Few people know that Son Tra peninsula is also known by another name, which is Monkey Mountain. This is because this is the common home of more than 100 kinds of rare animals, listed in Vietnam’s Red Book that need to be preserved such as brocade python, red-faced chicken, etc. In particular, Son Tra conservation area. also become more valuable by the appearance of more than 400 brown-shanked douc langurs, they are dubbed the Queen of primates. That is also the reason why people call Son Tra Monkey Mountain.

A brief introduction about Son Tra Monkey Mountain

One of the top impressive and attractive tourist destinations in Da Nang, Son Tra peninsula is not only a diverse nature reserve but also focuses on many unexpected destinations. Linh Ung Pagoda, Ban Co peak, thousand-year-old banyan tree, Bai Da, Bai But, etc. create a Son Tra with an irresistible attraction. Visitors to Da Nang, all love to visit Son Tra even once.

Son Tra is also known as Monkey Island.
Son Tra is also known as Monkey Island.

Talking about the name Monkey Mountain in particular, it is also a privilege that nature bestows on “the green lung of Da Nang”. Not only possessing unique vegetation, the fauna on Son Tra is also extremely rich and diverse. Typically, it is the golden monkey. Its scientific name is Macaca mulatta, classified as endangered and rare forest animals in group IIB.

Unlike the shy brown-shanked douc langur, the yellow monkey on Son Tra peninsula is quite brave. In the past few years, they have appeared quite a lot in the area behind Linh Ung Pagoda, even spilling onto the street to feed. This is what makes it interesting, many tourists are curious to see and learn about the life of monkeys here. Now, on the way to visit Son Tra, you will see many unique stone monkey statues, as if to show this is the land of monkeys.

The right time to visit Monkey Mountain in Son Tra

Monkeys are mostly active all year round, so you can visit Son Tra Monkey Mountain at any time. However, in order to have a convenient and hassle-free sightseeing session, you should choose to go on sunny, beautiful days. From March to August is the dry season in Da Nang, the days are almost only sunny, no rain. From September to February is the rainy season, especially in October and November it rains a lot, even storms and floods, so avoid going at this time.

Monkeys have a habit of foraging in the morning and afternoon, which is in the cool, less sunny hours. Therefore, you should take advantage of going early in the morning, around 6-9am or in the afternoon around 4-6pm. To have a chance to meet them, you can go around behind the mountain of Linh Ung Pagoda, or if you are lucky enough to see them following in herds, spilling out onto the main road.

The fastest way to get to Monkey Mountain

Where is Son Tra Monkey Mountain located in Da Nang?

Monkey Mountain is an interesting name for Son Tra peninsula, so if you want to see monkeys, you just need to go to Son Tra to see them. Accordingly, Son Tra peninsula is likened to the shining pearl of Da Nang city. This place belongs to Tho Quang phoenix, Son Tra district, with 3 sides facing the sea and 1 side helping the mainland. The location of this place is about 10km northeast of the city center.

The fastest way to move to Monkey Mountain

Monkey Mountain Son Tra now in particular and Son Tra peninsula in general, has become a famous tourist attraction of Da Nang. Therefore, the roads connecting the center to here are spacious, spacious and beautiful. From any location in the city, near the sea, near the center, it is very easy to move here.

The main roads lead to Monkey Mountain.
  • Going from the city center: You just need to go to the area of ​​Dragon Bridge, Tran Thi Ly Bridge or Song Han Bridge, go straight to the end of the road will be adjacent to the sea. From here, you turn left onto Vo Nguyen Giap street, run straight to meet Hoang Sa street to reach Son Tra peninsula.
  • Going from Hoi An: If starting from Hoi An, you just need to follow the route Hoi An – Da Nang. Then, go to Truong Sa – Vo Nguyen Giap – Hoang Sa – Son Tra peninsula.
  • Going from Hue: You just need to go through Hai Van pass or Hai Van tunnel – connect to Nguyen Van Cu – Nguyen Luong Bang – Ton Duc Thang – to Nguyen Sinh Sac street roundabout turn left – go straight to the end of the road – turn right on Nguyen Tat Thanh street – go straight through Thuan Phuoc bridge – go to Le Duc Tho – turn left to enter Hoang Sa street.

 Suggest means of transportation to

To have a leisurely time to visit other places on Son Tra peninsula, combined with visiting Monkey Mountain, people should choose 1 of 2 options, which is to ride a motorbike or rent a shuttle. If taking a taxi, the driver only takes you to a certain location, no waiting. If you go by motorbike, you can be more proactive about your travel schedule. If traveling in a large group, with young children and adults, it is best to rent a shuttle bus with 4-16 seats. The car will make sure to bring you to your destination safely.

Renting a car with a driver is the best way to explore: Danang to Son Tra Peninsula

After arriving at Son Tra Monkey Mountain, stop the car and walk to easily explore the scenery here. Moreover, to be able to approach the monkeys, you should avoid loud noises, only move gently so that they feel safe and more natural.

Besides, to explore Monkey Island on Son Tra Peninsula safely and best, you should use the motorbike tour service in Danang by DanangMotorbikeAdventure.com. This is the top motorbike tour service in Danang, where you will have the most exciting journey ever.

Check in Son Tra Monkey Mountain – the most interesting experiences to try

Explore monkey life

The world of wild animals always has a great attraction, it seems that everyone wants to witness their interesting life with their own eyes. With golden monkeys, they are almost very similar to humans, with intelligence and agility. When coming here, there is nothing more interesting than watching them fly, find food and interact with each other.

Take pictures of lovely monkeys

Although the Son Tra peninsula is full of beautiful scenes, do not forget to capture the interesting moments of the monkeys here. For the best close-ups, slowly make yourself and move closer to them, so they can sense that you’re not doing any harm. Because the behavior of monkeys is to move quickly and continuously, take advantage of the opportunity to take any picture.

Feed the monkeys

This will be a very popular activity with tourists, as well as an opportunity for you to see them more clearly. Monkey’s favorite food is usually fruits, bread or cakes. However, you should not give them too much, because this will cause the monkeys to spill onto the road, fighting, causing fights. Even if there is a car passing by, it will easily cause an accident. In addition, some foods can bring disease to monkeys.

The image of tourists feeding monkeys is very cute and friendly.

Recommended hotel to stay when exploring Monkey Mountain

To be more convenient for visiting Monkey Island, you can stay at hotels near Son Tra area. Hotels are mainly concentrated on Vo Nguyen Giap and Hoang Sa streets with a diverse accommodation system from 2 to 5 stars. Here are some suggestions for comfortable, cheap hotels near Son Tra you should refer to.

  • Dan Oasis Hotel: Hoang Sa Street A2, Son Tra, Da Nang
  • Cani Beach House: 6 Le Boi, Man Thai, Son Tra, Da Nang
  • De Lamour Hotel: 46 Vo Nguyen Giap, Man Thai, Son Tra, Da Nang
  • Fusion Suites Da Nang: An Cu 5 residential area, Vo Nguyen Giap street, Man Thai, Son Tra.

NOTE : Although it is near Monkey Mountain, those are not necessarily the places to stay that you should choose, because the room rates are quite expensive. Instead, you can choose hotels located in the inner area or ideally near the My Khe beach area. This is considered the accommodation center of Da Nang, from 2-3 star hotels to 4-5 star hotels.

Visiting Monkey Mountain, which restaurants should you visit?

From the location of Son Tra peninsula, visitors can easily find a delicious and cheap place to eat nearby. Not only famous for its beautiful scenery, diverse hotel system, but also many restaurants and eateries here. Not only fresh seafood restaurants, but also many attractive specialty dishes.

Suggest some specialty restaurants near Son Tra:

  • Rice cake soup: Ha Thi Than, Son Tra District, Da Nang
  • Restaurant 2 Cau Cay: 120 Pham Tu, Phuoc My, Son Tra, Da Nang
  • Tu Danh snail: 1 Trieu Viet Vuong, Son Tra District, Da Nang.
  • Loan grilled pork vermicelli: 831 Ngo Quyen, Son Tra, Da Nang
  • Be Ha noodle soup: 130 Bui Huu Nghia, Phuoc My, Son Tra, Da Nang.

Sightseeing places close to Monkey Mountain must-visit

Monkey Mountain is the name for Son Tra peninsula, so when you come here, you will also visit many other very beautiful places such as Linh Ung Pagoda, Bai Da, Bai But, the thousand-year-old banyan tree, etc. the Ban Co Peak. To go to all these places, you can wrap it up in one session. If you want to swim, eat at the beach, it takes a day.

When coming to Monkey Mountain, remember to check in to the Ban Co Peak.

A few small notes when visiting Son Tra Monkey Mountain

  • Son Tra is a rare nature reserve, so visitors to Monkey Mountain need to be conscious of protecting and preserving the natural landscape. In particular, it is forbidden to perform acts that harm monkeys as well as other animals here such as hunting and chasing. If found, the management will be severely fined.
  • If traveling by motorbike, remember to fill up the tank with gas, check all brakes, lights, horns and engine before starting. Although the route to Son Tra peninsula is not very steep, it is quite roundabout, and there is no place to repair cars or fill up with gas.
  • Currently, Son Tra peninsula is urging tourists not to feed the monkeys, the purpose is not to affect the ability to survive as well as ensure the number of monkeys on the island. So please keep this in mind when visiting Monkey Island.

Interesting information about Monkey Mountain Son Tra has been sent to you by DanangPrivateCar.com’s. It is wonderful that in the heart of Da Nang, there are golden monkeys and dozens of rare animals in such a large number. During your visit to Son Tra peninsula, take the time to get a better sense of the life of this conserved primate.

Da Nang is known as a city worth living. It also owns one of the most charming beaches on the planet and famous tourist attractions. If you accidentally “lost” in Da Nang one day, where will you go, what is the most fun and reasonable way to play. In this article, I will share with you a cheap and fun 1-day Da Nang travel itinerary for your reference.

Danang 1 day tour itinerary

Since I only had 1 day in Da Nang, the team decided to try to fully explore the unique features of this tourist city. This time I decided to choose Son Tra Peninsula, swimming in My Khe beach. After swimming, explore Hoi An ancient town. Finally, return to Da Nang to explore the city with nightlife activities and enjoy Da Nang specialties. Please look forward to our exciting 1-day Da Nang travel itinerary.

Morning: Visit Son Tra Peninsula 

6h: Rent a motorbike at your hotel to visit Son Tra Peninsula. Then go to breakfast to recharge for the long journey.

6:30: Eat Quang noodles – Da Nang specialty at Ba Vi Quang noodle shop. Address: 166 Le Dinh Duong Da Nang. Quang noodles here are priced from 30,000 to 55,000 VND/bowl. The restaurant’s signature dish is Noodles with frogs.

7:00: After breakfast, move up to visit Son Tra Peninsula. Combined with that is to explore Linh Ung Pagoda – a beautiful and sacred temple in Da Nang. Standing from that position, you will embrace the beauty of the mountains and the sea of ​​the city.


8:30am – 9:30am: Visit the thousand-year-old Banyan tree. This is also a place right on Son Tra peninsula, so it is very convenient to move. The banyan tree is very large. Its roots only take 2-3 people to hug.

9h30 – 11h30: Continue to move to the peninsula to visit Ban Co Peak . This is the highlight of this journey. You should drive carefully. Ban Co Peak is the highest point of Son Tra peninsula. Standing on the top, you can see the whole city of Da Nang.

12h – 13h: After exploring all of Son Tra peninsula, the morning is over. At this point, the whole team is tired and hungry. So we decided to have lunch at the famous Banh Trang Cuon with Tran Pork at 4 Le Duan Street.


Afternoon: Swimming in My Khe beach – Hoi An

13h: Back to the hotel to rest and prepare for the afternoon journey

15:30: Swimming in My Khe Beach

My Khe Beach is in the top of the most attractive beaches on the planet voted by Forbes magazine (USA). This is the pride of the people of Da Nang. We were impressed by the rows of green coconut trees, clear blue water with white sand stretching far away.


16h30: Start moving to Hoi An Ancient Town. According to my experience, you should depart at about 16:30 pm to arrive in Hoi An at 5:30 pm is the most beautiful. At this time, in the old town, vehicles are completely banned, giving you the space to walk freely.

Coming to Hoi An ancient town, everywhere is a movie studio for you to live virtual. The ancient beauty with a bit of vintage style will help you have ‘stunner’ photos. Another interesting activity is releasing lanterns or walking around the Thu Bon river.


19h: Have dinner in Hoi An ancient town. Some specialties I ate in Hoi An:

  • Banh mi Phuong: This is the most crowded banh mi shop in Hoi An that no one is unaware of. The price of bread is about 20,000 – 30,000 VND / loaf. The shop is always crowded, so when you buy, you have to wait in line for a bit.
  • Hoi An Cao Lau: located right in Hoi An market for 35,000 VND/ bowl.
  • Gourd: located right in the heart of the old town. Walk for a while and you will see people waiting in line. The price of water is 12,000/glass, but it’s very cool to drink and has a unique taste.

Most of the places I eat are located in the city and the old town. So it’s always very convenient for me to eat while exploring Hoi An ancient town.

20h30 : Return to Da Nang to explore the city at night.


Evening: Explore Da Nang at night

21h15 : I ran straight to the Dragon Bridge to watch the Dragon Bridge spit fire. Before going, I checked the schedule already. I was lucky enough to visit Da Nang on Saturday. Every Saturday night on the Dragon Bridge there is a fire and water spray show for the people of the city. And this is what I am very impressed with in this 1-day trip to Da Nang

22h: I go straight to Helio night market to shop, hang out and eat late at night. Helio night market is crowded and very famous in Da Nang. This place has everything you can buy. In particular, Helio night market has countless unique food stalls. After eating, I go for a walk in the night market because there is also a very funny music program.

23h30: End of Da Nang tour 1 day. Return to the hotel and rest.


Expenses for a 1-day trip to Da Nang

Dining, parking in Hoi An ancient town: 100,000 VND/person

Dining in Da Nang (Quang noodles, pork rice paper rolls, Helio night market): 250,000 VND/person

Tickets, parking at Da Nang amusement parks: 10,000 VND/person

Hotel room: 540,000 VND / room with 2 double beds / day (135,000 VND / person)

Note that if you are a local, you do not need to calculate costs such as motorbike rental and hotel. Most places to visit in Da Nang are free, so it’s mostly comfortable eating costs

I hope the above suggestions will help you have a complete and memorable one- day trip to Da Nang .

See More: Danang Car Rental With Driver

Traveling to Bai But Da Nang is an extremely attractive experience that you cannot miss. What does Bai But do? What to eat, where to stay when traveling to Bai ButPocket all the experience to go to Bai But Da Nang right now!

Bai But Da Nang is a very famous tourist destination in Da Nang . Bai But is located in the middle of a beautiful strait and is a place where the mountains and the sea meet. The rare pristine beach with long stretches of smooth sand and extreme sports will surely make you fall in love with the way back.

Introduction to Bai But Da Nang

Where is Bai But Da Nang?

But Bai But is a place not to be missed during your trip to Da Nang . Bai But belongs to Son Tra peninsula and is located to the south of Son Tra mountain. Next to Bai But is the famous Linh Ung pagoda.

To go from Da Nang city center to Bai But, it will take you about 35 minutes with a distance of about 15 km. Da Nang Bai But projects to exploit tourism have only been developed since 2012, so this place still retains a rare wild character.

Explaining the origin of the name Bai But

Bai But is also known as Bay But. Surely many of you will be curious about the origin of this name. From the reign of King Minh Mang of the Nguyen Dynasty, early in the morning, fishermen in the coastal area discovered a Buddha statue rising out of the sand. Fishermen brought the water back and set up a temple to worship. And then this area was named Bai But (Buddha). Since then, Bai But has always had calm waves, and the fishermen of the fishing village have been doing well.

There is another legend about the origin of this name, which is from ancient times, even before the construction of Linh Ung pagoda in Da Nang . Legend has it that Guanyin Buddha carried Hong Baby from the sea to the shore. After that, the people named this peninsula Bai But (Buddha) to commemorate the Goddess of Mercy and pray for peace for the fishermen of the fishing village. 

Detailed Bai But travel experience should not be missed

When should you go to Bai But Son Tra Da Nang?

You can come to Bai But Da Nang at any time of the year because this place is always open to welcome visitors. Some points to keep in mind are:

  • From February to September: This is the most suitable time for you to fully explore Bai But. These months are in the dry season, the weather is dry, there is little rain, light sunshine, the sea is calm and there are many festivals taking place. You can comfortably swim in the sea, immerse yourself in the cool water, explore the beauty of the immense sea.
  • From October to January: This is the time to enter the rainy season in Da Nang , so fewer people will visit Bai But. The weather at this time will be cooler and colder than the dry season. However, this time is often rainy and foggy, so you need to prepare well before coming here.

Guide to Bai But Da Nang

  • Directions from the city center: 

If going from Da Nang city center to Bai But, you need to move in the direction of Thuan Phuoc bridge . From here go straight to the sea road and turn left. Continue going straight in the direction of Son Tra and you will come to Bai But.

  • Directions from My Khe beach:

If going from My Khe beach Da Nang to Bai But, you need to go straight along Vo Nguyen Giap street . Continue going straight in the direction of the statue of Quan Am Buddha and you will reach Bai But. This route is quite simple and easy to navigate.

How to move to Bai But Da Nang?

  • Motorcycle

Traveling by motorbike will help you fully enjoy the beautiful scenery of this vibrant coastal city. Riding a motorbike also helps you comfortably move between places and free time. Motorbike rental price ranges from 100,000 – 150,000 VND/day .

See More: Danang Motorbike Adventure

  • Private Car

Taxis are suitable for families with elderly people or young children.

See More: Danang to Son Tra Peninsula(Bai But) by private car

Ticket price for Bai But Danang tour

Bai But does not collect entrance tickets, but there will be some service fees if you use them such as:

  • Parking fee: 5,000 VND/motorcycle, 15,000 VND/car
  • Renting a hut to rest: 250,000 – 350,000 VND / hut
  • Tent rental fee and overnight camping services: 500,000 – 600,000 VND/time
  • Swimsuit rental: 20,000 VND/set
  • Snorkeling to see coral: 350,000 VND/person
  • Canoe surfing: 1,000,000 VND/trip
  • Dining at the restaurant: 120,000 VND/piece, 50,000 VND/dish
  • Speaker rental fee: 100,000 – 150,000 VND/time

What to play at Bai But Da Nang?

But Bai But is a place not to be missed in the self-sufficient Da Nang tourism discovery journey . Coming to Bai But beach, you will have very memorable experiences.

Check-in virtual living at Bai But Da Nang

Checking in beautiful Da Nang right at Bai But will help you get the best “virtual live” photos. The picturesque scenery, blending the majesty of the immense mountains and the gentleness of the calm sea, will create extremely attractive photo shoots. This is an ideal place for couples who are wondering where to go on their honeymoon or want to take wedding photos.


Seafood fishing experience

An interesting experience that you cannot miss at Bai But is seafood fishing . Seafood fishing service is very popular with tourists. Fishing for fresh fish and squid and enjoying right on the boat will surely make you remember forever.

Organize a picnic

With a spacious and airy space, Bai But Da Nang is an ideal place for picnics and gatherings. You can join your lover, friends, family to organize BBQ parties, eat, sing and participate in fun teambuilding games. Here, there is a rental service of tents, camps, and huts so that you can comfortably have fun.

Take part in fun activities on the beach

But Bai But Da Nang has many adventure games for you to try such as windsurfing, skydiving, scuba diving, canoeing. Especially experience scuba diving and explore the beauty of the ocean with colorful coral reefs, schools of swimming fish or starfish of all sizes.

Swimming in Bai But beach in Da Nang

Bai But is one of the most beautiful and pristine beaches in Da NangA special feature of the sea water here is the color change during the day. Morning and noon, the water is blue. In the afternoon, the water turns green again. The unique feature of the color of the sea makes visitors extremely excited.

Bai But has beautiful beaches, long stretches of white sand and cool water. You will definitely never forget the feeling of immersing yourself in the clear blue water, bathing as much as you want and enjoying the relaxing and peaceful feeling of the sea here.

Suggest attractive tourist spots in Da Nang near Bai But

Near Bai But beach, there are many other attractive tourist attractions. Let’s explore the famous landmarks not to be missed below.

Linh Ung Pagoda Bai But Da Nang

Linh Ung Pagoda is the temple with the tallest statue of the Goddess of Mercy in Vietnam. Located on a hill more than 100 m high, the statue has a height of up to 67 m, the diameter of the lotus is 35 m wide and the diameter of the statue’s heart is 17 m long. The sacred and peaceful scene at Bai But Pagoda in Da Nang attracts many tourists to visit.

Obama Rock

Located just 4 km from Bai But is the unique Obama rock beach. This place attracts a lot of “virtual living” believers to check-in. Huge rocks overlap each other to create strange shapes that make young people extremely excited. Obama rock beach is a beautiful spot to watch the sunset on the sea in Da Nang city.

Rang Beach Bai But Da Nang

Bai Rang is only 2 km from Bai But. Bai Rang is located next to pure white sand and rugged jumping rocks. Surrounding Bai Rang is a strip of green hills. In particular, tourists coming to Bai Rang love to “catch crabs and catch snails”. Just walking around the beach, you will immediately see countless extremely artistic spiral shells.

Top of the Chess Board

Ban Co Peak is located at the highest peak of Son Tra peninsula, at an altitude of 700 m above sea level. From here, you can enjoy the full view of the vibrant city of Da Nang. This fairy-tale place is also the perfect place for you to admire the sunset and sunrise in Da Nang from the top of the mountain.

What to eat when traveling to Bai But?

What to eat when traveling to Bai But Da Nang must be of interest to many tourists. You can prepare your own food for camping at Bai But. Ready-to-eat foods and drinks will save you a lot of money.

If you are not convenient to prepare or do not have enough time, do not worry, there are many restaurants at Bai But ready to serve visitors. The delicious Da Nang specialties here will surely make you satisfied.

What to note when traveling in Bai But Da Nang?

To have the safest trip to Bai But Da Nang, you need to note a few things as follows:

  • If you rent a motorbike then you need to carefully check the parts of the car, fill it up with gas and bring the necessary documents.
  • You should bring some ready-to-eat food such as bread, milk and drinking water
  • Clean up after eating, do not throw garbage indiscriminately
  • Do not swim in the prohibited area or swim too far from the shore because the beach has no lifeguard and some water is quite deep
  • When scuba diving to see the coral, you are not allowed to break branches or step on the coral



Coming to Bai But Da Nang tourist area , you will be free to participate in adventure games on the sea, explore the endless beauty of the ocean, comfortably swim and soak in the cool water. This is an extremely ideal place for couples, groups of friends or families to relax, rest and bond.

Da Nang has emerged as a beloved destination for countless tourists, drawn in by its pristine blue beaches, alluring amusement and entertainment spots, and opulent resorts. Moreover, this livable city enchants visitors with its untouched and poetic charm. For those seeking a green and tranquil oasis to unwind after long days of studying and working, Mo Stream in Da Nang is the perfect choice. Join Danang Private Car’s as we embark on an exploration of the mesmerizing allure of Mo Stream.

Where is the address of Mo stream tourist area in Da Nang?

  • Address: Hoa Ninh Commune, Hoa Vang District, Da Nang

Da Nang Mo stream is also known as An Dinh stream, located at the foot of Ba Na mountain. This place is 2km east of Ba Na Hills tourist area and about 20km from the city center. Mo stream originates from the underground water flowing from Chua mountain, so the water in four seasons is clear, murmuring and gentle.

With a cool, fresh climate and pristine and poetic natural landscape, Mo Stream has become a famous eco-tourism area attracting many tourists when coming to Da Nang. This is the ideal place for you to get away from the bustling city, mingle with the trees and feel the peace of mind. Coming to Mo stream, you can organize activities such as picnics, picnics on big rocks or participate in water games.

suoi mo da nang

The resort offers services for you to stay overnight such as tent rentals, karaoke speakers, etc. Inside Mo stream, there are also many interesting entertainment games such as water cars, water bubbles, boating. , continuous floating house, cyclo, etc. However, these games are not included in the entrance ticket, so you have to buy an additional service ticket to experience.

Directions to Da Nang Mo stream

Previously, to go from the city center to Da Nang Mo stream, you had to travel about 30km. However, since Da Nang completed the route connecting Lien Chieu and Hoa Vang districts, the road from the city center to Mo stream has also been shortened to only 20km. So don’t be afraid to go far from the center to get to this beautiful place.

If you choose to ride a motorbike on your own, you go from Dragon Bridge, in the direction of Dien Bien Phu to cross the Hue Overpass. When you go to the end of the bridge, you go straight for another part, look to the left there will be a signboard for Ba Na – Mo stream. You follow the arrow on the board to enter Hoang Van Thai street. On this road, you can easily see detailed signs to Mo stream. The road from Hoang Van Thai to Mo stream is very beautiful, so you can enjoy the scenery while walking.

Are you looking for transportation to Mo stream? DanangPrivateCar.com is a company providing private car rental services with drivers in Danang. With a team of English-speaking drivers and years of experience serving international customers, they will take you to Mo stream in the safest and fastest way possible

How much is the ticket price for Mo Stream in Da Nang?

Choosing the Mo Stream tourist area, visitors don’t need to worry much about the cost. The entrance ticket price and the prices of services here are very affordable and suitable for most tourists. You can find the details below:

Entrance ticket price for Mo Stream tourist area:

With the entrance ticket, you can freely enjoy activities around the tourist area, such as at the lake, waterfalls, and freshwater baths. If you don’t use additional services, this ticket price is quite cheap, isn’t it?

  • Entrance ticket price for adults and children above 1.4 meters: 70,000 VND/person.
  • Entrance ticket price for children between 1 and 1.4 meters: 40,000 VND/person.
  • Children under 1.1 meters: Free of charge.

Prices of services at Mo Stream:

At Mo Stream in Da Nang, there are services available for renting huts, hammocks, bamboo chairs, life jackets, etc. If you haven’t prepared in advance and want to use these services, you can rent them at the corresponding prices as follows:

Service Rent cost
Rent a hammock 70,000 VND/piece
Bamboo chair 30,000 VND/seat
Hut (including 1 table + 2 benches) 400,000 VND / hut
Rent a locker 70,000 VND/time
Life jacket 30,000 VND/piece
Swimming float 60,000 VND/piece

Prices of game tickets:

In addition to the mentioned services, there are also paid games at Mo Stream. However, according to DanangPrivateCar.com, the game tickets are relatively cheap. Therefore, since you’ve arrived, don’t hesitate, and enjoy your experience to have a memorable trip.

Game Fare
Cycling 50,000 – 70,000 VND
Cycling 70,000 – 100,000 VND
Water slide area, floating house 45,000 VND/person
Water Bubbles 90,000 – 120,000 VND
Water car 70,000 – 140,000 VND
Rowing 70,000 VND/30 minutes

To purchase tickets, you can go directly to the entrance of the tourist area and buy them at the ticket counter.

Review of Mo stream resort in Da Nang, what is there?

Suoi Mo Da Nang has made many tourists come here to “fall in love and miss” by its beautiful beauty. This place has not been exploited for tourism much, so it still retains a very typical wild and fanciful natural scenery. Going through the cobblestone path, you will be surprised by the charm of the clear blue stream, gently weaving among the plants and wildflowers.

The point that impresses many tourists in Mo stream is the image of Gio waterfall on the mountainside. The waterfall water flows through the green moss-colored rocks, pours white foam into the stream. The two sides of the waterfall are colorful wildflowers creating a scene that is both poetic and majestic. The beauty of Gio waterfall combined with the gentle sunlight makes Mo stream space like a lyrical watercolor painting.

Coming to Mo stream, you will be comfortable soaking in the cool water, dispelling all the chaos and worries in life. On both sides of the stream, there are many large rocks so that you can organize a picnic or barbecue party with your family and friends. And also don’t forget to wear beautiful clothes to bring back “virtual living” photos with wonderful natural scenery.

Does Suoi Mo tourist area allow food to be brought in?

If you like the atmosphere of picnics, gathering to eat and drink in the middle of poetic nature, you can organize a BBQ or bring food to Mo stream. Or you can walk about 25 minutes to the savannah to enjoy the specialties of the mountains. The restaurant at Mo stream serves many delicious and attractive dishes such as birds, goats, rabbits, squirrels, …

The Mo Stream tourist area in Da Nang is close to which tourist destinations?

Suối Mơ is a suitable amusement destination for a day trip. You can combine it with exploring other famous tourist spots in Da Nang. You may choose to visit nearby places or locations in the city center, for example.

If you prefer nearby areas, there are two tourist spots closest to Mo Stream according to DanangPrivateCar.com:

Ba Na Hills Tourist Area – The path to the heavenly scenery.

When talking about tourism in Da Nang, everyone knows about Ba Na Hills. It is the top mountain resort in Vietnam, situated atop Chua Mountain, approximately 1,487 meters above sea level, about 1.4km away from Mo Stream In Danang.

Bana Hills is renowned for its breathtaking scenery resembling a fairyland, with a unique climate that experiences all four seasons in a single day. It features a range of distinctive architectural structures, including the Golden Bridge, French Village, Debay Wine Cellar, and more.

golden bringer bana hills
Golden Bridge Bana Hills

Beyond the captivating landscape, visitors can indulge in over 100 different games at Fantasy Park and enjoy experiences like taking a mountain-climbing train and taking plenty of Instagram-worthy photos.

Nui Than Tai Hot Spring Park – A top hot mineral spring park in Da Nang.

Located approximately 15km from Suối Mơ in Da Nang, the Nui Than Tai Hot spring park is also a favorite destination for many tourists.

It is a large-scale entertainment, recreational, and resort complex with various activities for visitors to experience. At Núi Thần Tài, you can have fun at the water park, visit the statue of the God of Wealth, explore the orchid garden, and discover the dinosaur park.

The Nui Thanh Tai hot mineral spring park – A favorite resort for tourists visiting Da Nang and Hoi An.

What’s particularly special about this place is the natural hot mineral water flowing from Chua Mountain. You can immerse yourself in the hot natural water, which is beneficial for your health. Additionally, services such as dry/wet sauna, Onsen baths, tea baths, mud baths, etc., are also available to serve tourists.

Book a quick trip: Transfer From Da Nang To Nui Than Tai Hot Spring Park By Private Car.

Note when traveling to Mo stream in Da Nang

To have a great trip to Mo Stream Da Nang, you need to note:

  • Mo stream bank has many large and bumpy rocks, so when you come here, you need to wear comfortable, easy-to-move sports shoes or flats. When walking on rocks, you must walk carefully and look carefully to avoid slipping or tripping.
  • If you want to bathe in the stream, you should prepare a life jacket to ensure safety and take care of children if you are traveling with your family.
  • It is necessary to ask the staff in the tourist area in advance to avoid deep water and areas with many slippery rocks.
  • You should go to Mo stream in the summer, from March to August to fully enjoy the peaceful and fanciful natural beauty. At this time, in Mo stream, the air is cool, there is gentle sunshine, it is convenient to see the scenery and experience the games here.

Mo Stream in Danang is embraced in the vast mountain scenery, both majestic and poetic. Coming here, you will be released into the clouds and wind, dispelling the fatigue in life. What are you waiting for without picking up your backpack and going to discover the unique beauty of Mo Stream Da Nang right now? Don’t forget to follow Danang Private Car’s for more useful travel information.

Ba Na Hills is one of the places that you, your family and friends will not want to miss when coming to Da Nang. With the location about a while from the city center, you will often choose a Ba Na Hill hotel address to stay. So today, let ‘s explore with Danang Private Car the top hotels on Ba Na Hill as  beautiful as a place to be.

Mercure DaNang French Village BaNa Hills – 5 star hotel in Ba Na Hills

About Mercure Ba Na Hill Hotel

Mercure Danang French Village is one of the luxurious and ancient hotels in Ba Na Hills . This is one of the entertainment venues combined with the hotel. Possessing a majestic natural scenery from an altitude of 1487m above sea level. The hotel is inspired by the ancient villages of France and designed in Gothic architecture in the 19th century. The pointed arches, old bee bricks, arched window frames,…

  • Address: An Son, Hoa Ninh, Hoa Vang, Da Nang
  • Phone number: 023 63 799 888
About Mercure Ba Na Hill Hotel
About Mercure Ba Na Hill Hotel

What’s at Mercure Ba Na Hills French Village?

The hotel’s architecture brings visitors into a luxurious and romantic space of European heaven. Not only that, all rooms have a window design overlooking the French village, you can admire the whole scene of Ba Na while resting here. This hotel on Ba Na Hills has a total of 469 rooms divided into 9 different room classes: Standard room, Superior room, Deluxe room, Duplex Suite room, …

In addition, you can also enjoy 11 restaurants, cafes, bars with Vietnamese dishes as well as European and Asian dishes, etc. You can also explore Piscine swimming pool, game room , karaoke room, prayer room, etc. You can also experience exercise at Fitness Center.

Mercure Ba Na Hills French Village hotel rates

Room class Room rates for reference
Superior Twin Room 11,000,000 – 14,100,000 VND/room/night
Superior Room with King Bed 11,000,000 – 14,100,000 VND/room/night
Deluxe Room with King Bed 12,000,000 – 16,000,000 VND/room/night
Deluxe Twin Room 12,000,000 – 16,000,000 VND/room/night
Deluxe Family Room 16,000,000 – 20,000,000 VND/room/night
2 Level Suite With 1 King Bed 20,000,000 – 24,000,000 VND/room/night
Family Room with Bunk Bed – Includes 2 Cable Car Tickets 18,000,000 – 22,000,000 VND/room/night
Superior Family Room with Bunk Bed 19,000,000 – 23,300,000 VND/room/night

Along with that is a number of additional utilities such as:

  • Air conditioning, private bathroom, television, refrigerator,…
  • Personal toiletries.
  • Free breakfast.


  • Check-in time: 14h00 – 16h30
  • Check-out time: 07h30 – 10h30
  • Breakfast time: 06h30 – 09h30

Morin Hotel – BaNaHills – hotel on top of Ba Na Hill

About Hotel Morin

Morin Hotel is one of Ba Na Hills hotels with good quality. The hotel is designed in French architectural style with luxurious and extremely sophisticated design. Currently the hotel is located on the top of Ba Na Nui Chua with a cool climate all year round.

  • Address: An Son, Hoa Ninh, Hoa Vang, Da Nang

What does Morin Hotel have?

Morin Hotel has 59 different room categories with international 3-star standards.

The hotel’s restaurant on Ba Na Hills Morin specializes in serving European and Asian dishes with 3 separate dining rooms. In addition, the open kitchen system can help visitors both enjoy the culinary skills of the chefs while eating. You can also enjoy the lobby bar in the lobby and rooftop terrace. Join in the music as well as a delicious cocktail.

Morin hotel room rates

Room class Room rates for reference
Morin Duluxe Room  830,000 – 1,030,000 VND/room/night
Morin Suite Room  1,070,000 – 1,270,000 VND/room/night

When you add people, the surcharge will be as follows:

  • Adults and children over 1m3 tall: 200 – 300,000 VND/person/night (breakfast included)
  • Children from 1m – 1m3 tall: 120,000 – 200,000 VND/person/night (breakfast included)
  • Children under 1m tall – sharing bed with parents (breakfast free)


  • Check-in time: 2pm
  • Check-out time: 12 noon
  • Check out after 12 noon to 17 pm surcharge 50% of the room rate
  • Check-out after 5pm will be charged 100% additional room rate
  • Room rental from 8am to 11am or 2pm to 5pm collect 50% of the room rate

Debay Ba Na Hills Hotel – cheap Ba Na Hill hotel

Debay Hotel Introduction

Debay Hotel is located in the middle of two cable lines built in ancient and luxurious French architecture. This is also one of the hotels located in Ba Na Hills tourist area. With a cool and quiet atmosphere, this is one of the hotels that many tourists love when staying here.

  • Address: An Son, Hoa Ninh, Hoa Vang, Da Nang

What does Debay Hotel have?

Currently, the hotel in Ba Na Hills Debay consists of 2 floors with 21 luxury bedrooms. Many rooms have a view that can give you a comfortable space and take good pictures. In addition, Debay restaurant with modern and clean kitchen equipment and dishes from Asia to Europe.

Debay hotel room rates

Room class Room rates for reference
Debay Duluxe Room  830,000 – 1,030,000 VND/room/night
Debay Suite Room  1,070,000 – 1,270,000 VND/room/night
Debay Senior Deluxe Room  910,000 – 1,110,000 VND/room/night

When you add people, the surcharge will be as follows:

  • Adults and children over 1m3 tall: 200 – 300,000 VND/person/night (breakfast included)
  • Children from 1m – 1m3 tall: 120,000 – 200,000 VND/person/night (breakfast included)
  • Children under 1m tall – sharing bed with parents (breakfast free)


  • Check-in time: 2pm
  • Check-out time: 12 noon
  • Check out after 12 noon to 17 pm surcharge 50% of the room rate
  • Check-out after 5pm will be charged 100% additional room rate
  • Room rental from 8am to 11am or 2pm to 5pm collect 50% of the room rate

Hopefully, the information about Ba Na Hill hotel  that Halotravel has just shared has helped you make a choice for your family and friends when choosing Ba Na Hills resort to have fun. If you have any questions, please leave a comment so we can answer it for you right away.

Transport To Bana Hills From Danang

Travel from Danang to Bana Hills by Private car of Danang Private Car, you will know our price before confirmation booking. You will not worries about taxi will go around city for more fee. Not only get out of any worries, but also you can pay after end trip in Bana Hills.

See More: Danang To Bana Hills

Vegetarianism is a popular trend these days. Not only is it beneficial in terms of health, but it also has spiritual significance. Understanding this, Danang Private Car will introduce to you 10 super delicious vegetarian restaurants in Da Nang with diverse menus and a peaceful and peaceful space.

Delicious vegetarian restaurant in Da Nang – Ans Vegetarian Cuisine

Located on Truong Nu Vuong Street, Ans Vegetarian Cuisine is one of the most famous vegetarian restaurants in Danang. The restaurant is decorated mostly with wood, giving you an old, cozy, peaceful feeling away from the hustle and bustle out there. Moreover, coming here, diners can also immerse themselves in an extremely clear space, filled with green trees.


Ans’ menu is also very rich and diverse, meticulously prepared with the chef’s mind. Traditional vegetarian dishes combined with international-style vegetarian dishes such as Thai curry, Mexican salad, Korean mixed rice, etc. In particular, every Saturday night, the restaurant also organizes a Peace program. Music – Outdoor live music will help you have a relaxing weekend evening.

Vegetarian restaurant with beautiful view in Da Nang – Rom Vegetarian

  • Address: 87 Hoang Van Thu, Hai Chau District, Da Nang
  • Reference price : 35,000 – 180,000 VND

If you are a fan of vegetarian dishes, you can’t help but know Rom Vegetarian vegetarian restaurant. Coming to Rom, you will enjoy pure and nutritious vegetarian dishes from Asia to Europe. But perhaps Rom is attracted to many with simple, pure Vietnamese vegetarian dishes such as sautéed vegetables with garlic, braised bananas with beans, stewed and cooked soup, etc.

In particular, the layout of Rom always creates attraction, attracting diners right from the look. Along with that is an airy and cool space for you to immerse yourself in vegetarian cuisine. This is the perfect place to start your frugal lifestyle.

An Lac Tam Vegetarian Restaurant

  • Address : 117 Phan Dang Luu, Hoa Cuong Nam, Hai Chau, Da Nang
     41 Le Quy Don Street, Binh Thuan, Hai Chau, Da Nang
  • Reference price : 25,000 – 150,000 VND

An Lac Tam is the next ideal vegetarian restaurant in Da Nang for diners who want a delicious vegetarian meal. With a design with the main yellow color, the cool and fresh space creates a feeling of relaxation and warmth for diners when entering the restaurant.

Not only attracted by the design style, An Lac Tam is also attractive by the menu with more than 20 familiar vegetarian dishes such as rice, vermicelli, noodles to pho, vermicelli, hot pot, … In which hotpot, sour and spicy, taro An Lac are famous delicacies that you should try. An Lac Tam Always focus on health and safety issues, so all food. The ingredients for processing at the restaurant are carefully selected, you can rest assured to come here to enjoy.

Tam Vien Vegetarian Restaurant

  • Address : 55A Be Van Dan, Chinh Gian Ward, Thanh Khe District, Da Nang
  • Reference price : 25,000 – 180,000 VND

Referring to the vegetarian restaurant in Da Nang, it is impossible not to mention the vegetarian restaurant Tam Vien. Tam Vien leaves a mark in the hearts of diners with a variety of vegan dishes from vegetables and fruits, ensuring cleanliness and safety.

The menu of the restaurant is diverse with many dishes such as vegetable pizza, pho, fried rice, soup, hot pot, noodles, … which are richly prepared and prepared according to unique standards. Besides the food menu, the drink menu here is also diverse and equally attractive. In addition, Tam Vien also sells packaged vegetarian products such as: seaweed dried mushrooms, lemongrass lice mushrooms, salted rim mushrooms, kimchi, etc. You can buy snacks or make meaningful gifts for loved ones.


Ngoc Chi Restaurant – Delicious – nutritious – cheap Danang vegetarian restaurant

  • Address : 202 Hoang Dieu, Hai Chau, Da Nang
  • Reference price : 30,000 – 80,000 VND


With the desire to balance Asian and Western vegetarian cuisine, and bring vegetarian dishes at reasonable prices, Ngoc Chi Vegetarian Restaurant is really an ideal destination for family gatherings, meetings, and family gatherings. Enjoy gathering with friends on the weekends.

In particular, to ensure health and safety, Ngoc Linh also invests in a separate and clean vegetable garden just to provide input materials for the restaurant. That’s why Ngoc Chi always wins the trust of diners inside and outside District 6. Come to this vegetarian restaurant in Danang to experience healthy and safe vegetarian dishes!

Tam Chau Vegetarian Restaurant

  • Address: 38 Nguyen Du, Da Nang, Da Nang City
  • Reference price: 25,000 – 100,000 VND

Unlike other vegetarian restaurants in Danang, coming to Tam Chau you will enjoy delicious vegan dishes in a sacred and pure Buddhist atmosphere. A special feature of Tam Chau is that the vegetarian dishes are made from vegetables and fruits mostly from the Central Highlands.


In the midst of the bustling city of Da Nang, Tam Chau restaurant will be a peaceful place for you to relax and find some peace for your soul. If you have the opportunity to travel to Da Nang, do not miss this pure vegetarian place!

Huong Sen Vegetarian Restaurant

  • Address: 30/1 Dang Thai Mai, Thanh Khe District, Da Nang
  • Reference price: 15,000 – 150,000 VND

Although Huong Sen is a small vegetarian restaurant located on Dang Thai Mai Street, it is very crowded with customers, especially at noon and in the evening. The restaurant is designed in a polite and modern style with a beautiful view, so you can both enjoy the food and admire the peaceful scenery here.

Huong Sen’s menu is extremely rich and diverse with many delicious and unique vegetarian dishes. The restaurant specializes in vegetarian dishes such as rice, vermicelli, noodles, pho, ram… most especially vegetarian hot pot. Small hot pot 120k, big hot pot 140k but very full, mushrooms of all kinds and vegetables, spinach, bean sprouts and young tofu, …

Vegetarian Flower Restaurant

  • Address: No. 7 – Green Island 3 Road, Green Island Villas, Da Nang
  • Reference price: 45,000 – 160,000 VND

Hoa Lua Chay is the favorite place of monks, nuns, pilgrimages and vegetarian connoisseurs in Da Nang. With a peaceful, airy space full of green in the heart of the city, Hoa Lua promises to bring you a feeling of lightness and serenity.

The menu is extensive, with more than 60 frugal vegetarian dishes prepared with fresh and nutritious vegetables, mushrooms, and fruits. All are made from fresh, well-sourced foods to ensure safety and bring diners the most delicious vegetarian dishes.

Isec Vegetarian Restaurant – Danang Vegetarian Buffet Restaurant

  • Address: 152/3 Phan Thanh, Thac Gian, Thanh Khe district
  • Reference price: 35,000 – 100,000 VND

With a quiet space, decorated with Buddha statues combined with diffused meditation music, Isec gives you a cozy and gentle feeling like enjoying a meal at home. The menu is rich and diverse with 30 vegetarian dishes, such as: Japanese pancakes, mixed fried noodles, fried tofu, etc. In addition, Isec also regularly serves vegetarian buffet with a full range of hot pot dishes, savory dishes, appetizers for you to enjoy

Moc Nhien Vegetarian Restaurant

  • Address: 51 Nguyen Tri Phuong, Da Nang City
  • Reference price: 60,000 VND – 100,000 VND

Moc Mien is the last name in the Top 10 vegetarian restaurants in Danang that Halo shares with you. Like other vegetarian restaurants, Moc Mien includes many pure vegetarian dishes made from diverse and nutritious natural ingredients. Coming to Moc Nhien, you will enjoy vegetarian dishes that are processed in a sophisticated way, not only in taste but also sophisticated in layout.

If you have the opportunity to travel to Da Nang, in addition to enjoying delicious specialties, try to enjoy more vegetarian dishes here. Hopefully with the article Danang Private Car just introduced, you will find the right vegetarian restaurant in Danang .

Nui Than Tai Hot Spring Park is one of the ideal summer “escape” addresses that visitors cannot miss. After tiring and hard working days, soaking in hot mineral springs or immersing in interesting entertainment games could not be more wonderful. Right here, let’s explore the Nui Than Tai amusement park with Danang Private Car with the extremely detailed price of Nui Than Tai 2022!

Introduction to Than Tai Mountain in Da Nang

  • Opening hours: 08:30 – 17:30
  • Phone: 0236 372 9999

Located in Phu Tuc village, Hoa Phu commune, Hoa Vang district, City. Da Nang, Than Tai mountain tourist area is one of the famous tourist destinations in Da Nang with great natural beauty and interesting entertainment projects.

Than Tai Mountain Tourist Area is open from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. daily. Therefore, visitors need to arrange a reasonable time to visit and explore.


Nui Than Tai Hot Spring Park
Nui Than Tai Hot Spring Park

Ticket price of Than Tai Mountain 2022

The ticket price of Nui Than Tai 2022 is divided into many prices with many different combo packages depending on the needs and preferences of visitors.

General fare 

  • Adults: 400,000 VND/person
  • Children (from 1m-1m4): 200,000 VND/person
  • Children under 1m: Free

The entrance ticket price (economy package) includes the following services:

  • Visit the Temple of Fortune
  • Hot mineral bath in natural lake
  • Japanese style Onsen bath
  • Soak in the hot mineral pool
  • Hot spring and cold spring jacuzzi
  • Himalayan salt rock sauna
  • Dry sauna, wet sauna
  • Have fun at the Water Park
  • Lazy river float
  • Have fun at Dinosaur Park
  • Watch 9D-12D movies for free
  • Play virtual reality games
  • Visiting Orchid Street
  • Sightseeing and taking photos at points in the campus of Than Tai mountain.

Than Tai mountain ticket price for other combos

Service Consists of Ticket price (adult from 1m4 and above) Ticket price (children under 1m4)
Accumulate fortune Economy package + lunch 610.000 VND 305.000 VND
Nurturing wisdom develops General package use the service after 15:00 300.000 VND 150.000 VND
Air intake Economy package + mud bath 530.000 VND 265.000 VND
Economy package + mud bath + lunch 730.000 VND 365.000 VND
Detox 1 General package + 60 minutes full body massage 760.000 VND 380.000 VND
Economy package + 60-minute full body massage + lunch 970.000 VND 475.000 VND
Detox 2 General package + 30-minute foot massage 530.000 VND 265.000 VND
General package + 30-minute foot massage 730.000 VND 365.000 VND
Detox 3 General package + 30 minutes foot massage + mud bath/green tea/lemongrass/herbal 660.000 VND 330.000 VND
General package + 30 minutes foot massage + mud bath/green tea/lemongrass/herbal + lunch 850.000 VND 425.000 VND
Detox 4 Economy package + 60 minutes full body/thai/ice/bamboo massage + mud bath/green tea/lemongrass/herbal 890.000 VND 445.000 VND
Economy package + 60 minutes full body/thai/ice/bamboo massage + mud bath/green tea/lemongrass/herbal + lunch 1.090.000 VND 545.000 VND
Picnic package (Applicable for groups of 8 guests or more) Economy package + tent + breakfast bowl 675.000 VND 307.500 VND
Economy package + tent + buffet breakfast 735.000 VND 367.500 VND
Mud Arena combo package (Applicable for groups of 30 guests or more) Economy Package + Mud Arena games 550.000 VND 275.000 VND
Economy Package + Mud Arena games + lunch 780.000 VND 390.000 VND
  • Note: Children under 1m free of charge. For Detox packages, the resort stipulates an additional surcharge of 100,000 VND/pax if there is a need for a 90-minute Body/Thai/Iced/Bamboo Massage and 150,000 VND/pax if there is a 60-minute Foot Massage demand.


Discover interesting things at Than Tai mountain in Da Nang

Built in 2012, Than Tai Mountain Hot Spring Park includes many interesting amusement and entertainment facilities such as hot springs, artificial swimming pools, children’s play areas or bathing & relaxation services. Experience nutrients from nature such as coffee, fresh milk, green tea, lemongrass, etc.


Than Tai Mountain is the ideal place to escape the heat of tourists every weekend. Because of the topography of many caves and hills and natural mineral springs underground, Than Tai mountain offers really great experiences for visitors when coming here to relax.

Than Finance Hot Spring Park is a place for fun and rest to help relax and restore health. There are not only hot mineral springs and accompanying relaxation and health services, but also many interesting water games for children. It can be said that this is a weekend stress reliever for the whole family that you cannot miss.


Coming to Suoi Than Tai tourist area, you can also find thrills and excitement by participating in games such as wave pool on the mountainside, twisting slide, Long Tien cave, etc.

In Hot Springs Park, visitors will also experience a lot of restaurant services, cuisine or resort hotels. This place also owns impressive beautiful scenes for you to freely save memorable memories with friends and loved ones.

See more: Danang Car Rental With Driver

Outstanding services at Than Tai Mountain Danang

Here are the outstanding services at Than Tai Mountain that you must definitely experience when visiting:

Hot mineral spring bath

What could be more wonderful than being immersed in the warm water of a hot mineral spring after a stressful and tiring day at work. Originating from the sacred peak of Ba Na, surrounded by two sides of Thanh Long mountain, Bach Ho mountain and discovered at the long tomb of Phu Tuc village.


Hot mineral springs provide truly wonderful relaxation experiences, contributing to energy regeneration and mineral replenishment. After soaking in the hot springs, you will feel the sudden freshness, freshness and freshness.

Onsen bath

Onsen is a large hot mineral bath. Outside is a 3-storey bagua-shaped tower with unique Japanese architecture. Inside are large baths with reasonable temperature treatment, bringing health benefits to the experiencer.

Mud bath

Mud bathing is one of the most loved experiences at Nui Than Tai Hot Springs Park, especially popular with girls. Mud bath is a therapy to help you relax and treat joint diseases, while helping to detoxify the body and beautify the skin.


Water park

Nui Than Tai Hot Spring Park owns a water park with a system of interesting games. In particular, the tube slide game from above with strong feelings gives players a truly heart-pounding and exciting experience.


Enjoy Longevity Eggs

Longevity eggs on Than Tai mountain are likened to “god eggs” – “eating an egg three years young”. Many people say that chicken eggs are a great tonic, the white and the yolk embrace each other as symbolizing the combination of yin and yang. When boiling eggs in hot mineral springs, it will stimulate beneficial nutrients to accumulate inside the eggs, providing a great source of nutrition and energy.


Above is all detailed information about the ticket price of Than Tai mountain in Da Nang for your reference. Hopefully, you, your family and friends will have moments of really relaxing and enjoyable entertainment at this attractive entertainment place.

Skydiving in Da Nang is a recreational activity for those who love adventure. Experience the excitement and thrill of flying in the sky, watching the beautiful city at an altitude of 600m. Da Nang tourism in a completely different perspective, have you ever thought about it? Experience skydiving in Da Nang , an extremely unique and interesting challenge that is attracting a lot of participants. The whole romantic and beautiful scenery of the city will be captured in your sight.

Experience having 1 – 0 – 2 skydiving in Da Nang

  • Bringing a feeling of excitement and thrill, especially for those who love adventure games or are participating in the challenge of skydiving for the first time in Da Nang.
  • Go beyond your limits. Skydiving in Da Nang requires visitors to have courage. Just overcome the initial worries and you can start the journey to conquer the sky.
  • Enjoy the panoramic view of Da Nang from above, an extremely spectacular experience that you can hardly find anywhere else. From Son Tra peninsula , you will see a different Da Nang. Prominent is Linh Ung Pagoda with the statue of Lady Quan Am, below is My Khe beach with colorful fishing boats and the majestic  Hai Van pass in the distance.


Learn about Da Nang paragliding service – see the city from above

See More: Danang Car Rental With Driver

Skydiving in Da Nang is organized by the only Da Nang paragliding club – Danang Paragliding on the top of Son Tra. Because of the large number of people who want to sign up for the experience, you need to contact the club at least 2 weeks to 1 month in advance.

Learn about Da Nang paragliding service - see the city from above
Learn about Da Nang paragliding service – see the city from above


What to prepare before experiencing paragliding in Da Nang?

  • Good health is very important when participating in skydiving in Da Nang . You need to make sure you don’t have heart and pulse problems when participating in this game.
  • You can bring long clothes if you are afraid of the sun and wind.
  • Remember to fully charge your phone/camera battery to capture beautiful photos.
  • The experience of paragliding in Da Nang is that you should prepare drinking water and snacks because sometimes it takes a long time to meet good conditions to skydive.


Notes when skydiving in Da Nang

  • You don’t need a flight certificate because you already have a pilot to fly with.
  • It is not possible to participate in skydiving in Da Nang every day due to unfavorable weather conditions.
  • Always follow the instructions of the pilot as well as the organizers and wear the correct protective gear.
  • Skydiving in Da Nang is a voluntary game so there will be no insurance.


When it comes to sea travel, a tourist destination that cannot fail to mention is Da Nang. When coming to Da Nang, you not only enjoy the fresh air but also admire the beautiful natural scenery. One of the interesting experiences when coming to Da Nang that you should not miss is the exploration trips to see the world inside the ocean. Under the clear blue waters are colorful coral beaches that are welcoming you. Let’s quickly explore the experiences and places of diving to see coral here!

Cruise by canoe, watching corals at Son Tra Peninsula

Location: Son Tra Peninsula is located about 10 km from the center of Da Nang city in the northeast direction. If traveling alone, you can take a taxi or service car to this attraction.

Transportation: By car or service car, it is not recommended to move to Son Tra Peninsula by motorbike to ensure safety.

Link More: Danang To Son Tra Peninsula Private Car

Reference price: From 400,000 VND/person

Coming to Son Tra to see coral, you will have two choices. One is at the East Sea tourist area and the other is the South beach. To reach the two places on the most preferred means of transport, which is the canoe, during the trip you can admire the scenery of the sea and save yourself the best memories for the trip.

When you arrive at the diving spot, the first thing you will experience, and quite interesting, is to immerse yourself in the clear blue sea water, and start administratively exploring the ocean here. To have the most perfect discovery trip, you will be fully equipped with the necessary tools, accompanied by guides, extremely funny, friendly, and enthusiastic coaches. Two coral diving spots in Son Tra promise to bring you the most interesting experiences

Read more:  Discovering Son Tra Peninsula Da Nang – A charming place to visit

Furama Resort

Address: Khue My, Ngu Hanh Son, Da Nang City.

Ticket price: 550,000 VND/pax (ticket price includes swimming instruction, 1 lunch at Furama restaurant).

Furama Resort is known not only as a luxury resort in Da Nang but also an attractive place to see coral. After a trip by canoe with a distance of 12 km, a clear blue water opens in front of your eyes, but below that water is a very vivid world of coral and marine life. You will see corals with different shapes, surrounded by schools of colorful marine fish creating an extremely interesting experience space.

Closer to noon when the sun shines, is the time when coral reefs are at their most brilliant, and the picture of nature at this time is the best. Immersing yourself in the natural picture of coral will be an unforgettable memory for you when choosing Furama Resort as a coral viewing spot.

Cu Lao Cham

Location: Tan Hiep island commune, Hoi An city, Quang Nam province, is a cluster of islands located about 15 km from the coast of Cua Dai Hoi An.

Transportation: You can travel by car or by motorbike.

Reference price for scuba diving tour:

– Tour fee: from 450,000 – 500,000 VND/person (including snorkeling).

– Ticket price for coral diving in Cu Lao Cham: 150,000 VND/pax.

– Sea walking tour fee: 950,000 VND/pax.

Choosing the destination as Hoi An combined with diving to see the coral at Cu Lao Cham is the most interesting choice. Once you have entered a splendid Hoi An, continue to travel by canoe to Cu Lao Cham to reach Small Island where there are coral reefs rich in shape and color. Along with dropping into the vibrant coral picture, you can also choose to fish, or catch fish with the people here.

Ghenh Bang

Location: Located about 20 km from the center of Da Nang city. Ghenh Bang is located in the area of ​​Bai But, Bai Che…

Transportation: You can travel by car or motorbike.

Not decorated, monumental like other coral diving spots in Da Nang, Ghenh Bang is quite wild, full of nature. The road to Ghenh Bang is quite steep because you have to go through But beach.

Ghenh Bang is often chosen by many young people and backpackers as a place to relax and immerse in nature. Overcoming the tough challenges when moving is also the time when you can see the clear and cool sea water. This place promises to bring many new and interesting feelings to those who love to explore.

What does the experience of scuba diving to see corals need?

Ignoring the lavish vanities in modern life, each of us looks to what is “very natural” to relax and let our souls into it. Snorkeling to see corals is one of the useful activities to relieve stress, dispel fatigue and stress in life.

In order to move to see the coral under the sea smoothly, you need to note a few things below:

– Only go scuba diving to see corals when the sky is calm, the sea is calm, there are no big waves. In these days, the water will be clear blue, the weather is cool, observing corals is easier and more comfortable.

– Should wear full protective gear such as life jackets, diving goggles, propellers… because diving equipment has made it easier for you to observe the surrounding sea scenery. You can choose diving equipment such as: tight wetsuit, wet wetsuit or dry diving.

– Do not eat too full or let your stomach go hungry when scuba diving, keep your body in a stable state to prevent unfortunate risks from happening.

– Another thing that belongs to the consciousness of visitors is not to trample on the coral to preserve the blue sea landscape.

– Should scuba dive to see corals in groups, should not dive alone. At the same time, please follow the rules and requirements of the guide.

With the above places to stop diving to see coral, promises to bring you interesting experiences and a trip with many memories for your summer trip. What are you waiting for without quickly picking up your backpack and experiencing and discovering Da Nang today!

Han River Da Nang is one of the timeless symbols of the beautiful coastal city. The river is associated with the name, popularity and close beauty of this city. For a long time, the Han River has had many stories associated with the formation, rise and development of Da Nang. Now, let ‘s find out what you don’t know about this Han River  with Danang Private Car.

Introduction to Han River Da Nang 

Han River is a very famous river in Da Nang, seen from above like a soft silk strip crossing the heart of the city. This is a place associated with generations of Da Nang people, also a proof of the growing changes of this coastal city.

The origin of the name “Han” river

If you have been to Da Nang, you will definitely come to this place once to see the sunrise and immerse yourself in the romance and splendor of the river.


Although the name of the Han River is not so beautiful, it is associated with heroic historical stories. That river is associated with the old days when our forefathers fought against the enemy. The name originates from the fact that in the past, the Da Nang people locked the river mouth with iron chains to prevent enemy ships from entering the city.

Stories around the Han River

Han River Da Nang is a large tributary from upstream to the sea, flowing along the banks of busy streets. The two rows of trees on the banks of the river reflect, creating a peaceful picture, getting out of the busy life of the city.


Han Giang is famous for its bridges spanning the river, each of which has its own charm. The magnificent architectural works on both sides of the river also adorn the beautiful picture.

Main way of transportation: Han River Cruise Da Nang

The main means of transportation on the Han River are yachts. This service has been in operation since 2012. To be able to meet the needs of tourists when coming here, river transportation services have made many breakthroughs.


At experience yacht services on both sides of Han River, visitors can experience all kinds of services they need. Here is a piece of advice for you:

  • Please refer to the yachts with many good reviews
  • Find out more about the cruise ship’s schedule and operating time
  • Food service, fare and additional costs are also worth noting. (Recommended shopping at Han market  with cheap price and diverse selection.)
  • The last thing you should pay attention to is the yacht’s location and check-in view.

Danang Private Car has some interesting suggestions for you:

See More: Top 5 Han River cruises worth experiencing when traveling to Da Nang

Activities to experience when traveling to the Han River

To visit the Han River, do not miss the following interesting experiences:

Take a cruise on the Han River and enjoy the scenery 

Walking on the Han River in Da Nang by yacht is one of the most rewarding experiences when anyone has the opportunity. Possessing an extremely attractive view on both sides of the river with skyscrapers and vibrant city life, Han River gives people a sense of excitement when watching.


The peaceful and comfortable atmosphere on the river also creates a feeling for those who want to escape from the fast pace of urban life. Traveling on the river helps people feel more relaxed.

Experience the rotating Han River Bridge

Around 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. every weekend and 1 a.m. to 2 a.m. on weekdays, the swing bridge will operate. The Han River Bridge in Da Nang is the only bridge in Vietnam, crossing the Han River that can be rotated.


Visitors can visit this bridge at night to enjoy the cool air and brilliant views of the city. You can also wait until midnight to see the bridge in action.

Enjoy Danang cuisine

Foodies will surely enjoy this. Da Nang is one of the famous cities for sea tourism in our country. Therefore, seafood is one of the most commendable things here.


Seafood restaurants on both sides of the Han River in Da Nang and on the yacht are always ready to serve tourists when they have the opportunity to visit.

Enjoy riverside coffee and cool off

Possessing a beautiful view and cool air is a big plus point of the cafes on both sides. This is one of the attractions that many people come here to enjoy the beautiful scenery of the Han River.


Some cafes overlooking the Han River you can visit such as:

To experience and enjoy all the best at the Han River in Da Nang, finding a suitable coffee shop is extremely important. Visitors can refer to a few suggestions below:

Highlands Coffee

Highlands Coffee is a coffee brand that is too familiar to Vietnamese people. This is a coffee shop with a unique space and a variety of drinks. Highlands will definitely be the place chosen by many coffee lovers when they have the opportunity to visit the Han River in Da Nang to admire the scenery.


Memory Lounge

Possessing a unique architectural shape, Memory Lounge makes many visitors admire with its eye-catching modern appearance. Viewed from the top, this cafe captures the entire view of the Han River.

The room in Memory is designed mainly with glass, giving visitors the opportunity to see the panoramic view of Han Giang from above.

HAN Coffee Original Da Nang

The interior space of HAN COFFEE Original Da Nang is carefully invested to clearly define the main style of the restaurant. The main color gamut that HAN uses are warm colors.

The main inspiration is created from the color of deep brown wood with a little green color of the leaves. To avoid boredom, the shop also actively decorates a couple of hydrangeas. The overall feeling of harmony and comfort, very suitable for the river scene.

This will be a great place for gatherings with friends on the banks of the Han River in Da Nang!

Hotels near the Han River in Da Nang have a nice view

If you want to experience and enjoy the atmosphere of the Han River, please refer to the following Da Nang hotels near the Dragon Bridge or the following Han River view hotels:

STT Hotel Address
1 Sun Rvier Hotel 134-136 Bach Dang, Hai Chau, Da Nang
2 Satya Da Nang Hotel 155 Tran Phu, Hai Chau, Danang
3 Vinpearl Condotel Riverfront Da Nang 341 Tran Hung Dao, Son Tra, Da Nang
4 D&C Hotel 1 Mai Hac De, Son Tra, Da Nang

Transport In Danang

Danang Car Rental is a professional company in passenger transportation in Vietnam. Our main purpose is to provide a reliable and secure transportation service. After discussion with us, almost every customer contact us over again for flexible car rental with chauffer driver, minibus hire, van hire.


With the things that I shared about the Han River in Da Nang above, you already understand more about the interesting activities here. It’s attractive, isn’t it, don’t hesitate to try coming here to experience the wonderful and unique feeling of romance in this beautiful coastal city.