such as cilantro, herbs, onions, perilla… and many other green vegetables.

The ideal time to go to Tra Que vegetable village in Hoi An


As an eco-tourism address close to nature, activities at the vegetable village are located outdoors. Therefore, visitors should choose a time when the weather is not too hot, and also avoid rainy and cold times to facilitate fun and experience.

The best time is from February to April and from August to December every year. This is the time when the Central region in general and Hoi An – Quang Nam in particular have cool, dry weather, the greenest vegetables of the year. The space at this time is also extremely fresh, cool, and green.

Spring and summer are the two most ideal times to visit the vegetable village
Spring and summer are the two most ideal times to visit the vegetable village

During the day, the most suitable time to visit the vegetable village is in the early morning or after 4 pm. At this time, the weather is cool, pleasant, not hot. This is also the time when farmers go to the fields to plant and take care of vegetables, you can chat and join them.

Ticket price for Tra Que vegetable village in Hoi An

To have a day of sightseeing and experience activities at the green and fresh space of Tra Que vegetable village, you only need to spend about 35,000 VND/person to buy tickets.

Exciting experiences at Tra Que vegetable village in Hoi An

If you are a soul that loves peace and romance, then Tra Que is the only tourist destination for you. Coming to this traditional village, you will feel like returning to your old hometown, feeling the rhythm of life suddenly become light and slow, making us forget all the troubles and fatigue out there.

DanangPrivateCar.Com‘s will suggest you interesting experiences that should not be missed when coming to Tra Que vegetable village .

“Virtual life” forgets the way back

In the middle of a peaceful, poetic, green, one-color country space, it will be really lacking if you don’t save your “so deep” moments here.

For girls, country clothes or vintage dresses are an ideal suggestion for the concept of taking photos in the vegetable village. You will naturally transform into charming, gentle village girls.

This place has countless check-in corners close to nature, filled with the colors of plants, flowers, green vegetable beds … for you to “live virtual” freely.

In particular, if you come here in the early morning, when the “rain sprinkler” system for the vegetable garden is in operation, you will get a series of extremely romantic photos.

Try to be a real farmer

Since becoming an attractive tourist destination, Tra Que Hoi An vegetable village has developed many interesting experiences to serve the needs of visitors. One of them is a tour to transform into a genuine farmer.

Visitors from adults to children, especially foreigners, are always extremely excited about these simple but very interesting experiences.

Visitors will be able to do the work of a true farmer such as tilling the soil, sowing seeds, planting and watering plants, harvesting green vegetables. Even if you are not skillful, you can rest assured because every step is meticulously guided by local farmers.

In addition, you can also participate in other jobs with indigenous people such as casting nets, pulling nets on the river, riding buffaloes…

Harvest fresh and clean green vegetables to bring home

Going to the vegetable village without harvesting fresh, delicious green vegetables is a waste! In Tra Que, visitors can not only learn and listen to the farmer’s secret to growing and caring for vegetables according to organic methods, but also can harvest fresh vegetables to bring home.

Loads of fresh, delicious vegetables harvested by hand will definitely make your family meal after the trip much more attractive.

Try your hand at the kitchen at Tra Que Hoi An vegetable village

After planting, caring for and watering vegetables, the next step is indispensable for the processing of specialty dishes of Quang Nam and Hoi An from the fresh ingredients just harvested from the vegetable field.

After a long day of wandering, having fun in the fields, visitors will return to the chefs to choose the ingredients. You will directly cook famous local delicacies such as Quang noodles, banh xeo, Cao Lau, hot pot…

Hot pot dishes with added spices such as cilantro, coriander; or fresh vegetables served with Quang noodles, chicken rice, Cao Lau … will make the taste of the dish become more attractive, attracting diners.

Just being able to directly perform the cooking stages, and being able to fill an empty stomach after participating in experiential activities, this is indeed a great experience.

Participate in Cau Bong festival

If you can arrange a schedule, you can choose to go to Tra Que vegetable village in January. On the 7th day of the first lunar month, in Tra Que, Cau Bong festival will be held.

This is an opportunity for people and tourists to pray together for a year of bountiful crops, lush trees, favorable rain and wind, and a lucky and happy life.

Tra Que Vegetable Village Tour Itinerary

After planning your visit to Hoi An Ancient Town, here is a suggested itinerary for exploring Tra Que Vegetable Village:

Morning: Explore the Scenery and History

8:00 – 9:00: Arrive at Tra Que Vegetable Village Start your visit to Tra Que Vegetable Village early in the morning. This is the ideal time to enjoy the beauty of the lush green vegetable beds under the morning sun and fresh air.

9:00 – 10:30: Visit Historical Sites With an entry fee of 35,000 VND, you can explore the village’s important historical sites:

  • Nguyen Dien’s Tomb: The resting place of a renowned official who made significant contributions during the reigns of Emperors Minh Mang, Thieu Tri, and Tu Duc.
  • Tra Que Stone Well: Built during the Champa period, this stone well provided fresh water for the local residents and is a testament to the village’s long history.

10:30 – 12:00: Observe Cultivation Processes Take time to watch local farmers as they work on soil preparation, applying seaweed fertilizer, planting vegetables, and watering. This is a great opportunity to understand the unique cultivation methods of Tra Que Vegetable Village.

Lunch: Experience Farming and Cuisine

12:00 – 13:30: Lunch at a Local Restaurant Enjoy lunch at a local restaurant where you can taste dishes made from fresh Tra Que vegetables. Don’t miss the chance to try Tam Huu – a must-try specialty of the region.

13:30 – 15:30: Farming Experience Join the “A Day as a Tra Que Farmer” tour for a unique experience of local farming life. Activities include:

  • Carrying fertilizer for the vegetables
  • Participating in vegetable care activities such as watering and fertilizing
  • Harvesting vegetables

This activity not only provides enjoyment but also helps you appreciate the hard work and passion of the village’s farmers.

Afternoon: Cooking Class and Relaxation

15:30 – 17:00: Cooking Class Participate in a short cooking class where you will learn how to prepare delicious specialties of Quang Nam using fresh ingredients harvested from Tra Que’s vegetable garden.

17:00 – 18:00: Relax and Watch the Sunset Conclude your visit by relaxing among the vegetable beds, enjoying the stunning sunset over the fields, and sipping a refreshing glass of Tra Que basil seed drink.

What to eat when going to Tra Que vegetable village in Hoi An?

Coming to each tourist destination, tourists often pay special attention to the specialties of that locality. Because after a long day of fun and sightseeing, there is nothing more interesting than sitting down with friends and relatives while chatting and enjoying typical delicious food.

Come to Tra Que vegetable village, don’t forget to taste the famous dishes below, otherwise you will regret it!

Three friends dishes

Perhaps many visitors first heard the name of Tam Huu – The dish that made the brand of Tra Que vegetable village. Tam Huu dish has the main ingredients: pork, shrimp rolled with basil, wrapped with onion leaves. This dish is dipped with lemon fish sauce, garlic, sweet and sour chili, unforgettable taste.

Quang Noodles

Coming to Hoi An – Quang Nam, you must definitely enjoy Quang noodles. This is a simple and familiar dish of the people of Quang Nam but always has an irresistible attraction.

Coming to Hoi An - Quang Nam, you must definitely enjoy Quang noodles
Coming to Hoi An – Quang Nam, you must definitely enjoy Quang noodles

Mi Quang is an extremely easy dish to enjoy, suitable for the majority of diners. There are many rich options such as: Chicken noodles, snakehead fish noodles, Quang noodles with shrimp and eggs … served with fresh vegetables picked right in the garden, making the deliciousness of the dish even more.

Pancakes – spring rolls

Banh xeo – spring rolls are a special duo that many tourists love and must enjoy when coming to Tra Que vegetable village in Hoi An , Quang Nam.

Banh xeo is made from rice flour, the crust is golden and crispy, with the filling of shrimp, meat, bean sprouts, and onions in a very “sweet” blend. When eating, you can cut the cake in two, roll it with rice paper, raw vegetables picked right in the garden, dip it with sweet and sour fish sauce or a typical sauce.


While walking around Tra Que vegetable garden, you can stop to rest and refresh with a glass of delicious, cool juice right here, which is also very reasonable.

Sesame seeds are small in size, black in color, at first glance look like sesame seeds, when they meet water, they will expand. Juice is a refreshing drink that helps reduce fatigue, cools down, provides vitamins and fiber for the body.

Hoi An Tea

A sweet dish that is both delicious and irresistible and helps to cool down in the summer that visitors to Hoi An cannot help but try is tea.

Most of the tea shops here sell mixed tea, including bean and bean tea, filtered powdered tea, water drifting tea, fruit tea, etc. Even though it’s just a familiar and rustic snack, Hoi An tea is always there. It retains its attractiveness thanks to its sweet, cool, and moderate taste.

Suggest a place near Tra Que vegetable village in Hoi An to combine check-in

VinWonders South Hoi An

You can combine to this large, high-class entertainment area in your travel itinerary to Tra Que vegetable village. VinWonders Nam Hoi An is one of the attractive destinations in Quang Nam, suitable for tourists of all ages, especially children.

VinWonders Nam Hoi An is one of the attractive destinations in Quang Nam
VinWonders Nam Hoi An is one of the attractive destinations in Quang Nam

It consists of 5 subdivisions: Crossing Harbor, Folklore Island, River Safari, Land of Adventure and Water World.

Coming here, you will experience many adventure games such as: Fall of the century, dance in the air… suitable for those who love thrills and adventure.

Cua Dai Beach

Just over 3km from Tra Que vegetable village is Cua Dai beach, a famous beautiful beach of Hoi An with white sand stretching 7km. 

After a visit to the vegetable village, you can go to Cua Dai to swim in the cool, clear blue water or take a walk on the beach, where there are green coconut trees.

Hoi An Ancient Town

A place near Tra Que vegetable village in Hoi An that most tourists combine to visit in their journey to Hoi An is the old town.

Hoi An Ancient Town with its moss-covered golden walls.

In 1999, Hoi An ancient town was recognized by UNESCO as a world heritage site. Since then, Hoi An has always been a destination attracting domestic and foreign tourists thanks to the ancient, quiet and peaceful beauty of the ancient town located on the Hoai River.

Thanh Ha Pottery Village

A traditional craft village with hundreds of years of formation and development near Tra Que vegetable village that you can combine to visit is Thanh Ha pottery village .

Coming here, visitors will be able to witness firsthand the pottery making process of artisans and can create their own products that they like. In particular, you have the opportunity to admire the largest ceramic park in Vietnam – Terracotta Park at Thanh Ha Pottery Village.

An Bang Beach

Another famous beach of Hoi An, less than 2km from Tra Que vegetable village, extremely convenient for tourists to combine exploring is An Bang beach.

Paragliding on An Bang beach in Hoi An

This is a famous pristine, clean, and poetic beach of Hoi An that you will surely be extremely satisfied when you arrive. Not to mention, on the beach, there are also many bars, homestays, “luxury” villas to serve the needs of check-in, relaxation and entertainment of visitors.

What should be noted when discovering Tra Que vegetable village in Hoi An?

There are countless undeniably attractive reasons that DanangPrivateCar.Com‘s has introduced for you to put Tra Que vegetable village on the list of must-go destinations this year. So, what are you waiting for without planning a specific itinerary for your trip?

Just pocket a few more small experiences below, you will surely have a complete trip.
  • Most experiences at the vegetable village are outdoor activities, so visitors should choose a cool time, not too hot to start their trip. Remember to bring a hat, a jacket, and apply sunscreen before you go!
  • When experiencing being a farmer, remember to follow the instructions of the people, do not arbitrarily water vegetables or harvest vegetables arbitrarily.
  • If traveling with young children, manage them, remind them to avoid stepping on flowers and vegetable beds.
  • Priority should be given to wearing neat, sweat-absorbing clothes, flat shoes or sports shoes to easily participate in activities with the farmers here.
  • Finally, remember to preserve the environment, do not litter in the vegetable garden!

Not only tourism and entertainment, a trip to Tra Que vegetable village in Hoi An is also an opportunity for you to return to nature to discover the beauty, enjoy the cool fresh air, slow down, see accept yourself. Eco-tours, towards nature always have a great “healing” effect for the soul, physical exercise, and good health.

Thanh Ha Terracotta Park is currently one of the tourist attractions in Hoi An that draws a large number of visitors from all over who come to check in and admire exquisite ceramic artworks, impressive and unique simulated architectural works. Let’s explore what makes this place so appealing through the article below with’s.

About Thanh Ha terracotta park Hoi An

Along with Tra Que vegetable village, Kim Bong carpentry village, Hoi An silk village, Thanh Ha pottery village has become a place to store and develop pottery craft. Also to preserve the uniqueness, cultural value of the terracotta park in the village of Thanh Ha was built. Becoming an attractive cultural and tourist center.

Where is Thanh Ha Pottery Park?

  • Address: Thanh Ha Ward, Hoi An City, Quang Nam Province

Nestled in the Thanh Ha pottery village with 600 years of history. Thanh Ha Park is also known as Thanh Ha Pottery Park in Hoi An. This is one of the most unique architectural works in Vietnam. It is a place to keep the values ​​of one of the traditional professions – Ceramics.

Located right in Thanh Ha pottery village
Located right in Thanh Ha pottery village

Located right next to the romantic Thu Bon River, only 3 km from the center of the old town. Your trip to Hoi An will be more convenient and interesting when you enter the name of the ceramic park in your schedule.

Opening hours of Thanh Ha Terracotta Park 

  • Opening hours:  8:30 – 17:30 (daily)

With the above opening times, it is easy and convenient to explore every corner of this place. Enough for visitors to get a whole lookbook to ask for thousands of likes on social networks.

Ticket price to visit Thanh Ha Pottery Park 

  • Entrance ticket price:
    • Adults : 40,000  VND/ticket
    • Children:  20,000 VND/ticket

Note: The ticket is only valid for the day, and includes expenses such as: Sightseeing everywhere, admiring the ceramic artists. Bring back 2 ceramic products made in visitors.

You can visit from morning to 17:30 comfortably. But perhaps for many people, that time may not be enough for a unique and attractive place like here.

Instructions on how to move to Thanh Ha Terracotta Park 

Travel from Da Nang to Hoi An

From Da Nang, it takes about 40 to 50 minutes to move to Hoi An ancient town. Visitors can choose the means of transport such as: Rent a motorbike in Da Nang, take a bus or take a taxi…. Each type of vehicle has its own advantages and disadvantages.

  • Rent a motorbike in Da Nang : Rent from 80,000 VND / day / car you will enjoy moving. Stop and park at will, check in everywhere.
  • Bus: With 30,000 VND / way to go from Da Nang to Hoi An ancient town, it is a very good choice.
  • Private Car: With a cost from 350,000 VND one way, it is very suitable for families with young children and the elderly.

You can book a private car ride from Da Nang to Hoi An with’s private car service. Our professional drivers will provide you with the safest and most comfortable journey. Our experienced drivers will pick you up anywhere in Da Nang city, take you to Thanh Ha Pottery Village in Hoi An for sightseeing, and then drop you off at your Hoi An hotel to conclude the trip.

No matter which vehicle you choose, to the old town you also need to send a car to move inside. If you rent a motorbike, you can park it for a fee from 7,000 to 10,000 VND. At the end of the journey, get the car and move to other tourist destinations.

From Hoi An Ancient Town to Thanh Ha Terracotta Park

Once present in the town with Hoi An, going to Thanh Ha pottery village is extremely simple. The village is about 3km west of the old town, right at the Fish market. Follow the route from the old town towards Vinh Dien, follow Duy Tam street, you will immediately come to Thanh Ha ceramic park.

It only takes 10 minutes to move from the old town to the park For many young people who love to explore, perhaps they choose to ride a motorbike to explore everywhere on the way to the park. But for many people can choose to rent Hoi An bicycles. With a fairly cheap rental price, cycling on the old town is also an interesting experience.

The best time to visit Thanh Ha Terracotta Park

According to the experience of Danang Private Car’s, as a large park, visiting here has 2 areas indoor and outdoor. So the best time to explore this place is from March to September. This is the dry season in Hoi An, with little rain and sunshine so you can check in super beautiful every corner of the park.

However, the dry season is also accompanied by hot sun, outdoor sightseeing can be quite uncomfortable, so bring umbrellas, hats, and hats. Just to avoid the sun on the way to go, you can check in anytime, anywhere.

If visitors have not prepared time to come to Hoi An in the dry season, they can choose the rainy season from October to February next year. Although in the rainy season, there are still sunny areas. The weather is cool and not too crowded with tourists. At this time, food and accommodation services are also much cheaper than in the peak season.

Explore Thanh Ha Terracotta Park – the first ceramic park in Vietnam

History of the terracotta park

With an area of ​​more than 6,000m2, this place is still not as widely known as famous places such as Hoi An ancient town, My Son holy place. However, with only that much area, it is enough to display and show the 600 years of history of the traditional village of Thanh Ha.

Thanh Ha pottery village appeared around the end of the 15th century. Thanks to the bustling and famous Hoi An international trading port, it also led to the rise of the craft village here. Handmade ceramic products are present in every family in the whole region. In particular, the unique art of firing creates exquisite items. Items used in temples, pagodas, assembly halls …

Now, a Thanh Ha terracotta park is born, extremely unique. The park was designed and built by architect Nguyen Van Nguyen – the son of the pottery village of the same name. With the purpose of preserving traditional cultural values ​​and promoting ceramic products to the world.

Unique architectural style of Thanh Ha Pottery Park 

Terracotta Park takes the turntable image as the center. Surrounded by a lake, this is an ancient construction that used water to surround the village to prevent bad guys. With areas: Factory, kiln and product display place.

The most unique is the appearance of the park. All buildings are built of red bricks without plaster. This helps the entire space here have brown and red as the main color, very prominent. When visiting, visitors do not feel stuffy, hot of reinforced concrete walls but close, rustic things.

The overall layout of Thanh Ha Terracotta Park

Perhaps, nowhere else, the art of redesign is as unique as in this terracotta park. It is divided into 2 main buildings and 9 zones. Inspired by Cham culture, Sa Huynh and the concept of Yin – Yang in Oriental culture to create kilns spread throughout Thanh Ha pottery village. In there.

  • The main building on the right is the kiln: Used to hold exhibitions of unique ceramic products across the country.
  • The main building on the left is the kiln: This is the place used to display, introduce and recreate the history of Thanh Ha pottery village. A place to preserve traditional values.

With 9 zones including: Craft village museum, terracotta market, product area, installation garden, miniature world, production area, Cham – Sa Huynh pottery area and traditional craft village area. That alone is enough for you to explore, check-in all day may not be over.

Interesting activities when visiting Thanh Ha Terracotta Park 

Here, visitors can experience unique and unique activities.

Learn more than 600 years history of Thanh Ha pottery village 

Ancient relics dating back hundreds of years are displayed and kept as to recreate a Thanh Ha 600 years ago. There, the artisan has reached a high level of pottery technique. Or there, visitors can learn about the culture and life of Hoi An ancient town or especially Thanh Ha village from the past.

The products associated with the centuries-old history of the village

Going back in time to Chu Dau pottery village, Thanh Ha once “dominated” the ceramic market in the Dang Trong area. According to many ancient documents, the people of Thanh Ha village are mostly from Nam Dinh and Thanh Hoa. They came to Hoi An to live and set up a business because at that time it was a very busy international trading port.

If you go in a group of 8 people, you will be given a thorough presentation by the tour guide about the history of Thanh Ha pottery village. From there, it is easy to imagine the flourishing past here.

Explore the miniature world inside the ceramic park

What makes visitors most excited when coming to Thanh Ha Pottery Park is probably the miniature world. The most famous and typical architectural works in the world are perfectly recreated in terracotta.

The outstanding architectural works are replicated here in miniature

No need to go to the place, visitors can still admire the leaning tower of Pisa in Italy, the Sydney Opera House in Australia, the iconic Taj Mahal and the pride of the Indian people. Or Pyramid – One of the natural wonders of the world. 

Thanh Ha terracotta park seems to contain the whole world. Where young people are excited to check in and search. This is an outdoor area, so when visiting, you should bring a hat, hat, and sunscreen.

Admire the unique architecture in Vietnam

It can be affirmed that the park is a unique work of art that the people here have created. All buildings have open architecture. Taking advantage of natural light makes the ceramic works inside become more beautiful, attractive and soulful than ever.

Unique open architecture, adorned with natural light, highlights the products

The walls are built with holes, the domes are not sealed, and the surfaces follow many patterns and motifs imbued with national identity. Just admiring this unique architecture is enough for each visitor to say two words “unique”. It is very attractive for both young people and lovers of installation art.

Learn the process of making a ceramic product

At Thanh Ha terracotta park in Hoi An, visitors can also witness the process of making a handmade ceramic product. There, the talented and skillful hands of the artisans will transform the land mass into nothing but inanimate objects. Become a beautiful ceramic work, with the soul and heart of the maker put inside.

The artisan’s hands create ceramic products

This process requires the worker to be precise and meticulous. Because it does not have tools, measuring accuracy, it all depends on experience. The ability to observe and the habit so that even if you make 100 pieces, they will still be the same and keep the same beauty.

Create a ceramic product yourself

This is probably the most emotional part for tourists. When coming to this park, visitors can also make a ceramic product by themselves. To better understand the stages and absorb the difficulties and hardships of the artisans. From kneading, shaping and finally firing with fire.

These stages are performed as authentically as anywhere in Thanh Ha pottery village you can witness. Make your own items and turn it into a bowl, vase, pot, etc. It’s really fascinating.

In addition, in the ticket, visitors can also bring home two handmade ceramic products. There’s nothing more meaningful than owning the product you make yourself. Try and find out now.

Super cool check-in at every corner of Thanh Ha terracotta park 

Perhaps, no matter where you stand, visitors can check in for themselves with genuine photos. Because the entire space inside the terracotta park is extremely unique. The covered red brick background becomes an extremely popular background for a photo of thousands of likes.

Capture photos from every angle of Thanh Ha Pottery Village Park

Hoi An is also considered as a virtual living meditation hall with golden walls, ancient roofs or places such as Cantonese Assembly Hall, Cau Pagoda … bougainvillea, Hoai River. However, there are millions of them online, and the terracotta park will give you unique and very rare pictures.

Not only with the red brick color, the unique architecture here is also the subject for the lookbook of many young people. That unique feature is enough to make you fall in love and make the photo attractive to use anywhere.

See Hoi An from above from Thanh Ha terracotta park building 

From the main building, visitors can see Hoi An from above. Zoom in to see the entire Hoi An ancient town, along with the Thu Bon river flowing through. The idyllic and peaceful beauty appears before the eyes as an enchanting experience for many people.

It’s just a view of Hoi An city from an angle. However, anyone who comes to Thanh Ha Pottery Park wants to try it, they go to the rooftop of the main house to admire.

Buy Thanh Ha pottery as a gift

Going to Thanh Ha Park without buying ceramic products as gifts is a pity. These are all products such as: Cups, plates, bowls, vases, cups, kettles …. very delicate and beautiful. Completely handmade with delicate patterns.

A wide variety of ceramic and porcelain items are available

There is also a separate display area for antique ceramic products. If you love traditional values ​​and are passionate about collecting antiques, this is definitely a very meaningful thing.

Tips to visit Thanh Ha Terracotta Park 

Here are a few small notes to help visitors have the best experience when coming to Thanh Ha Pottery Park

  • Always bring a hat, hat, and sunscreen to admire the outdoor works in the park.
  • If the family has young children, visitors need to manage regularly. Avoid letting children run, jump and break the display products.
  • Because there are many separate zones, Danang Private Car’s recommends using low-soled shoes. Opt for a comfortable outfit that could be a flowing dress. Both comfortable during the journey and have super beautiful check-in photos.
  • Keep your ticket carefully because in some cases you need to present your ticket to check….
  • Exactly 10 January every year in Thanh Ha pottery village has a huge festival. Come here on this occasion to both explore the ceramic park and immerse yourself in many activities in the village of the same name.

Suggest very good tourist and check-in places near Thanh Ha Terracotta Park 

Perhaps, on the S-shaped strip of land, there will be no place as attractive and beautiful as in Hoi An, Quang Nam. There are thousands of ancient relics such as communal houses, pagodas, assembly halls, traditional craft villages, ethnic churches, etc. And around the ceramic park in Thanh Ha village, there are many super attractive tourist attractions. Super cool check-in that you should explore.

Hoi An Silk Village 

  • Address: No. 28 Nguyen Tat Thanh, City. Hoi An, Quang Nam.

Hoi An Silk Village is the place to restore the traditional handmade silk weaving village in Hoi An. Not only a place of production, the village has gradually become a super-beautiful place to visit and check-in for young people. At this point, visitors not only index the process of growing mulberry and raising silkworms. It is the raw material that creates the softest, most wavy silk fibers.

Hoi An Silk Village is only about 1km away from the center of Hoi An Ancient Town.

Kim Bong Carpentry Village Hoi An

  • Address: Trung Ha Hamlet, Cam Kim, Hoi An, Quang Nam

As one of the traditional villages in Hoi An, Kim Bong Carpentry Village Hoi An has a history of more than 600 years with carpentry making a living for many generations. Coming here, visitors not only learn about hundreds of years of culture here. But also admire the talented hands of the artist. From rough wood becomes a unique work of art.

Hoi An Ancient Town

Perhaps, nowhere is as peaceful, beautiful and enchanting as the ancient town of Hoi An. The rows of houses covered with yellow paint, red tile roofs tinged with time. Only that, it still attracts thousands of visitors every day.

Hoi An Ancient Town is a part of Vietnamese history, an international trading port that used to be very busy. A unique check-in place for all classes of people. And here, you will learn a lot of information to enrich your knowledge.

Bay Mau coconut forest ecological area

  • Address:  Group 2, Can Nhan Hamlet, Cam Thanh Commune, City. Hoi An, Quang Nam Province
  • Opening hours:  From 7:00 to 17:00 daily

A western river space right in Hoi An, that is Bay Mau coconut forest. A destination that Danang Private Car’s always suggests for visitors to have a new and unique experience after visiting the terracotta park.

Places to eat near Thanh Ha Terracotta Park 

Hoi An tourism in addition to visiting the ancient features, checking in at amusement parks, traditional villages … is also experiencing the unique and rich cuisine here. And the places and restaurants in Hoi An below are worth your while.
Unique architecture inside Red Bean Restaurant

  • Quang noodles – Cao Lau Bich: No. 272 ​​Hung Vuong Street, Thanh Ha Ward, Hoi An, Quang Nam.
  • Coconut Flower Fragrance Restaurant: Van Lang Village, Cam Thanh Ward, Hoi An, Quang Nam
  • Red Bean Restaurant: 132 Hung Vuong La Siesta Hoi An Resort & Spa, Thanh Ha
  • Banh Mi Phuong: 2B Phan Chau Trinh

Thanh Ha terracotta park will exist, leaving a mark in the hearts of every Vietnamese and international. It is by the uniqueness, by the products of the homeland itself. Traditional values ​​will forever be preserved and developed to create a colorful Hoi An. Danang Private Car’s wishes you a happy, happy trip.

Hoi An not only has peaceful and quiet Old Towns by the romantic Hoai River, but also has beautiful beaches, rich cuisine and luxurious resorts. With only 3 days and 2 nights to feel all the beauty here, where will you go, what to eat to have the most unforgettable memories with family and friends. Let’s refer to offline!

When is the Best Time to Visit Hoi An for 3 Days and 2 Nights?

According to reviews I’ve come across, Hoi An showcases its unique beauty at different times of the year. Therefore, whenever you’re ready with your budget and free time, just pack your bags and get ready for a comfortable 3-day, 2-night self-guided trip to Hoi An.

Hoi An in Any Season Offers a Complete 3-Day, 2-Night Travel Experience for All Visitors
Hoi An in Any Season Offers a Complete 3-Day, 2-Night Travel Experience for All Visitors

However, a small note is that the most ideal time to explore this cultural heritage site is during the first three months of the year. Particularly in January and February, when people are preparing for the Lunar New Year or the mid-January full moon, Hoi An dons a distinct charm with many meaningful spiritual activities that captivate everyone.

Suggestions on how to move to Hoi An

One of the first Hoi An travel experiences that we want to share is how to get around. To get to Hoi An, you can travel in many ways such as by plane, train, car or car according to a self-contained tour.

If you do not know how to move to Hoi An, you can refer to the following ways:

  • Airplane: Currently, Hoi An does not have an airport, so to move here by plane, you should book a ticket to Da Nang airport and then move by other means to Hoi An. Currently, airfares to Da Nang range from VND 1,400,000 to VND 1,800,000 depending on many factors such as time, airline, etc. You can book flight tickets to Da Nang online or buy directly at. Da Nang airport is about 30km from Hoi An, so it is easy to hire a taxi to move around.
  • Train: Ticket prices range from 500,000 to 1,500,000 VND depending on the type of seat as well as the far or near departure place. After moving to the Tam Ky train station, you will continue to need to hire a taxi to get to Hoi An.
  • Passenger cars: The fare when the bus is extremely cheap, just under 400k/ticket. However, the travel time is quite long, so you need to consider. Traveling by car or bus is usually only suitable if you are near Hoi An, about 100km from here.

Each type of vehicle has its own advantages and limitations. Therefore, depending on your preferences, requirements as well as specific costs, you can choose the appropriate form of moving to Hoi An.

3-Day, 2-Night Hoi An Itinerary

If you’re planning a 3-day, 2-night trip to Hoi An, you can refer to the following exciting itinerary:

Day 1: Explore Hoi An Ancient Town


  • Check-in at Japanese Covered Bridge: Admire the unique Japanese architectural style of this iconic bridge.
  • Enjoy Mót Tea: Sample this famous herbal tea with a special recipe from the locals.
Just standing still at the Mot restaurant in Hoi An alone has many beautiful photos


  • Visit Tan Ky Ancient House: Explore this historical house that reflects a blend of Japanese, Chinese, and Vietnamese architectural styles and houses many valuable antiques.
  • Explore Phuc Kien Assembly Hall: A key spiritual and cultural site favored by locals and visitors.
Tan Ky Ancient House
Tan Ky Ancient House


  • Cruise on the Hoài River: Experience the magical nighttime beauty of Hoi An from a boat on the river.

Day 2: My Son Sanctuary & Tra Que Vegetable Village


  • Visit My Son Sanctuary: Explore this ancient Cham temple complex, a UNESCO World Heritage site with remarkable historical and architectural significance.
The mystical and unique architecture of My Son Sanctuary, a UNESCO-recognized World Cultural Heritage site


  • Explore Tra Que Vegetable Village: Discover this traditional vegetable village, known for its organic farming and lush greenery. Participate in hands-on activities like planting vegetables or learning about traditional farming techniques.


  • Return to Hoi An: Enjoy dinner at a local restaurant and perhaps a leisurely evening stroll through the ancient town.

Day 3: Thung Thung Boat Ride & An Bang Beach


  • Explore the Coconut Forest: Enjoy activities like basket boat rides, crab fishing, and watching basket boat performances and races.


  • Visit An Bang Beach: Relax at one of Asia’s top 25 beaches, with beautiful blue waters and white sand. Enjoy swimming and sunbathing.
  • Free time: Shop for local specialties and souvenirs.
An Bang beach is rustic, unspoiled of Hoi An

Must-visit destinations in Hoi An

Coming to Hoi An , visitors will be immersed in new moments hidden in the ancient features of many rows of tiled houses. Everything here is beautiful, friendly and poetic. If you still don’t know where to go in Hoi An, don’t miss the following places:

Covered Bridge – a famous tourist destination in Hoi An

This is a very famous tourist destination in Hoi An. Covered Bridge is designed with the same architecture as a pagoda crossing the peaceful and poetic Hoai River. Standing on the bridge and enjoying the warm and peaceful scenery of Pho Hoi is a wonderful feeling that you must try.

Hoi An Market

When coming to Hoi An Market, you will enter the world of diverse and rich street food with many sweet typical Hue dishes like the voice and personality of Hoi An people. Where there are many attractive snacks always welcome visitors here.

Hoi An Market exudes a vintage and unique charm, serving as a splendid “Instagram-worthy” backdrop for travel enthusiasts.

My Son Sanctuary

My Son Sanctuary is one of the must-visit tourist destinations in Hoi An. This place has an ancient Champa temple system with a long history, located in a valley 2 km in diameter.

Cham Island

Cham Island is an archipelago consisting of 1 main island and 8 surrounding islets with a total area of ​​about 15 km. With its wild beauty and diversity of flora and fauna, Cham Island is recognized by UNESCO as one of the world’s important biosphere reserves and must be used safely.

Tra Que Vegetable Village

Tra Que Vegetable Village is a traditional farming community renowned for its organic produce. Visitors can explore the lush fields and learn about traditional farming methods that have been passed down through generations. You can also participate in hands-on activities such as planting and harvesting vegetables, or enjoy a cooking class to create delicious dishes using fresh, local ingredients. The village offers a charming glimpse into rural life and sustainable agriculture.

Kim Bong Carpentry Village

Kim Bong Carpentry Village is famous for its skilled artisans who craft beautiful wooden products using traditional techniques. The village is known for its intricate wooden carvings and architectural details that can be seen in local buildings and temples. Visitors can tour workshops to watch craftsmen at work and purchase unique handcrafted items such as furniture, decorative pieces, and intricate carvings. This is a great place to appreciate the craftsmanship and artistry that define Hoi An’s cultural heritage.

Bay Mau Coconut Forest

Bay Mau Coconut Forest, also known as the Seven Mau Coconut Forest, offers a unique eco-tourism experience. This area is characterized by its dense mangrove forests and tranquil waterways. Visitors can take a basket boat ride through the winding canals, where they can enjoy the serene environment and spot local wildlife. Activities such as fishing and watching traditional boat performances provide an immersive experience in the natural beauty and local customs of the region.

Bay Mau Coconut Forest – a new attraction in Hoi An

Delicious Places to Eat in Hoi An

When it comes to specialties in Hoi An, you can’t miss trying dishes like Hoi An chicken rice, Cao Lau, and Hoi An bread. Hoi An’s cuisine is also unique, rich with local flavors.

Here are some recommended dining spots in Hoi An:

  • Ba Buoi Chicken Rice: 22 Phan Chau Trinh, Hoi An
  • Ba Be Restaurant (Specializing in Cao Lau and Quang Noodles): Inside the Hoi An Market, Tran Phu Street
  • Hến Xào – Bánh Đập Cầm Nam: 679 Hai Ba Trung, Hoi An
  • Banh Beo 17: 17 Dinh Tien Hoang, Hoi An
  • Banh Mi Phuong: 2b Phan Chau Trinh, Hoi An

What to Buy as Souvenirs in Hoi An

Before finishing your 3-day, 2-night Hoi An tour, don’t forget to visit the Hoi An market to buy some typical souvenirs, such as:

  • Lanterns
  • Brass statues
  • Clay figurines (Tò He)
  • Silk fabrics
  • Green bean cakes, Phu The cakes, and Hoi An chili sauce

Travel Tips for a 3-Day, 2-Night Self-Guided Trip to Hoi An

Here are some essential tips to make your self-guided trip to Hoi An as smooth and enjoyable as possible:

  • Enjoy the Early Morning Beauty: Hoi An has a unique charm in the early morning hours. You’ll regret missing out on the peaceful and serene atmosphere of the town if you don’t wake up early to experience it.
  • Visit During Festivals or Full Moon: Consider visiting Hoi An during traditional festivals or full moon nights. These times showcase Hoi An at its most vibrant and beautiful, with lanterns lighting up the streets and various cultural activities.
  • Explore Independently: There’s no need for guides or intermediaries in hotels or shopping areas. You can easily explore and experience Hoi An on your own without any hassle. The town is well-suited for independent travelers.
  • Check the Weather Forecast: Be mindful of the weather forecast and try to avoid days with heavy rain or storms. This will help ensure a more comfortable and enjoyable trip.

Following these tips will help you make the most of your time in Hoi An and ensure a pleasant and memorable experience.

Above are the most detailed and comprehensive experiences for a 3-day, 2-night trip to Hoi An. We hope this useful information helps you have a fantastic journey filled with joy and many memorable moments in the charming and peaceful land of Hoi An.


Ly Son captivates visitors with its long clear beaches and beautiful unspoiled nature. Therefore, Ly Son is a favorite place of many people. Coming to Ly Son island, there is a very convenient form of taking a speedboat. Today, Danang Private Car will introduce you to “everything” about the speedboat to Ly Son island from ticket price to schedule.

What is the speedboat to Ly Son island?

People often compare Ly Son island district to a pearl island in the middle of the sea. The island is about 15 nautical miles from the mainland (1 nautical mile is equivalent to 1,852 m (1.85 km), making it an isolated place from the hustle and bustle of life.

Currently, the means of passenger transport on the Ly Son – Sa Ky route is a high-speed train, recently the term super-speed train has been added.

Previously, at SA Ky port, there were only high-speed ships with an average speed of about 16 knots. That is, departing from the harbor to Ly Son island will take about 1 hour. Recently, ships An Vinh 04, Super 2 East Sea, Chin Nghia 03, Chin Nghia 05… with a speed of 30 knots. From there it shortens the time to 30 minutes, and this is called a bullet train.

See more: Experience of renting a car from Da Nang to Ba Na

Speedboat port to Ly Son island

Sa Ky port is located about 25km east of Quang Ngai city. Currently, at the port, there are many ships with varied daily schedules. You will choose your own travel time that suits your schedule.

Speedboat port to Ly Son island
Speedboat port to Ly Son island

Inside Sa Ky port, there are 2 main types of ships and the fare for each type is different:

  • High-speed boat to Ly Son island: is a hydrofoil, a modern ship with a capacity of more than 100 seats. Travel time by train takes about 60 minutes. This train will be suitable for those who love sightseeing or exploring the sea because the train is quite slow. If you’re lucky, you’ll catch a sight of flying fish.
  • Speedboat to Ly Son Island:  As a speedboat, its travel time fluctuates around 30 minutes to reach the island. The train runs very fast and is suitable for passengers who love adventure and thrills. Note that on the day of big waves, you should also think if you choose.

Speed ​​train schedule Sa Ky – Ly Son

When moving to Ly Son, you should pay attention to the train schedule so that you do not miss the train, the train will start the first trip at 7:30 am and finish the last speedboat to Ly Son island at 15:30 every day. During these time frames, trains run:

  • Morning: 7:30 a.m., 9:30 a.m., 11:30 a.m
  • Afternoon: 13h30, 15h00

On weekends or holidays, Tet will have from 8 to 9 trips or maybe 12 trips. Therefore, you should arrive 1 hour in advance to have time to prepare and board the speedboat to Ly Son island to avoid missed or late train.

How to buy tickets and choose shipping lines to Ly Son island

Currently, Sa Ky port is the only point where you can buy tickets to move to Ly Son island. Every day, there will be 14-15 speedboats to Ly Son island and back. You can go directly to the ticket counter to queue and buy train tickets.

  • Note: When buying a speedboat ticket to Ly Son island, you need to bring ID, CCCD, Passport or birth certificate for children.

One tip when choosing a speedboat is to choose larger trains that will run more smoothly without breaking the waves. The train has air-conditioner for ventilation, so it will also help you feel more comfortable. If you are seasick, remember to take your medicine and prepare yourself in advance of the vomiting bag.

Train ticket price to Ly Son 2024

Currently, a number of speedboats to Ly Son island perform extra time frames such as during the day according to the schedule and the number of tickets sold. Additional running hours:

  • Morning: 7:50, 8:00, 8:30, 10:30, 10:40, 11:10
  • Afternoon: 12h30, 13h00, 14h00, 14h20, 14h30, 15h10
Carriers Seats Price Time
Righteousness Express 07 168 VND 185,000 35 minutes
An Vinh Express 152 VND 185,000 35 minutes
Super East Sea 2 152 VND 185,000 35 minutes
Super East Sea 139 VND 185,000 35 minutes
An Vinh 04 78 VND 185,000 35 minutes
Righteousness 03 78 VND 185,000 35 minutes
Righteousness 05 82 VND 185,000 35 minutes


  • Disabled people get 25% off ticket price
  • Seniors get 15% off ticket price
  • Children under 6 years old will be free.

Notes when taking the speedboat to Ly Son island

The journey by speedboat to Ly Son Island will be extremely interesting. To have a perfect trip, you need to be sure to know the following notes to have a safe trip.

See More: The Full Set of Ly Son Travel Experiences

  • Choose a reasonable train time to avoid arriving too early / late.
  • Guests suffering from seasickness need to take anti-sickness medicine 30 minutes before
  • Choose a big train to reduce shaking when running
  • Choose ships with air conditioning and open space
  • It is recommended to buy tickets in small order from 1-30 to be able to sit under the stern of the train to avoid getting drunk
  • You should choose clothes with good sun protection, and if not, prepare to apply sunscreen if you do not want to be grilled in the middle of the sea.

Above is the information about the ticket price of the speedboat to Ly Son island that Danang Private Car wants to provide to you. Hopefully the above information will help you have a memorable and complete discovery of Ly Son island.

The Cantonese Assembly Hall in Hoi An boasts a distinctive beauty that captivates the eyes of any passerby. It stands out amidst the ancient houses with predominantly orange and yellow tones in Hoi An. When visiting the assembly hall, you can explore the architectural beauty and the everyday lifestyle of the local people in this area.

Where is the Cantonese Assembly Hall?

  • Address: 176 Tran Phu Street, Hoi An, Quang Nam.
  • Entrance Ticket: Free of charge.

Hoi An Cantonese Assembly Hall is located right on Tran Phu Street, No. 176. Located on a heritage road with many architectural works of high historical value, the assembly hall has attracted many visitors every year. .

History of Hoi An Cantonese Assembly Hall

You may not know, but from the 15th to 19th centuries, Hoi An ancient town was extremely busy with many international trading ports. This place especially attracts the attention and activities of the Chinese. They chose this place as a place to trade and live.

The Cantonese Assembly Hall was built in 1885 by a Chinese merchant. Originally, this place worshiped Confucius  and Thien Hau Thanh Mau . It was not until 1911 that the assembly hall was moved to worship Tien Hien and Quan Cong.

This place is considered a spiritual place for merchants. At the same time, it is also the place where community activities take place, helping each other live.

The name Guangdong originates from the fact that this place worships a general named Quan Cong. According to the beliefs of the Chinese people, this shop is full of the words Trung – Meaning – Faith – Wisdom – Humanity and Courage. They believe that Quan Cong will bring good luck as well as support the peaceful life of black people and favorable business.

Meaning of the Name Cantonese Assembly Hall in Hoi An

The Cantonese Assembly Hall is also known by other names such as Quang Trieu Assembly Hall or Ong Pagoda because it houses the altar of Quan Cong, a famous Chinese general. According to the beliefs of the Chinese community, the deity Quan Cong embodies the six virtues of “loyalty, righteousness, trustworthiness, wisdom, humanity, and bravery.” He is considered a “lucky” deity believed to bring prosperity and favorable conditions to their business endeavors

Guide on How to Get to the Cantonese Assembly Hall in Hoi An

The Cantonese Assembly Hall is located in the Old Town of Hoi An, approximately 30km south of Da Nang. You can reach Hoi An using one of the following methods:

  • Motorbike: Travel along Vo Nguyen Giap and Truong Sa streets. Then, when you reach Hai Ba Trung Street, turn right and continue straight to Hoi An.
  • Bus: Operating since 2015, the bus is a convenient and affordable option, costing only 30,000 VND per one-way trip from Da Nang to Hoi An or vice versa.
  • Private Car Service: If you seek a quick and convenient travel option with door-to-door service, the private car service with drivers in Hoi An from can meet your needs. Professional drivers with basic English will make your journey to Hoi An easier. Additionally, you can explore attractions along the way, such as Marble Mountains and My Khe Beach,… Book your private car from Da Nang to Hoi An today to arrange a detailed itinerary.
  • Grab/Taxi: This option tends to have a higher cost, so you may want to consider the overall expense before choosing it. Taxi prices usually range from 350,000 to 430,000 VND for one way and 750,000 to 950,000 VND for a round trip, making it a relatively expensive option compared to the other methods mentioned above.

Hoi An Cantonese Assembly Hall – Vietnamese-Chinese cultural interference

When looking at the Cantonese Assembly Hall, if you have a little understanding of architecture, you will see that there is an interference between Vietnamese and Chinese cultures.

Architecture of Cantonese Assembly Hall in Hoi An

Wood and stone are the two main materials to build this assembly hall. Every detail designed to decorate the hall is also meticulously carved. Thanks to that, they bring many features and are indescribably beautiful.

This architectural work is built in a closed way resembling the shape of the letter Quoc. The whole project includes the three gates, the garden, the main hall and the backyard.

  • Three-way gate: When you set foot in this area, you will immediately admire 3 large paintings corresponding to 3 legendary gods, namely Luu Be, Truong Phi and Quan Cong.
  • Electricity bill: Large scale, many walls are made of stone. The roof has many floors and is built in a soaring style associated with many ancient legends.
  • Main hall: Consists of a large space, supported by large pillars. The main hall is divided into 3 main compartments for worship.
  • Backyard: Spacious with lots of trees. The highlight of this space is the fountain designed in the shape of a dragon. Besides, there is also a painting of Van Truong Quan which is delicately carved, detailed to every line.

Ancient relic of the Cantonese Assembly Hall

At the present time, you can still admire many ancient relics in the Cantonese Assembly Hall. And this is also an experience you should know when participating in Hoi An tour ! The typical antique relics of high value in the assembly hall are:

  • Censer
  • Enamel porcelain stoneware
  • 4 paintings
  • statue of Quan Cong on a large horse.

If you are self-sufficient traveling to Hoi An , you can read the documents about these relics in advance! If you follow the tour, the guide will explain to you when you arrive in front of each ancient relic.

Traditional activities

At the Cantonese assembly hall, there are usually two big festivals: Nguyen Tieu and Via Quan Cong.

  • Nguyen Tieu Festival:

It is held on the full moon of the first lunar month every year. The festival usually takes place within 2-3 days. The spiritual meaning of this festival is explained by the people as the time to worship, pray for a full life, and give thanks for favorable business.

The scale of this festival is very large, including old folk games for people to enjoy. The most typical games are lion dance, firecrackers, lake cruise….

  • Festival of Quan Cong

Usually held on June 24 every year at Quan Cong Temple. This is considered the oldest belief of the people of Hoi An Thanh. The offerings that are usually made for this festival are very elaborate. At the end of the ceremony, people will start participating in sports activities and processions. The whole streets of Hoi An these days are often immersed in the bustling sound.

Tourist Attractions Near the Cantonese Assembly Hall

Due to its central location, the Cantonese Assembly Hall is surrounded by many other interesting tourist attractions that you can explore when you visit.

Hoi An Ancient Town

This famous city is home to over 1000 well-preserved historical sites, including ancient houses, streets, communal houses, and temples. When visiting Hoi An Ancient Town, tourists can enjoy the fresh air, spacious atmosphere, and immerse themselves in the beauty of ancient architecture, accompanied by the warm hospitality of the local people.

Hoian Ancient Town
Hoian Ancient Town

Ong Pagoda

A spiritual destination in Hoi An, Ong Pagoda, also known as Quan Cong Temple, is a long-standing and renowned tourist spot. Built in the 17th century, the pagoda maintains its unique and intact architecture, housing many valuable artifacts with significant historical importance.

Ong Pagoda is located on Tran Phu Street near the center of the ancient town.

Tan Ky Ancient House

Recognized as a national heritage site, Tan Ky Ancient House is designed with a blend of Japanese, Chinese, and Vietnamese architectural styles, creating a harmonious and unique appearance. It has had the honor of hosting various foreign heads of state and politicians.

Tan Ky Ancient House
Tan Ky Ancient House

Fujian Assembly Hall

A famous destination with distinctive Chinese architecture, Phuc Kien Assembly Hall is the most beautiful among the three well-known assembly halls in Hoi An. This place is dedicated to the worship of Thien Hau Thanh Mau and holds the status of a national cultural and historical monument.

Phuc Kien Assembly Hall.

Chaozhou Assembly Hall

Also known as Ong Bon Pagoda, Chaozhou Assembly Hall is the center of the Chinese community in Hoi An. With intricate and delicate porcelain decorations, this assembly hall is a must-visit tourist attraction in Hoi An Ancient Town.

Important Notes When Visiting the Cantonese Assembly Hall

  • Appropriate attire: As it is a tourist attraction, please be mindful of choosing suitable clothing for your visit. Avoid wearing shorts/skirts, sleeveless shirts, and excessive makeup.
  • Politeness during the visit: Refrain from speaking loudly or laughing, as it is considered disrespectful in this sacred place.
  • Maintain cleanliness and respect for the environment by disposing of litter in designated areas.
  • Recommended items: Wear comfortable shoes, bring sun protection items such as an umbrella and sunscreen to easily move around and explore various tourist spots in Hoi An.

If you have the opportunity to travel to Hoi An, don’t forget to visit the Cantonese Assembly Hall. With its unique and vibrant architecture, along with a serene atmosphere, the Cantonese Assembly Hall will provide tourists with a complete and memorable spiritual travel experience.

Traditional craft villages are a vital part of Hoi An’s historical and cultural heritage, and they remain popular tourist attractions. One such village, although lesser-known among tourists, is the renowned Kim Bong Carpentry Village in Hoi An.

What is interesting in Kim Bong carpentry village is a question that many tourists are interested in? Choosing this as a destination in the Hoi An tour schedule , Kim Bong carpentry village will not disappoint you.

Visiting Kim Bong carpentry village in Hoi An

Hoi An tourism not only has Thanh Ha pottery village, Tra Que vegetable village but also other traditional craft villages. Kim Bong Carpentry Village is a craft village with a history of hundreds of years associated with Hoi An ancient houses.

Where is Kim Bong carpentry village?

  • Address: Trung Ha, Cam Kim, Hoi An, Quang Nam

Kim Bong village is opposite the ancient town of Hoi An, about 2km – 3km away. From the old town, visitors choose motorbikes, bicycles or boats as means of transportation here. The road to the carpentry village is easy to go and no one here does not know this craft village.

Ticket price to visit Kim Bong carpentry village

Kim Bong carpentry village is open to visitors every day of the week. Service time 24/7.

In particular, this is one of the places to visit with free tickets for tourists. Visitors only need to pay the personal service fee (dining, shopping for souvenirs, …).

How to Get to Kim Bong Carpentry Village?

Kim Bong Carpentry Village (also known as Kim Bong Chau) is a traditional handicraft village very close to Hoi An Ancient Town. To get there, visitors can choose from a variety of transportation options, including bicycles, motorbikes, or boats (ferries), each offering a unique and interesting experience:

  • By Bicycle/Motorbike: Cross the Cam Kim Bridge over the Thu Bon River and travel about 3 km to reach Kim Bong Carpentry Village.
  • By Boat/Ferry: From the ferry terminal in the ancient town, head south along Bach Dang Street by the river and take the Hoi An – Cam Kim ferry route. Once you arrive, walk a short distance, and you will see the entrance to Kim Bong Carpentry Village.

Explore Kim Bong Carpentry Village in Hoi An

Kim Bong carpentry village in the past was a busy craft village, on the wharf under the busy trading boat. Today, that scene remains only in the memories of the elderly artisans. Kim Bong village still retains carpentry but the atmosphere is much more peaceful and quiet.

Traditional history more than 600 years old

The sixteenth and eighteenth centuries were the golden age of Kim Bong carpentry village in Hoi An. Kim Bong carpentry is developed with 3 groups: construction carpentry, civil carpentry and boat building.

The village offers many unique activities that attract both domestic and international tourists
The village offers many unique activities that attract both domestic and international tourists

The handicrafts area is located in the west of the village. The shipyard is on the east side. Today, the people of Kim Bong village still preserve their traditional craft and widely promote it to tourists.

Directly watching carpentry artists perform

There is a familiar sound of Kim Bong craft village before entering the village, visitors have heard it is the chisel and carving sound of the carpenter. Visiting Kim Bong village in Hoi An, visitors have the opportunity to be directly. Watch the carpenter at work.

Artisans meticulously carve and drill to create products
Artisans meticulously carve and drill to create products

The products made from extremely sophisticated carpentry have gone through many complicated stages. With talented hands and the mind of the artist, the artist has breathed life into the work.

Admire the wooden products of Kim Bong village

Products made by artisans of Kim Bong village have a very unique beauty unlike products in other carpentry villages. It is the typical pattern and motifs of the people of Hoi An ancient town .

Solid wood material has a natural shiny color and is extremely durable. The carpenter Kim Bong has skillfully used embossing and perforation techniques to produce vivid works of art.

Buy carpentry village gifts for relatives

Today, Kim Bong carpentry village tourism is also very developed. Therefore, handicrafts and souvenirs are diversified to serve domestic and foreign tourists.

So, at the end of the tour, don’t forget to buy some souvenirs as gifts. There are many shops selling, reasonably priced and publicly listed, so visitors do not have to worry about price cuts.

Enjoy delicious Hoi An specialties

Kim Bong village is located right next to the gentle Thu Bon river and next to the ancient town of Hoi An. Therefore, visitors can combine sightseeing and enjoying delicious specialties at the same time.

Hoi An is a culinary paradise. If you have come here, then take the time to eat Cao Lau, Quang noodles, bread, chicken rice, pound cake, mussels,…. Each dish has an addictive delicious taste for many visitors.

Travel Tips for Kim Bong Carpentry Village

  • On the 6th day of the first lunar month each year, there is a festival to honor the ancestors of Kim Bong Carpentry Village. Therefore, if you visit during this time, you will have even more opportunities to experience and explore the village.
  • The village offers bicycle rental services, so if you prefer not to walk, you can rent a bike to tour the village while enjoying local delicacies.
  • Since the village is quite large, visitors should prepare comfortable clothing, walking shoes, and bring an umbrella and sunscreen to protect their skin.

Exploring Kim Bong Carpentry Village will offer visitors exciting experiences, unforgettable impressions, and valuable insights into the carpentry trade, enhancing their cultural knowledge. Don’t forget to use the private car service in Hoi An from for the most enjoyable visit to Kim Bong Carpentry Village!

Dropping lanterns in Hoi An is a beauty with spiritual meaning of the people of the old town. The lanterns float quietly, lighting up Hoai River like the Milky Way. When and where do you release the lanterns in Hoi An?

If you are or are about to travel to Hoi An , do not miss the opportunity to drop the lantern yourself. Danang Private Car also shares with you many other interesting experiences.

The meaning of releasing lanterns in Hoi An

Release of lanterns is a ritual derived from Buddhism. “Flower” means beautiful and elegant flower. “Sign” means lights. Lanterns are flower lights.

Lantern festival is usually held in the early spring of the new year and Vu Lan pays filial piety. Each flower lantern sends a prayer for peace, happiness and luck of the dropper.

The light of the lanterns is the light of hope. Lighted lanterns send prayers and remove all worries. The person who releases the lamp therefore feels at ease.

Whether they are adults or children, they are all excited and eager to release the lanterns. The flower lantern dropped on the Hoai River drifted to the big sea to give wings to the dream of flying high and far away.

See MoreWhat’s interesting about Hoi An night market ?

Hoi An lantern festival

Dropping lanterns in Hoi An is a light festival of hundreds and thousands of small and beautiful lanterns. Hoi An Lantern Festival has been officially held since 1998, attracting a large number of domestic and foreign tourists to participate.

The festival brings visitors memorable memories. The lantern festival helps visitors understand more about the people and life of Hoi An ancient town.

See More: Hoi An To Da nang Airport by private Car

On what day does Hoi An release lanterns?

A festival is a major cultural and artistic event of a community and is usually held every year or every few years. The lantern festival in Hoi An is different.

This event is held at the following times:

  • The 1st day of the lunar calendar
  • The 14th day of the lunar calendar
  • 15th lunar day
  • Every Saturday night

On festival days, the whole old town is lit up with lanterns and lanterns. The festival starts at 6pm, but 2 hours before that, all roads in the old town are closed to vehicles. The festival takes place until 10pm with a lot of interesting activities.

See More: Hoi An Lantern Festival 2023 – 2024: Immerse yourself in the traditional beauty of the old town 

Where to drop Hoi An lanterns?

Hoi An lantern festival takes place on both sides of Hoai River. Hoai River is a tributary of Thu Bon River, Quang Nam.

Hoai River is located in the center of the old town, so it was chosen as the place to drop the lights in Hoi An. The banks of Hoai River on the days of the festival are crowded with tourists. The scene on the wharf, under the boat is busy and bustling.

Experience Releasing Lanterns on the River in Hoi An

To participate in the Lantern Festival, you can purchase small lanterns priced from 5,000 to 10,000 VND each, available along the banks of the Hoai River in Hoi An. After buying a lantern, you can choose to release it from the shore or enjoy a lantern boat ride on the Hoai River while releasing lanterns or taking in the scenic views along the riverbank. At the end of the festival, visitors can explore Hoi An’s local specialties on the streets.

Boating in Hoi An Offers You an Exciting Experience
Boating in Hoi An Offers You an Exciting Experience

Some good experiences when releasing lanterns in Hoi An

What is beautiful in Hoi An at night ? Dropping lanterns in Hoi An is the most anticipated festival of tourists every time they have the opportunity to come to the old town in the evening. Tourdanang city has some Hoi An travel experiences with you to have a complete itinerary as follows:

The best months to see the lights drop in Hoi An

The best weather to drop lights in Hoi An is on dry days. It is the weather of March to August , which is ideal for releasing lanterns and walking in Hoi An.

Especially in the 7th and 8th lunar month, the people of Hoi An ancient town hold a huge lantern festival. July is Vu Lan’s filial piety season. In August, there is the Mid-Autumn Festival event.

Where to Buy Hoi An Lanterns? Pricing Information

n Hoi An, you will find lanterns for sale in various shops, especially in the night market area and along the Hoai River. You don’t need to buy lanterns in advance, as you can purchase them right at the lantern release points before the festival.

In the evening, along Bach Dang, An Hoi Bridge, Thoai Ngoc Hau, and Cong Nu Ngoc Hoa streets, you’ll easily encounter street vendors selling lanterns. With a very affordable price of 20,000 VND for 3 lanterns in various colors, it’s easy to choose from. If you plan to take a boat out into the river, you can also buy lanterns directly from the boat operators.


During the full moon days in Vietnam, Hoi An becomes more vibrant than ever. For a long time, many visitors have eagerly come to this heritage site to experience the unique Hoi An Lantern Festival, making wishes with small candle lanterns on the Hoai River and hoping their dreams come true. Even the usually serene ancient town of Hoi An transforms into a bustling and colorful spectacle, a beauty that is not always visible.

Cua Dai Beach is a famous beach in Hoi An. It is currently a popular destination that attracts a large number of tourists, especially foreign visitors, every summer. It possesses the pristine beauty of the blue sea, smooth white sand, and rows of coconut trees providing shade. Cua Dai Beach has been voted as one of the 25 most beautiful beaches in Asia. To find out what makes this place so beautiful and attractive, let’s explore it with!

General introduction to Cua Dai Beach

Where is Cua Dai Beach?

Cua Dai beach belongs to Cam An ward – Hoi An, Quang Nam province. Moving from Hoi An ancient town, it only takes about 30 minutes to reach Cua Dai beach. The average distance is from 5-7km.

Cua Dai Beach in Hoi An is identified as the meeting point of the famous river complex. Including, Thu Bon – Truong Giang and De Vong River. This beach attracts the attention of tourists because of its pristine beauty. The white sand dunes of the sea stretch endlessly, the thick coconut groves, shaded by the cool water.

This is also the most ideal resort destination in Quang Nam province. Therefore, over the years, millions of tourists have visited and constantly praised the sea.

What makes Cua Dai Beach attractive?

It is no coincidence that Cua Dai Beach is honored to be among the top 25 most beautiful beaches in Asia. This beach attracts tourists with its pristine beauty, characterized by long stretches of white sandy dunes, rows of lush green coconut trees casting their shadows, and the crystal-clear seawater sparkling under the radiant golden sun.

Moreover, along Cua Dai Beach, there are many hotels and luxurious resorts built to cater to tourists. Recreational and entertainment activities are also well-invested in the area. This has turned it into an ideal vacation destination, attracting tourists to come and experience the relaxing and enjoyable atmosphere.

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Suitable transportation options for visiting Cua Dai Beach.

Depending on the starting location and individual preferences, there are different transportation options to choose from:

Motorbike rental

This option is ideal for independent and adventurous travelers who want to explore and experience things in their own way. Riding a motorbike provides both freedom and cost savings. In both Da Nang and Hoi An, there are motorbike rental services available at shops or hotels where you stay. Rental prices range from 80,000 to 150,000 VND per day. Once you have a motorbike, you can use Google Maps for navigation.

Tourists can travel independently by motorbike for freedom and comfort.

If you travel by motorbike, consider visiting Cam Nam Island to experience the local culinary culture and the people of Hoi An.

Car rental

For group travelers, renting a car with 7 to 29 seats (depending on the group size) is a good option, whether self-driving or with a driver. Renting a car gives you more control, comfort, and the ability to carry more belongings. is a private car service provider in Hoi An with professional drivers who have years of experience in serving international travelers. They will ensure you have a comfortable and safe journey to Cua Dai Beach.

Renting a private car is suitable for families and groups of friends

Taking a taxi

If you are a couple or a small family group and want a comfortable option without the hassle of navigation, you can take a taxi. The taxi fare from Da Nang to Cua Dai Beach in Hoi An is around 300,000 to 350,000 VND one way, and from Hoi An, it is about 100,000 to 150,000 VND one way.

  • Taxi companies in Da Nang: Mai Linh (0511 3 52 52 52), Vinasun (0511 3 68 68 68), Song Han (0511 3 72 72 72).
  • Taxi companies in Hoi An: Mai Linh (0510 3 92 92 92), Taxi Hoi An (0510 3 919 919).

Taking a bus

In Da Nang, you can also travel by bus. Bus route number 1 operates from 5:30 am to 6:00 pm daily, with a frequency of approximately every 20 minutes. The fare is around 18,000 VND per trip. This bus route goes through Cua Dai Beach, making it a convenient option. However, it may take a longer time to reach the destination compared to other transportation methods.

What is the best season to travel to Cua Dai Hoi An beach?

Weather is considered to be the most influential factor on your experience on the beach. Therefore, the question of whether to visit Cua Dai beach in Hoi An is a beautiful season, you need to rely on the weather. Based on the experience of many backpackers, the best season to visit is summer.

The ideal time to visit the resort is from April to October

At that time, the weather at the beach was extremely beautiful. The soil is dry, cool, and the climate is very pleasant. Therefore, all fun activities as well as exploration take place more smoothly than ever.

In addition to the beautiful weather, there are also many festivals around this time. Therefore, do not forget to note the time to make a trip to Hoi An! In case you plan to go to the beach in July-August, pay attention to the weather week by week. Because this time usually will have some sudden rain.

What’s attractive about Cua Dai beach in Hoi An?

Taking Hoi An Tour, visiting Cua Dai beach, visitors will experience a lot of interesting things. Here are typical experiences and promises that you will never forget.

Swimming in Cua Dai Beach

To mingle with the cool water, fully enjoy the peaceful feeling, visitors should visit the beach in the early morning or late afternoon. Waves gently pat the skin. They make you feel very excited and comfortable.
If you swim in the afternoon, you can also watch the beautiful sunset sky. A purple-red color in the sky makes your soul cleanse. This also means your energy is recharged once again. The energy for all night partying has been awakened in your body at that moment.

Enjoy “virtual life”

At Cua Dai beach, there are many beautiful virtual living corners. You just need to prepare a few outfits and choose a shooting angle. At night, the beach is lit by many shimmering lights. This makes the beach attractive in the eyes of tourists.
The space has also become romantic, suitable for you to date with your lover. What are you waiting for, come here with that person, check in the beautiful pictures?


The best time to experience Hoi An self-sufficient travel and sunbathe at Cua Dai Hoi An beach is early in the morning. You can relax, bask in the soft light.

From there, look out to see a peaceful sea ahead. At the same time, slowly enjoy the cool breeze blowing in from the sea. Believe, your feeling will not be available anywhere.

Hoi An specialties at Cua Dai beach

In addition to activities related to entertainment, do not forget to enjoy Hoi An specialties!

Some of the most recommended delicacies for visitors are:

  • Grilled stingray with lemongrass and turmeric: This dish is often seasoned with various spices and made according to an esoteric recipe. Therefore, they are not fishy, ​​on the contrary, they also bring an indescribable delicious taste. On average, a plate of stingrays will be sold for 40 – 60,000 VND. The price is quite soft, right, why not try it?
  • Fried squid with fish sauce: This delicious dish is simply processed and seems to be no different, but what makes visitors unforgettable is the flavor it brings. Squid is fried golden, fragrant, served with esoteric sauce. Therefore, that flavor you will not be able to find anywhere else.
  • Steamed lemongrass chips: Chip chips – this name is quite strange for many tourists, right? In fact, this is a seafood in the clam family, similar in appearance to oysters and mussels. The way to prepare this delicious dish is extremely elaborate. The cook must be meticulous from choosing chips to marinating and steaming products. When the chip plate is brought to you, the first thing you feel is the aroma of lemongrass. Chips are sweet, when dipped with sauce, it’s more rich.

Distances between Cua Dai Beach and tourist attractions in Hoi An.

Due to its close proximity to the Hoi An Ancient Town, from Cua Dai Beach, you can easily explore many nearby tourist destinations. Below are the distances from this beach to some famous attractions in Hoi An, which you can combine and experience:

An Bang Beach (3km):

An Bang Beach is a beautiful and interesting beach no less charming than Cua Dai Beach. Although it is relatively calm, it captivates tourists with its pristine and peaceful beauty, featuring smooth white sandy stretches and waves gently lapping the shore. Here, you can enjoy swimming, relaxing, or participating in activities such as boat rowing, surfing, or simply visiting beachside bars for a refreshing drink while admiring the sea.

The natural beauty of An Bang beach is very popular with tourists

Tra Que Vegetable Village (4km):

A completely different destination worth visiting is Tra Que Vegetable Village, located in Cam Ha commune, Hoi An, Quang Nam, less than 4km from the beach. This place offers a cool, fresh, and serene atmosphere, making it perfect for those seeking to escape the urban hustle. In Tra Que Vegetable Village, you can immerse yourself in the role of a farmer, participating in activities like planting and harvesting vegetables, as well as savoring delicious local dishes.

Tra Que Vegetable Village

Hoi An Ancient Town (5km):

Certainly, if you visit Hoi An, you must also visit the Hoi An Ancient Town, right? This famous city has been voted as one of the most beautiful cities in Asia and one of the most attractive destinations on the planet, so almost everyone wants to visit it at least once.

Hoi An Ancient Town with its moss-covered golden walls.

Hoi An Ancient Town features over 1000 historical relics, with its old and charming beauty infused with a sense of time, along with a variety of traditional and enticing dishes, and friendly and welcoming locals, which will captivate you during your exploration.

Some other destinations:

What to note when traveling to Cua Dai beach in Quang Nam

To have a complete trip to Cua Dai Hoi An beach, visitors should pay attention to the following:

  • You can come here at any time, but it’s best to visit in April, June, and September. The weather in these months is quite dry, somewhat cool. Moreover, there are also many fun activities organized.
  • Pay attention in the matter of choosing the means to move. Each type will have different costs. Consider your budget to have the best choice!
  • Always pay attention to the weather to have the best preparation.
  • The best time to bathe at the beach is in the morning from 7 to 9 am, in the afternoon from 16 to 18 pm.
  • You can combine sightseeing with the nearby An Bang Hoi An beach.
  • When bathing, it is also necessary to observe a safe location. Do not subjectively bathe in water that is too deep, far from the shore, very dangerous.

Cua Dai Beach Hoi An with many beautiful scenery, promises to give you an unforgettable experience. Near the beach, you can zoom out to see Cua Dai Hoi An bridge shimmering at night!

The Japanese Covered Bridge, also known as Cau Pagoda, is located over a stream that flows into the Thu Bon River, along the border of Nguyen Thi Minh Khai and Tran Phu Streets in Hoi An Town, Quang Nam Province. It is the sole surviving ancient bridge in Hoi An, often referred to as the “Lai Vien” bridge. Locally, it is recognized as Cau Pagoda, a cherished landmark that has come to symbolize the Hoi An urban area.Introduction to the Japanese Bridge in Hoi An.

Where is the Japanese Bridge located?

The Japanese Bridge, also known as Cau Chua in Vietnamese, is situated north of the Hoai River, right at the entrance to the historic center of the town. It is adjacent to Tran Phu Street and Nguyen Thi Minh Khai Street, within the city of Hoi An, Quang Nam Province.

Japanese Covered Bridge, Hoi An, Viet Nam
Japanese Covered Bridge, Hoi An, Viet Nam

Its location is ideal and easy to find. From here, you can easily explore the ancient town and other famous sites without needing to use a motorbike.

Who is worshipped at the Japanese Bridge?

Despite being called a temple, in reality, the Japanese Bridge in Hoi An does not worship Buddha but rather the Northern Deity Tran Vu, a guardian spirit in Daoism. The local people here pay homage to this deity, believing that he will protect them from disasters and floods.

Furthermore, on both sides of the bridge, there are also shrines dedicated to the guardian spirits Linh Hau and Thien Cau. These mythical creatures serve as protectors of the bridge and temple. On special occasions such as full moons, festivals, and holidays, the local residents come here to offer prayers and offerings, seeking a safe, fortunate, and prosperous life.

The Famous Origin of Hoi An’s Japanese Bridge.

Legends of the Japanese Bridge.

In Japanese folklore, there is a water monster called Mamazu, which translates to “Cù” in Vietnamese, meaning a heron. This creature was believed to be responsible for causing natural disasters in the coastal regions it inhabited.

To control Mamazu, the Japanese people constructed a bridge in the shape of a sword piercing the creature’s back, preventing it from causing harm.

The Japanese Bridge has its origins in a Japanese legend

During that time, Hoi An, located along the Thu Bon River, frequently experienced flooding, causing difficulties for Japanese traders and the livelihoods of the local people.

The Japanese Bridge appeared as a spiritual anchor to help them overcome these hardships and build better lives.

History of the Japanese Bridge.

Around the 16th-17th century, during the Nguyen Dynasty’s reforms, trade expanded, and industry flourished. Hoi An was chosen as a trading port for foreign merchants to meet and exchange goods, making it a bustling and vibrant period for the town.

When Japanese merchants settled in the area, they contributed to the construction of the bridge for ease of travel, hence its name, the Japanese Bridge.

The Name of the Japanese Bridge.

In 1653, the Japanese people expanded the temple on the northern side protruding into the middle of the bridge, creating a T-shaped structure. This led to a name change to Hoi An Bridge Temple. In 1791, during a visit by Lord Nguyen Phuc Chu, it was referred to as Lai Vien Kieu. This name has been prominently inscribed on the temple’s plaque ever since.

Japanese Covered Bridge At Night
The Japanese Bridge has undergone several renovations over the years

Guide on how to get to the Japanese Bridge in Hoi An.

Hoi An’s ancient town is located approximately 30km from the center of Da Nang city. The distance is not too far, so you have various transportation options such as cars, taxis, motorbikes, tourist buses, or regular buses to get there.

If you plan to travel independently using your own vehicle, you can consider the following routes to reach the Japanese Bridge:

  • First Route: From the city center, head towards Vo Van Kiet Street, Truong Sa Street, Vo Nguyen Giap Street, Lac Long Quan Street, and finally to Hoi An City.
  • Second Route: From Vo Chi Cong Street, take Vo Nguyen Giap Street, Lac Long Quan Street, and reach Hoi An City.
  • Third Route: From the Hue intersection, follow the signs towards Quang Nam, Vinh Dien, then turn left onto Huynh Thuc Khang Street, leading you straight into the ancient town.

TIPS: For convenient transportation to visit the Japanese Bridge and other locations in Hoi An’s ancient town without worrying about transportation, you can book a private car service with a driver in Hoi An. Our driver will pick you up at hotel in Da Nang, the airport, or any other location in Da Nang. With our private car service, you can save a lot of time on your day trip from Da Nang to Hoi An with’s. Book your trip with us today to have a memorable travel experience.

Information about the operating hours and ticket prices for the Japanese Bridge in Hoi An.

Opening Hours of the Japanese Bridge.

Opening hours: In the morning from 9 AM to 11 AM, and in the afternoon from 3 PM to 10 PM. During these hours, the Japanese Bridge is open for visitors to offer incense and offerings, seeking blessings and success. However, there are no specific restrictions on visiting and taking photos outside of these hours.

Ticket Price for Visiting the Japanese Bridge.

If you wish to visit historic houses, assembly halls, museums, etc., in the ancient town, you are required to purchase a ticket priced at 80,000 VND per person. However, for the Japanese Bridge, there is no entrance fee. This site is located outside the designated heritage area of the ancient town and is free to visit.

See More: Ticket price list to visit Hoi An ancient town updated to the latest 2023

The Best Time to Visit the Japanese Bridge in Hoi An?

According to the experience of’s, you should research and choose the appropriate time to check-in at the Japanese Bridge. Most tourists come here to admire its architecture and take Instagram-worthy photos.

Typically, the period from March to August is considered the “golden time.” During this time, the weather is clear, the sun shines brightly, and the scenery is incredibly beautiful. It’s suitable for sightseeing, exploration, and combining with a visit to the beach. However, be aware that the weather can be quite hot and uncomfortable, especially in June and July. It’s advisable to visit around 9 AM in the morning or between 2 PM and 3 PM in the afternoon when there is less crowding.

The most suitable time for sightseeing and exploration is during the dry season when the weather is sunny and pleasant.

In addition, January and the early part of February are also decent choices. It’s best to avoid the late months of the year because that’s when Hoi An experiences the flood season.

REFERENCE: When is the best time to visit Hoi An, even better than the locals?

What Makes Hoi An’s Japanese Bridge Unique and Attractive to Tourists?

In addition to the fact that it’s a temple, but not dedicated to Buddha, the Japanese Bridge in Hoi An has many other unique aspects worth exploring.

The Temple with Distinctive Japanese Architecture.

The reason it’s called the Japanese Bridge is due to its distinctive Japanese architectural style. The temple is constructed from wood on stone pillars, with dimensions of approximately 18 meters in length and 3 meters in width. Its roof is adorned with Yin and Yang tiles, and above the main entrance hangs a large sign inscribed with three Chinese characters: “Lai – Vien – Kieu.”

Architectural Features with Strong Japanese Style

Both the temple and the bridge are made of wood, intricately carved and painted in eye-catching colors, facing the riverbank. At the temple’s gate, one side features a statue of a monkey, and the other side features a statue of a dog. When viewed from a distance, the Japanese Bridge appears graceful like a rainbow, blending ancient charm with a touch of modernity.

Hoi An’s Japanese Bridge – A Place of Cultural Confluence.

Historically, Hoi An was a bustling trading port, a meeting place for merchants from various countries around the world. Therefore, it’s easy to understand why this place boasts a unique blend of cultures.

The Japanese Bridge is indeed evidence of a period of architectural exchange between Vietnam, Japan, and China.

Apart from assembly halls and ancient houses with distinct Chinese and French influences, the Japanese Bridge stands as evidence of architectural exchange between Vietnam, Japan, and China. This is evident through its delicate lines and distinctly East Asian design.

The Japanese Bridge Featured on Vietnamese Currency.

It’s not a coincidence that the Japanese Bridge in Hoi An was chosen to be featured on the 20,000 Vietnamese dong banknote. The polymer banknote, with one side featuring an image of the Japanese Bridge, was issued in 2006 and is still in circulation today.

The image of the Japanese Bridge appears on Vietnamese currency notes.

This reflects the immense significance and value of this temple, both spiritually and in practical terms.

The Japanese Bridge Integral to the Lives of the Ancient Town’s Residents.

The bridge is not just evidence of historical events and Hoi An’s trading history but is also an integral part of the lives of the town’s residents. It plays a role in regulating traffic and facilitating transportation within the ancient town.

Furthermore, this location is also chosen as a place for religious activities related to water protection and mythical water creatures.

A Vintage and Unique Check-In Spot for the Youth.

As a historically significant bridge with unique architecture that bears the imprint of time, the Japanese Bridge has become a must-visit destination for tourists in Hoi An.

Here, you can freely choose your attire, whether it’s a gentle, stylish, or bold and unique style, and strike poses for photos that turn out beautifully.

Just prepare yourself beautifully, and you’ll have a lovely picture.

SEE MORE: Hoi An Lantern Street | The most dazzling check-in point in the ancient town.

Hotels and Restaurants near the Japanese Bridge in Hoi An.

Restaurants and Eateries near the Japanese Bridge.

When you visit Hoi An and explore the Japanese Bridge and other tourist spots, be sure to try some of the local specialties. Since Hoi An’s ancient town is at the center, you’ll find numerous restaurants and eateries offering dishes like “mi quang” (turmeric noodles), “cao lau” (Hoi An’s signature noodle dish), white rose dumplings, bao buns, grilled meat and rice paper rolls, “banh beo” (water fern cake), corn pudding, and assorted sweet soups.

Here are some renowned dining places shared by

  • Van Loc Restaurant: 27 Tran Phu, Minh An, Hoi An.
  • Hong Phuc Restaurant: 43 – 45 Tran Hung Dao, Minh An, Hoi An.
  • Faifo Xua Restaurant: 66 Nguyen Thai Hoc, Minh An, Hoi An.
  • Vinh Hung Restaurant: 1 Chau Thuong Van, Minh An, Hoi An.

Additionally, if you’re out and about in the afternoon and evening, you’ll find street vendors in the vicinity of the Japanese Bridge. They offer a variety of dishes with simple plastic tables and chairs. The food is delicious, and the prices are often more budget-friendly compared to restaurants.

Hotels near the Japanese Bridge in Hoi An for Accommodation.

Choosing accommodation near the center of the ancient town can be a bit challenging, not because there’s a shortage of options, but because there are so many beautiful hotels and homestays that it can be overwhelming to decide. To make your choice, consider your purpose, preferences, and budget. Here are some recommendations:

  • River Suites Hoi An Hotel: 4 Nguyen Du, Minh An, Hoi An.
  • Volar de Faifo Villa: 132 Ngo Quyen, Minh An, Hoi An.
  • Silkotel Hoi An: 14 Hung Vuong, Cam Pho, Hoi An.
  • Laluna Hoi An Riverside Hotel & Spa: 12 Nguyen Du Minh An, Hoi An.
  • The View Homestay Hoi An: 28/6 Tran Hung Dao, Son Phong, Hoi An.

Based on experience, if your goal leans more toward relaxation than exploration, consider selecting hotels or homestays a bit farther from the town center. You could choose places near An Bang Beach, Cua Dai Beach, or close to Tra Que Vegetable Village, for instance.

However, if you prefer convenience for sightseeing and getting around, staying near the town center is a good option. Just keep in mind that central accommodations can be quite pricey, and most rooms have a classic, timeless charm that matches the beauty of the ancient town.

Other Temples to Visit Besides the Japanese Bridge in Hoi An.

If you enjoy exploring spiritual destinations, apart from the Japanese Bridge, Hoi An boasts many other equally enticing temples.

Ong Temple.

  • Address: 24 Tran Phu, Cam Chau Ward, Hoi An.

Ong Temple was constructed in the early 17th century and is over 400 years old to date. Not only does it feature unique architecture, but it also preserves the long-standing traditional cultural values of the ancient town.

Ong Pagoda is located on Tran Phu Street near the center of the ancient town.

Currently, Ong Temple houses precious ancient artifacts and stone steles, poems, and folk parables. The temple hosts various festivals each year, such as the New Year’s Day festival, Ong Temple festival, and Quan Hien Thanh Temple festival, attracting a large number of tourists.

Ba Mu Temple.

  • Address: 675A Hai Ba Trung, Hoi An.

Nestled within the ancient town, with intricately carved walls and a serene lake reflecting the deep blue sky, Ba Mu Temple in Hoi An has become a hot spot for young people seeking Instagram-worthy photos.

Ba Mu Pagoda has emerged as a trendy check-in spot.

This is also one of the famous historical sites in addition to the Japanese Bridge. The temple plays an important role in the spiritual life of the local people.

Phap Bao Temple.

  • Address: Phan Chu Trinh Street, Minh An Ward, Hoi An.

During your journey through the ancient town of Hoi An, don’t miss Phap Bao Temple – the largest temple in this area.

Phap Bao Temple impresses visitors with its long-standing historical values, unique architectural style, and solemn decoration. It provides a nostalgic and profoundly traditional atmosphere. While it may not be an ideal place for taking selfies, you will feel a sense of tranquility and inner peace as you contemplate the temple’s surroundings.

What to Keep in Mind When Visiting Hoi An’s Japanese Bridge?

As a famous tourist destination, almost everyone who comes to Hoi An pays a visit to the Japanese Bridge. Therefore, it’s always crowded here. To have an enjoyable visit and capture beautiful photos, keep these things in mind:

  • First: Even though the Japanese Bridge doesn’t worship Buddha but rather deities, when visiting, you should dress modestly and avoid overly revealing clothing. Also, remember to speak quietly and avoid loud laughter to maintain the solemn atmosphere and not disturb others.
  • Second: If you’re a history enthusiast, enjoy learning about culture, and want to know more about Hoi An’s Japanese Bridge, consider hiring a tour guide to hear fascinating stories about it. Otherwise, you can join a Hoi An tour with a tour guide who will provide explanations.
  • Third: The Japanese Bridge is located in the central area, and besides sightseeing, you can also participate in various street games and performances that take place from 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM daily.
  • Fourth: This place is a prime spot for taking photos. If you want beautiful pictures, prepare lovely outfits and don’t forget to bring a good camera.
  • Fifth: Next to the Japanese Bridge, there are many small drink stalls with simple plastic tables and chairs. After exploring and taking photos to your heart’s content, you can drop by here, order a drink, and enjoy the view of the Japanese Bridge and the bustling crowd passing by.

Having endured centuries of history and numerous changes, Hoi An’s Japanese Bridge still stands proudly, bearing witness to the passage of time. Its presence adds to the ancient charm of the Old Town. So, when people visit the Old Town, they seek out and visit this iconic bridge to admire and experience it.

When referring to Hoi An, most people will immediately think of Hoi An Ancient Town, Japanese Covered Bridge, Hoai River with the ancient beauty, simple, captivating many tourists but forget that Hoi An also has beaches. The beaches are very beautiful.

Introduction to Hoi An Beaches

In addition to architectural works and folk art activities rich in cultural value, the sea is also a significant tourism asset for the city specifically and the entire province generally. Hoi An’s coastline stretches over 7km, holding strategic importance.

Moreover, the beaches here possess a beauty that captivates many. Some beaches have even been voted as having some of the most beautiful landscapes in Asia on renowned travel websites.

Introduction to Hoi An Beaches

Currently, services around the beach area are increasingly developing. Many hotels and resorts have been invested in and constructed. Additionally, public facilities have also been granted business licenses.

If you wish to change the atmosphere after fully admiring the ancient features of the old town, you can visit the top 3 most beautiful beaches in Hoi An listed below. The coastal scenery will surely bring many new and exciting experiences for you.

Top Most Beautiful Beaches in Hoi An That Tourists Should Not Miss

Cua Dai Beach – famous tourist destination of Hoi An

Located only 5km from Hoi An center, Cua Dai beach is one of the famous tourist destinations of Hoi An. This is the convergence of three rivers Thu Bon, Truong Giang and De Vong before pouring into the East Sea. Cua Dai Beach attracts tourists right from the first moments by endless white sand stretches, surrounded by towering green coconut trees.

Cua Dai Beach
Cua Dai Beach

Cua Dai beach is rich in shrimp and fish with many strange fish such as snapper, rabbit fish, fish, sardines, etc. Therefore, you can go with fishermen to go fishing. This will be an interesting experience that you should try when coming to Cua Dai.

When choosing Cua Dai Beach is the destination for your vacation, you can stop at the resort located right on the beach. These resorts are built environmentally friendly with the typical architecture of Vietnamese villages, embellishing the charm of Cua Dai Beach. You can think about: Palm Garden Beach Resort & Spa, Boutique Hoi An Resort…

Ha My Beach – One of the most beautiful beaches in Asia

Located on the coastal route connecting Da Nang City and Hoi An Ancient Town, Ha My Beach is a relatively new name on Hoi An tourist map. Like a “sleeping fairy” while still maintaining the intact, pristine features. Ha My fascinated visitors by white sandy beaches and blue sea. Perhaps that charming beauty that last June Ha My beach was voted by the Telegraph of England as one of the 16 most beautiful beaches in Asia.

Ha My Beach
Ha My Beach

Although this place is quite new, has not been developed much for tourism but you do not need to worry about where to live, or food. Coming to Ha My Beach, you will enjoy a variety of fresh seafood at extremely cheap prices.

Around the beach there are plenty of accommodations from budget to luxury that you can choose. The Four Seasons Resort The Nam Hai – 5-star resort overlooking the sea offers a cool, close-to-nature space. Ha My Seaside Hoi An Homestay…

An Bang beach – A quiet piece of Hoi An tourism

Located in Cam An ward, Hoi An city, An Bang beach is likened to the paradise of the sea-loving people. An Bang beach has a peaceful and quiet beauty, in stark contrast to the lively and bustling Cua Dai beach.

An Bang beach
An Bang beach

Walking around An Bang beach, you can visit seafood restaurant, water shops, even bars to enjoy attractive seafood and drinks.

Near An Bang beach, there are many accommodation facilities for you to choose to enjoy a sweet holiday with your loved ones such as: Aira Boutique Hoi An, An Bang Hideaway

Notes for Visiting Hoi An Beaches

To ensure a complete exploration of Hoi An beaches, please keep the following tips in mind. Even small details can significantly enhance your journey!

The Best Time to Visit Hoi An Beaches

Hoi An’s weather has two distinct seasons. The dry season usually lasts from January to July, with sunny and mild temperatures. Additionally, this season rarely sees storms, heavy rains, or rough seas, making it an ideal time for tourists to enjoy Hoi An’s beaches.

However, this is also the peak tourist season in Hoi An. You may experience crowded roads and a stifling atmosphere, which can affect your mood during the trip. To fully enjoy the beauty of the beaches, try to avoid holidays or weekends.

Besides knowing the best months to visit, it’s also important to consider the best times of day to visit Hoi An beaches. Between 4 AM and 7 AM is perfect for watching the sunrise and fishing boats returning to shore. From 4 PM to 8 PM is ideal for experiencing the sunset and taking a walk along the beach.

What to Wear When Visiting Hoi An Beaches

Beach fashion is a popular topic, especially among women. So, what should you wear to look beautiful and stand out? When strolling along the beach, choose light, comfortable outfits that match the beach setting.

For those who love a delicate and feminine style, a floral sundress paired with sandals can accentuate your curves. Fans of a classic look can opt for modest yet breathable dresses with elegant patterns.

What to Wear When Visiting Hoi An Beaches

This will make you feel confident and stand out on Hoi An’s beaches. For a more dynamic and sporty look, pair a tank top with shorts.

Of course, don’t forget to bring a stylish bikini. There’s no reason not to wear a bikini at the beach to fully enjoy the refreshing atmosphere. For those who prefer more coverage, a sheer cover-up can add a touch of grace and irresistible allure.

Through this article, we hope you have gained more insights into Hoi An’s beaches. Hoi An is not only about ancient lanterns and moss-covered old houses but also boasts breathtakingly beautiful beaches. Save this information for a more fulfilling trip.’s wishes you a memorable time with your loved ones at these wonderful destinations!