If you need comprehensive and detailed experience of traveling in Hue by motorbike, you can refer to the article below from DanangPrivateCar.com. Let’s pack your backpack and embark on an adventure to the ancient capital!

When is the ideal time for tourists to visit Hue according to the experience of traveling by motorbike?

Although Hue has a tropical monsoon climate, it does not have four distinct seasons: spring, summer, autumn, and winter. Instead, there are two distinct seasons: the rainy season and the dry season.

The rainy season typically lasts from October to March of the following year, and there can even be storms and floods. The dry season starts from March and lasts until September. During this time, the weather is less rainy and sunny, making it very suitable for outdoor tourism activities.

According to the experience of traveling Hue by motorbike, tourists should explore the ancient capital during the dry season

According to the experience of traveling by motorbike in Hue, “wanderlust” enthusiasts should check in Hue during the dry season, as it is very convenient for traveling. Particularly, the periods from March to April and from September to October are considered the most beautiful times to explore this imperial land.

What is needed for a motorbike trip in Hue?

Perhaps you don’t know, but the tourist spots in Hue are quite far from each other, especially the scenic spots. Therefore, according to the shared experience of traveling by motorbike in Hue from seasoned travelers, “wanderlust” enthusiasts roaming on their two-wheelers should prepare a few essentials to make the trip easier.

  • Motorbike: Tourists should find a good motorbike and check a few things like tires, oil change, fuel, headlights, horn, turn signals, mirrors, etc., to avoid breakdowns on the road.
  • Raincoat: If you explore your journey on rainy days, a raincoat in your bike’s storage compartment is very necessary.
  • Drinking water: Water is very important for your health, so tourists should bring it along to replenish energy and continue conquering the trip in the Ancient Capital.
  • Basic repair tools: If you want to conquer beautiful routes such as going up to A Luoi, remember to bring basic repair tools. These might include a tire patch kit, pliers, wrenches, and a spanner. And, of course, you need to know how to use them. According to the experience of traveling by motorbike in Hue, it’s not easy to find repair shops on the road, so being proactive in handling situations is better, right?

Must-Visit Places According to the Experience of Traveling Hue by Motorbike

Hai Van Pass

Dubbed the “First Grand Pass,” Hai Van Pass is about 80 km from Hue city and 20 km from Da Nang city, standing over 500 meters above sea level.

This is also one of the most beautiful mountain pass routes in Vietnam, often featured in poetry and music lyrics

When visiting Hai Van Pass, tourists will have the opportunity to fully admire the majestic beauty of the natural mountains and forests, as well as experience the thrilling adventure that many travelers aspire to conquer at least once in their lifetime.

Since the distance from Hue to Hai Van Pass is quite far, if you’re concerned about traveling there by motorbike, you can book a motorbike tour from Hue with DanangMotorbikeAdventure.com. They are the leading motorbike tour provider in Central Vietnam, highly rated 100% by customers on Tripadvisor, so you don’t need to worry. Book your motorbike tour from Hue to Hoi An via Hai Van Pass right away

Lap An Lagoon – Experience of Traveling Hue by Motorbike

About 40 km from Hue city center, travelers will reach Lap An Lagoon. The lagoon lies at the foot of Phu Gia Pass, right on National Highway 1A, in the section passing through Lang Co town, Phu Loc district, and is surrounded by the towering Bach Ma mountain range. Due to its distance from the center, Lap An Lagoon retains its pristine, mysterious, and captivating beauty.

According to the experience of traveling Hue by motorbike, tourists should visit Lap An Lagoon at dawn, when the first rays of sunlight gradually emerge from behind the Bach Ma range, creating a breathtaking view that leaves travelers in awe.

Bach Ma National Park – Experience of Traveling Hue by Motorbike

Bach Ma National Park is about 40 km from Hue city, bordering Da Nang city, and is located within the two districts of Phu Loc and Nam Dong. This national park is part of the northern Truong Son mountain range, with peaks over 1000 meters running from west to east. According to the experience of traveling Hue by motorbike, Bach Ma National Park is one of 30 nationally ranked wildlife reserves, home to 2373 plant species and 1715 animal species.

Misty Paths in Bach Ma – Hue Motorbike Travel Experience
Explore the Cool Green Ngu Ho (Five Lakes)
Do Quyen Waterfall stretches up to 300m

Abandoned Thuy Tien Lake Water Park

Though abandoned for a long time, the Thuy Tien Lake Water Park has strangely become a notable destination for international tourists and has been praised by international media.

No other park in Vietnam, whether operational or not, has received as much attention from foreign media as the abandoned Thuy Tien Lake Water Park. The park has appeared in renowned publications such as the Huffington Post in 2016 and 2019, which suggested it is not for the faint-hearted; CNN included it in a list of the world’s 10 most beautiful yet permanently closed amusement parks; and the Washington Post listed it among 11 fascinating yet eerie abandoned parks.

A Few Notes According to the Experience of Traveling Hue by Motorbike

According to the experience of traveling Hue by motorbike, wanderlust enthusiasts should take note of the following:

  • The roads for motorbike trips in Hue are generally quite easy, so even an average driver can navigate them. Even the most challenging route, Hai Van Pass, is not as difficult as many might think. You just need to follow traffic rules and drive carefully.
  • Tourists should research the dates of Hue’s festivals if they want to explore the rich and unique cultural traditions of the ancient capital. However, these events are often scheduled according to the lunar calendar, so you will need to compare with the solar calendar to plan your trip accordingly.
  • Before traveling to Hue, it’s helpful to learn a few local phrases to communicate more easily with the locals.
  • During the dry season, the weather will be hot and sunny. According to the experience of traveling Hue by motorbike, you should choose comfortable and simple clothing, and bring sunscreen and sunglasses.
  • Wanderlust enthusiasts should research the destinations and routes beforehand to make their journey more complete.
  • Tourists should estimate the costs of their trip appropriately. Expenses such as fuel, food, accommodation, and even potential repairs should be reasonably calculated.
  • Before purchasing food or drinks, you should ask about prices to avoid being overcharged.
  • The cuisine of the ancient capital is often very spicy. If you’re not accustomed to spicy food, be sure to inform the vendor in advance!

Above are some experiences of traveling Hue by motorbike. What are you waiting for? Pack your bags and your motorbike and head to the dreamy land of Hue. Don’t miss out on the experience of independent travel to Hue with DanangPrivateCar.com.

Hue is a historical land with many tourist destinations that are both charming and infused with a mysterious and indescribable allure. Motorbike adventures in Hue have become an enticing pastime for many young people who cherish freedom and enjoy exploring this region. Take note of these 10 stunning tourist destinations in Hue, perfect for travelers embarking on a motorbike adventure.

What makes Hue tourism appealing to backpackers

Besides a renowned tourist city like Da Nang, it doesn’t diminish the intense allure of Hue for travelers. This place converges unexpected attractions such as pristine nature, flourishing forest ecosystems, and countless valuable heritages. Dubbed the “heritage city,” it’s no wonder that Hue attracts millions of visitors each year.

The famous legends of the ancient capital region are always waiting to be discovered

Not only tourists but also local residents are passionate about moments of motorbike adventure in Hue. Most people feel that traveling around Hue on a motorbike will dispel all the stress after days of exhausting work.

The cityscape that unfolds before the eyes of backpackers is a serene Hue, a dreamy Hue, a gentle Hue. From the city center to the outskirts, at any point, it can become a captivating destination for tourists.

Choosing a Motorbike Rental Service in Hue for Exploring Famous Sites

In Hue, there are numerous motorbike rental services, but finding a reputable one with professional service and 24/24 support is not always easy.

DanangMotorbikeAdventure.com, with over 12 years of experience in providing motorbike rental and motorbike tour services, understands these challenges well. Therefore, they continuously improve their services to meet the needs of both domestic and international customers.

Booking a motorbike tour from Danang to Hai Van Pass is a great choice if you love adventure

Moreover, you can also explore motorbike rental services in Hue highly praised by the travel community on the DanangMotorbikeAdventure.com website. Besides investing significantly in the quality of bikes, DanangMotorbikeAdventure also has a team of staff ready to provide customer support 24/24 in case of any issues.

Additionally, the staff at DanangMotorbikeAdventure can assist with travel advice for exploring beautiful locations and enjoying delicious local cuisine in the ancient land of Hue.

List of 10 Suitable Motorbike Adventure Spots in Hue

If you are someone who loves freedom, has a passion for travel, and wants to explore the former imperial capital of Vietnam but is unsure of suitable locations, you can refer to the following top 10 motorbike adventure spots in Hue.

Vong Canh Hill

At the top of the list is a familiar destination for every backpacker. Vong Canh Hill is located about 7km west of the city center. It features a serene beauty with rolling hills and the emerald green Perfume River. This place is often chosen as a resting spot to admire the scenery of the Nguyen Dynasty kings.

Vong Canh Hill is known as the most beautiful place to watch the sunset in the ancient capital.

Ngu Binh Mountain

A must-not-miss motorbike adventure spot in Hue is Ngu Binh Mountain. The view from the top helps you understand why Ngu Binh Mountain is considered a priceless gift bestowed by nature. Impressively adorned with lush pine trees and the winding Perfume River, the majestic beauty of Ngu Binh Mountain has been extensively praised by poets.

Truoi Lake

Situated at the foot of Bach Ma Mountain, this place retains its original, mysterious charm. Truoi Lake, also known as “Tuyet tinh coc,” originated from the largest hydroelectric dam in Hue. With its picturesque surroundings, Truoi Lake has become a heart-stealing destination for adventurers.

View of Truoi Lake from above.

A Luoi

A Luoi is the homeland of highland ethnic communities. Being less exploited, it still preserves its unique cultural identity. Despite being about 70km away from the city, it won’t deter true adventurers. Once you set foot in A Luoi, you’ll fall even more in love with the pristine nature of this city.

A Co Pass

Motorbike adventures in Hue undoubtedly involve winding roads and mountain passes. Located in the A Luoi district, A Co Pass will astonish you with its winding, serpentine roads. Hidden and revealed in the white clouds, the A Co Pass will satisfy the adventurous soul of every backpacker.

Thuy Tien Lake

Thuy Tien Lake hides itself on Thien An Hill and has become a recent “hot hit” destination. Initially an abandoned water park, it gained popularity after being featured in an American newspaper. The place is now extremely attractive, particularly due to its mysterious, eerie atmosphere resembling a terrifying horror film. Covered with moss-covered slides, rusted pipes, and imposing dragon statues, it creates a creepy scene, making visitors somewhat uneasy.

Truc Lam Bach Ma Zen Monastery

Another destination for those wanting to travel around Hue by motorbike is the Truc Lam Bach Ma Zen Monastery. Renowned as a spiritual land, this place boasts numerous pagodas and shrines. Truc Lam Monastery is located on the summit of “White Horse Grand Mountain” Bach Ma. Passing through this monastery, visitors feel like entering a heavenly realm. The serene atmosphere here erases all worries and anxieties of reality.

Truc Lam Zen Monastery

Nhi Ho Waterfall

Nhi Ho Waterfall is approximately 45km south of the city center. The gentle waterfall seeps into the tranquil lake below. From a distance, Nhi Ho Waterfall looks like an extraordinary, simple watercolor painting. This stopping point will offer backpackers interesting moments of relaxation and immersion in the cool water.

Tam Giang Lagoon

Tam Giang Lagoon is a fantastic spot for witnessing breathtaking sunsets during your visit to Hue. The serene fishing villages present a simple, humble life of coastal residents. Besides, Tam Giang Lagoon is enticing with its local specialties, offering a taste of authentic and unique dishes.

The sunset over Tam Giang Lagoon is breathtakingly beautiful.

Cau Hai Beach

If you prefer something more vibrant, you can check out Cau Hai Beach. Here, various camping and recreational activities by groups of young friends often take place. The smooth white sand, azure sky, and overlapping mountain ranges make Cau Hai Beach a perfect gathering spot for friends after a week of work.

Some Notes When Motorbiking to Tourist Destinations in Hue

To make your motorbike trip to tourist destinations in Hue more complete and enjoyable, keep in mind the following notes about the experience of motorbiking in Hue:

  • Plan your itinerary in advance for a smoother trip.
  • Refer to articles sharing locations and experiences of motorbiking in Hue.
  • Learn some local phrases for easier communication with local people.
  • Choose clothing suitable for the weather and destination. Dress simply and comfortably because wearing dresses or high heels can be inconvenient during the motorbike journey.
  • Apply sunscreen, wear sunglasses, and use a visor if you don’t want to get sunburned.
  • Pack some bottles of water in your bag. As the road can be long and sunny, you might get thirsty, especially in remote areas with fewer shops.
  • Inquire about prices before eating or shopping to avoid overpricing situations.
  • Don’t hesitate to interact and ask locals for help if you encounter difficulties. After all, this is their homeland, and they are likely more familiar with it than we are.
  • Just a heads-up, the food in Hue can be quite spicy. Ask and remind the restaurant owner in advance if you prefer a milder taste.
  • Check the condition of your motorcycle and remember to refuel before starting your motorbike adventure.

The ancient capital of Hue is already well-known to everyone, isn’t it? But for those who are traveling to Hue for the first time and embarking on a motorbike adventure in this city, this article will be extremely useful for you. So, what are you waiting for? Pick up your backpack and start the journey to explore this sacred land.

Hue to Hoi An by motorbike tours. Drive south from Hue along a scenic mountain road with breathtaking views over coastal highlights along the way including the spectacular Hai Pass, the high dividing line between the climates of North and South Vietnam

8:30. Our Hue motorbike adventure guide picks up guests at the hotel going to Hoi An, on the way we will stop to visit:

Elephant Spring

Vung Voi waterfall: Elephant Spring (Vung Voi) makes them a wonderful stay during your journey from Hue to Hoi An. Packed with free weekend, the drive into the stream takes you through the glorious jungle, The springs are a series of small waterfalls, ponds and still in pristine condition.

Tam Giang lagoon

Lang Co beach and Tam Giang lagoonTam Giang lagoon has 24 km in length and An is 52 square km. It’s home to Noe of the world’s most beautiful bay and an ecosystem of high biological and industrial value.

Hai Van Pass

Hai Van Pass: located along the slopes of Hai Van mountain on the border of Hue city and Da Nang city, is one of the world’s most scenic coastal drives. Hai Van pass means ‘Duong Cload pass often. is covered in fog that rises from the sea .

Marble Mountain & My Khe Beach: Just off the coastal road of My Khe Beach, Marble Mountain consists of five craggy cliffs topped with pagodas, each mountain named for its natural elements.. ..

End of trip – Drop off at hotel in Hoi An / Hue

  • Departure: 8:30am
  • Last tour: 15:30 pm
  • Price: $45 per person

Total price includes: Motorbike with Tour guide speaking English, Helmet, Petrol, Road tolls, Parking fee.

Excludes: Meal, personal expenses, tip for driver.

For More Details Please Contact: 

Website: Hue To Hoi An Motorbike Tour

Phone: +84 88 666 0396 (WhatsApp)