Ta Gu Waterfall is dubbed the “hidden fairy” amidst the mountains and forests of the Central Highlands. This place boasts pristine, majestic beauty with a roaring white waterfall cascading down and a diverse, rich ecosystem. Let’s join DanangPrivateCar.com’s to explore the fascinating aspects of Ta Gu Waterfall.

An Overview of Ta Gu Waterfall

Ta Gu Waterfall, hidden amidst vast forests and mountains, attracts visitors with its pristine, majestic beauty and mysterious legends.

According to local Raglai lore, in ancient times, the area around Ta Gu Waterfall was home to many giant pythons. One day, a hungry python climbed to the mountain peak and encountered a baby elephant wandering alone. The fierce python attacked, but the baby elephant fought back vigorously, and both fell into a deep abyss.

The Pristine White Flow of Ta Gu Waterfall

When the mother elephant arrived at the scene, she was overwhelmed with grief and collapsed, her tears forming the white waterfall we see today. From a distance, Ta Gu Waterfall resembles a pure white elephant tusk pointing towards the sky, which is why it is also known as Elephant Tusk Waterfall.

With an estimated height of 40 meters, Ta Gu Waterfall cascades down, creating a magnificent white foam and a resounding echo throughout the forest. The natural scenery here is further enhanced by the shady tree canopies, moss-covered rocks lining the path, and the chirping of birds.

This place has gradually become an ideal destination to escape the heat

Visiting Ta Gu Waterfall, you can immerse yourself in the pristine nature and explore the diverse ecosystem. You can trek through the forest, swim in the cool streams, or participate in exciting outdoor activities.

Ta Gu Waterfall is an ideal destination for those who love adventure and new experiences. This place promises to provide you with wonderful moments of relaxation and unforgettable memories.

Exploring Ta Gu Waterfall: Tips and Recommendations

Ideal Time to Visit

To fully experience Ta Gu Waterfall, it’s essential to choose the right time to visit. Below are the ideal times recommended by the Travel Guide:

Khanh Hoa has a typical climate of the sunny and windy Central region, with two distinct seasons:

  • Dry season: From January to September. This is the perfect time to visit Ta Gu Waterfall. With less rainfall, clear skies, and bright sunshine, it creates a romantic natural landscape. You can comfortably participate in activities such as stream bathing, mountain climbing, camping, and taking Instagram-worthy photos without worrying about rain.
  • Rainy season: From October to December. With heavy rainfall and humid weather, fog covers the area, making transportation more challenging. However, this is also the time when Ta Gu Waterfall becomes even more majestic than ever. The rushing waterfall creates a resounding sound echoing through the mountains, giving you a refreshing and exhilarating experience.


To reach the foot of the waterfall, you will need to travel approximately 100km from the center of Nha Trang city. The most suitable means of transportation are motorbikes or cars, allowing you to have control over your exploration journey. Additionally, you can use the private car service with a driver in Nha Trang from DanangPrivateCar.com. Their transfer service will ensure you have the fastest and safest journey.

From Nha Trang city, head towards Lam Dong province, then to To Hop town, and turn onto provincial road 9 to Son Hiep commune. However, there are no specific signs to the waterfall at this point, so it’s best to ask local residents for directions to find the quickest and easiest way.

Although it’s only a 200-meter walk to the waterfall, it’s a challenging process of “crossing the forest and streams”. Ta Gu Waterfall has two levels: the area above the waterfall and the area below the waterfall. Both have paths, but they are rugged, steep, and slippery.

To conquer Ta Gu Waterfall, you will need to overcome three challenging stages:

Stage 1: Crossing the Bottomless Lake

The bottomless lake is about 50m from Ta Gu Waterfall. To reach the lake, follow the stone slabs on the right side. As this is a deep lake, you need to be extremely cautious. After reaching the lake, follow the trail on the mountain slope and cross the lake by walking on large rocks. Sometimes, you may need to cling to tree roots and rock crevices for safety.

Stage 2: Conquering the Underground Waterfall Lake

The underground waterfall lake is located behind the bottomless lake. However, this is a dangerous section with strong currents and thick slippery moss. You’ll need to walk barefoot to cross the stream and continue clinging to floating rocks to move forward.

Stage 3: Sneaking through the Forest Canopy to Reach the Foot of the Waterfall

After crossing the underground waterfall lake, you’ll need to sneak through the forest canopy to reach the foot of the waterfall. This is the final but most challenging stage. You’ll have to climb, ford streams, and overcome many obstacles to reach the foot of Ta Gu Waterfall.

The Pristine Beauty of Ta Gu Waterfall

Located amidst the vast forests and mountains of Khanh Hoa, Ta Gu Waterfall appears like a soft white silk ribbon, painting a picture of raw, majestic, and vibrant natural beauty. This place is not only an ideal destination for explorers but also a repository of mysterious legends.

The cool, rushing waters of Ta Gu Waterfall flow year-round from the summit of Hon Ba, which stands over 1300 meters above sea level. From a height of 40 meters, the white waterfall cascades like a soft ribbon, crashing into the lake below and creating a mystical mist that envelops the entire basin.

The Ta Gu Waterfall carries a source of cool, rushing water that flows year-round

The majestic sound of the waterfall harmonizes with the chirping of birds and the babbling of streams, creating a lively natural symphony that gently sings the heroic anthem of the great forest.

The natural scenery here is further perfected by the shade of ancient trees, moss-covered rocks lining the path, and a rich, diverse vegetation. With every step of exploration, you will witness blooming forest flowers adding vibrant colors to the natural painting. Birds flitting from branch to branch and butterflies fluttering like skilled dancers make the beauty of this place more enchanting than ever.

The ecosystem at Ta Gu Waterfall consists of diverse flora and fauna thriving in its pristine environment

Breathing in the fresh, pure air, you will feel as if your soul is cleansed, momentarily forgetting the worries and troubles of daily life. Immersing yourself in the cool, refreshing water will reinvigorate you with energy and vitality.

In addition to the natural beauty, you also have the opportunity to learn about and interact with the local Raglai people. Listening to their poignant epics and legendary stories rich in historical and cultural value will provide you with unique and fascinating experiences.

Exciting Activities at Ta Gu Waterfall

Waterfall Bathing

Each season, Ta Gu Waterfall presents its own unique beauty. Sometimes gentle and tender like a young woman in her twenties, and other times fierce and powerful, displaying its strength amidst the mountains and forests. Among the exciting experiences at Ta Gu Waterfall that Danang Private Car’s wants to share with you is waterfall bathing.

Apart from bathing in the waterfall, you can also take the opportunity to capture some stunning photos at one of the most majestic waterfalls in Khanh Hoa province

Bathing in Ta Gu Waterfall is an incredibly enjoyable and memorable experience. You will have the opportunity to immerse yourself in the pristine nature, enjoy the fresh air, and feel the refreshing coolness that the water brings. The cool, refreshing water here will help you dispel all fatigue and the scorching heat of summer.

However, you should choose shallow water areas with appropriate depth to ensure safety when bathing at the waterfall. Moreover, it’s advisable not to bathe on days of heavy rain as water levels may rise significantly, posing a potential danger.

Conquering the Waterfall Summit

At the foot of Ta Gu Waterfall lies a magnificent natural landscape with its white foaming water, serene blue lake, and rich, diverse vegetation. However, the beauty of Ta Gu Waterfall doesn’t stop there. Above the waterfall, a rugged, majestic, and impressive scene awaits those who are adventurous enough to conquer it.

To reach the summit of the waterfall, you will have to undergo a challenging journey. Climbing slippery rocks, crossing narrow and deep water gaps, clinging to ropes and tree roots, you will experience the thrill and excitement of adventure. However, these challenges will be well rewarded when you set foot on the summit of the waterfall.

From the summit, you will have a panoramic view of the majestic, verdant mountains. Ancient trees shading the path, moss-covered rocks lining the way, babbling streams flowing through, all create a pristine, vibrant natural painting.

The fresh, cool air at the waterfall’s summit will help you dispel all fatigue and the everyday stress of life. Taking deep breaths, feeling the cool breeze through your hair, you will feel extremely refreshed and relaxed.


Ta Gu Waterfall is gradually becoming an ideal camping destination for those who love to explore and immerse themselves in pristine nature. This place promises to offer you incredibly enjoyable and memorable experiences, especially on weekends or scorching summer days.

Camping at Ta Gu Waterfall

Organize a camping trip with friends at the foot of the majestic waterfall, and you will enjoy the fresh, cool air and experience the wonderful relaxation that nature brings.

Find a large, flat rock shaded by ancient trees, spread out a picnic blanket, and start a meaningful camping experience. Camping at Ta Gu Waterfall is not only an opportunity for you to immerse yourself in nature but also a chance to bond with friends, creating beautiful and memorable memories.

Ta Gu Waterfall is not only an ideal destination for nature lovers but also a place that preserves the unique cultural values of the Raglai ethnic people. Come and experience the pristine and majestic beauty of Ta Gu Waterfall to fully appreciate the magnificence of Khanh Hoa’s nature and preserve unforgettable moments for yourself!

Have you visited all the islands in Nha Trang yet? If not, then explore them right away, and make sure to check in at least once because the beauty of these islands will leave you amazed and unforgettable. The islands in Nha Trang are famous for their mesmerizing beauty, attracting millions of tourists every year. If you have the opportunity to visit this coastal city, take the time to explore these islands, you definitely won’t be disappointed.

Review of the islands in Nha Trang

Hon Tre Island – A myriad of experiences in one destination

  • Hon Tre Island is the largest island in Nha Trang Bay, covering an area of ​​up to 32.5 km2. It is located about 5 km from Nha Trang city and 3.5 km from Cau Da Port in Nha Trang.
  • To reach Hon Tre Island, you can choose a canoe or high-speed boat from Cau Da Port. However, most tourists prefer the cable car to save time and enjoy panoramic views of Nha Trang Bay from above.
Hon Tre island

Exploring Hon Tre Island in Nha Trang, you not only enjoy the natural scenery but also find many tourist areas and entertainment options such as Hon Tre Cultural Park, Con Se Tre Tourist Area, Dam Bay Ecotourism Area… Especially, Vinpearl Nha Trang must be mentioned – the top resort and entertainment complex in Nha Trang.

Hon Mun Island – one of the most romantic islands in Nha Trang

Hon Mun Island is one of the four beautiful islands in Nha Trang that you should explore, located to the south of Hon Tre Island. It is known as the first marine protected area in Vietnam, home to many rare marine species including fish, corals, etc. Additionally, Hon Mun Island is also known as a nesting site for swallows.

Hon Mun Island has a beautiful location, presenting a harmonious natural painting in terms of colors

Tam Island Nha Trang – Admire the pure green nature

In the list of beautiful islands in Nha Trang that you shouldn’t miss, Tam Island is the next name. There are two ways to get to Tam Island: you can join a tour of the 4 islands in Nha Trang, including Tam Island, or you can rent a canoe to the island, with a travel time of only about 20 minutes.

Mineral Waterfall Bath at Hon Tam Island, Nha Trang

At Tam Island, tourists can experience various activities such as visiting Hoang Hoa Thon, where there are ancient houses over 100 years old, kayaking, trying thrilling activities like parasailing, Flyboard, walking underwater, coral diving…

Mot Island – the romantic beauty of a rustic fishing village

Mot Island is located in Vinh Nguyen Ward, southeast of Khanh Hoa, about 9km from Nha Trang city with an area of ​​only 1km2. It is home to about 200 fishing households and is the smallest island in Nha Trang Bay.

Being a small island, Hon Mot possesses tranquil and simple natural scenery, making it a suitable place for relaxation

Although it does not have the scenery like other islands in Nha Trang, Mot Island still has its own beauty with 350 species of beautiful corals. Moreover, the water level around the island is quite shallow, so tourists can easily snorkel and enjoy fresh seafood right on the island.

Tri Nguyen Island (Hon Mieu)

When mentioning Tri Nguyen Island, many people often think of Tri Nguyen Fish Lake or also known as Tri Nguyen Aquarium, but few notice that this place also has a peaceful fishing village with beautiful nature.

Tri Nguyen Island is only 1km away from Cau Da port and 6km from the center of Nha Trang city, making it an ideal tourist destination

On Tri Nguyen Island, you can experience many activities such as shopping at the island’s market with a variety of fresh seafood, visiting 3 ancient wells, Ong Temple, Ba Temple, Trí Nguyen village temple… experiencing fishing with fishermen and enjoying at the Coral Bay 2 tourist area,…

Monkey Island (Hon Lao) – Enjoy new and exciting experiences

Monkey Island is a small island located in Nha Phu Bay, Ninh Phu Commune, Ninh Hoa Town, Khanh Hoa Province, about 15km north of Nha Trang city center. It is home to over 1200 monkeys of various species including gray langurs and red-faced monkeys.

Monkey Island enjoys cool weather throughout the year

Monkey Island is divided into 4 main areas: monkey conservation area, circus performance area, beach area, and photo-taking area. In particular, the monkey conservation area and the circus performance area are two places you shouldn’t miss because you can play with the monkeys, feed them, take photos, and watch the smart monkeys perform exciting circus acts. After playing, you can rest in resting huts and enjoy swimming at the beach area.

Orchid Island – A resting place for beauty lovers

Orchid Island (also known as Orchid Spring) is located on Hon Heo Peninsula, Ninh Phu Commune, about 18km north of Nha Trang. Here, you can admire over 100 species of orchids in various colors such as mokara, dendro, vanda, vanda, cymbidium, cattleya, phalaenopsis, cymbidium, dendrobium… covering the path making tourists feel like being in a land of flowers.

Among the islands in Nha Trang, Orchid Island is dubbed as the world of flowers, offering a serene resort space

In addition, tourists can take photos with cute models of Mickey Mouse, Winnie the Pooh, Donald Duck… at Nghinh Xuan Lake. Especially, Orchid Island is not only a land of flowers but also a place that preserves the traces of the Cham people from ancient times, with high historical and archaeological significance.

Swallow Island – The only double beach in Vietnam

Among the islands in Nha Trang, Swallow Island is the only place with a double beach in Vietnam. It is called Swallow Island because it is the habitat of the swallow, a small and extremely rare bird species.

The only double beach in Vietnam where you can see coral reefs beneath the water

Especially, here, there is a strange double beach with crystal-clear water that can be seen to the bottom, divided by a long stretch of white sand. When walking on the sand, you will feel like walking in the middle of the sea with beautiful water on both sides.

Whale Island (Hon Ong) – A peaceful place for the soul

The next destination among the beautiful islands in Nha Trang is Whale Island or Hon Ong, located in Van Phong Bay, Van Ninh District, Khanh Hoa Province, about 100km from Nha Trang city.

Choosing Whale Island as a place to relax, you will have the most relaxing moments thanks to the peaceful natural scenery here

Whale Island has no inhabitants and only one resort, so it still retains its pristine and peaceful nature with lush green forests all year round, becoming an ideal resort for many families.

Diep Son Island – A mesmerizing sea-crossing path

Surely many people have heard of the famous sea-crossing path and want to visit Diep Son Island to experience walking directly through the sea. This is an extremely unique trail, nearly 700 meters long, connecting the small island to the large Diep Son Island.

Diep Son Island is famous for its paths crossing the sea.

In addition to experiencing the path through the sea, on Diep Son Island, you can also enjoy the cool and clear water, try camping at night as there are no hotels or guesthouses on the island,… With such pristine surroundings like Diep Son Island, it is an ideal place for tourists to return to nature.

Tips for visiting islands in Nha Trang

  • Nha Trang has a favorable climate and pleasant weather, making it easy to travel year-round. However, summer is the peak tourist season in Nha Trang, so if you visit during this time, it’s advisable to book your flight tickets and accommodations early to get the best prices.
  • Transportation: There are various transportation options in Nha Trang such as motorbikes, taxis, canoes, etc. Depending on the destination, you can choose the most suitable mode of transportation. But don’t forget to research in advance, especially for transportation that requires tickets and has schedules like canoes, to avoid any disruptions to your trip.
  • Due to the hot sun, when traveling in Nha Trang, you should prepare sun protection items such as long-sleeved shirts, sunglasses, hats, sunscreen…
  • When visiting the islands in Nha Trang, you need to prepare your personal documents, research in advance which islands to visit in Nha Trang, transportation methods, ticket prices for visiting the islands in Nha Trang,… to avoid any surprises when you arrive.
  • You can also research local specialties to buy as gifts when visiting the islands in Nha Trang and remember to compare prices before purchasing to avoid overpaying.
  • If you are visiting Nha Trang for the first time and lack experience, you can book island tours in Nha Trang to be guided and experience all the beautiful islands. Alternatively, you can refer to the experiences of independent travelers from reviews of islands in Nha Trang to know which islands to visit in Nha Trang.

Hopefully, with this article, you have the most useful information about the islands in Nha Trang for your upcoming trip. In addition, for a convenient trip, the private car service with drivers in Nha Trang from DanangPrivateCar.com will provide you with the best experiences!

When you have the opportunity to visit Nha Trang, many tourists wonder what to do in Nha Trang at night. Let’s explore the pedestrian street area – Nha Trang night market and find out what to buy and what activities are the most worthwhile!

Nha Trang not only captivates tourists with its beautiful and pristine beaches but also leaves a mark with its lively and bustling night markets. Through this article, let’s discover what’s interesting at the Nha Trang night market in 2023 that we should not miss!

How many night markets are there in Nha Trang?

Tourists will be quite surprised to know that there are a total of 4 night markets in Nha Trang operating lively to welcome distant travelers for exploration and shopping. They are:

  • Nha Trang Night Market: also known as Tuệ Tĩnh Night Market because it is located at the intersection of Tuệ Tĩnh Street and Trần Quang Khải Street.
  • Tropicana Shopping: a market located within the Hải Yến Hotel premises.
  • Yasaka Night Market: organized by Yasaka Saigon Nha Trang Hotel.
  • 46 Trần Phú Market: a location known more to locals and tourists alike.
The Nha Trang night markets are lively destinations that attract both domestic and international tourists

In this article, we will focus on the 46 Trần Phú Night Market and explore why it is the most crowded and attractive market for tourists.

Where is the Nha Trang night market located?

  • Location: The Nha Trang night market is situated on the road between Trần Phú and the “Western Quarter” of Hùng Vương.
  • Address: Tran Phu, Loc Tho, Nha Trang, Khanh Hoa 650000
  • Operating hours: Typically from 6:00 AM to 11:00 PM.
  • Highlights of the market: Despite its small size, the market consists of nearly 100 stalls, large and small, selling various products, souvenirs, food, and local specialties like agarwood.

Due to its convenient location, tourists can reach the Nha Trang night market through various means such as motorbike taxis and taxis to experience the lively atmosphere.

Although the market stays open until 11:00 PM daily, the most crowded and bustling time is usually from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM. This is when the stalls are fully set up, more and more tourists stroll around and visit the stalls, and the vendors are particularly enthusiastic and welcoming to visitors.

If you’re looking for airport transfer services to Cam Ranh Airport, book a private car service from Cam Ranh Airport to the city center with DanangPrivateCar.com’s. We are committed to providing fast, safe, and cost-effective services with transparent prices listed on our website.

How many sections does the Nha Trang night market have?

The Nha Trang night market is divided into several different sections, such as:

  • Nha Trang culinary area.
  • Souvenir stalls.
  • Clothing section.
  • Entertainment zone.
  • Nha Trang specialties area.
The Nha Trang night market offers a wide variety of goods for tourists to shop for

Each section of the market has its own attractions and unique features. When traveling to Nha Trang, you can take a leisurely stroll to explore the entire night market or visit each individual section to shop for souvenirs.

What can you do at the Nha Trang night market?

Enjoying culinary delights around the night market.

Firstly, there is the food section of the market with stalls selling a wide variety of colorful and extremely enticing snacks. Here, you can find diverse dishes from both northern and southern Vietnam that attract not only young people but also everyone. Some popular snacks include: Hội An-style ice cream sticks, refreshing and priced at only 5,000 VND per stick. For something more enticing, there’s Thai rolled ice cream, priced around 35,000 VND – 40,000 VND.

Moreover, this Nha Trang seafood night market also offers over 100 delicious grilled seafood skewer dishes, which are incredibly fresh and tempting

If you are a “dessert enthusiast,” don’t miss the 3 Chàng dessert shop located at the end of the market. This place is famous for offering 12 types of desserts, such as pomelo dessert, sweet potato sticky rice dessert, pomegranate jelly dessert, mixed dessert, mung bean dessert, green bean dessert, ginseng and longan dessert, among others. Among them, pomelo dessert, pomelo dessert, and pomegranate jelly dessert are the favorites of many tourists and are the shop’s specialties.

Check out our article on: TOP 20 freshest and most delicious seafood restaurants in Nha Trang.

Walking around the night market.

The pedestrian street – Nha Trang night market is not only a place for buying goods but also a place for tourists to stroll and experience the bustling and fresh atmosphere of the city at night.

Strolling through the Nha Trang night market is an experience that many tourists find delightful

Walking from one end of the market to the other, Nha Trang tourists can both enjoy the food and admire souvenir stalls, fashion items, and local specialties. If you like, you can even buy some clothes or flip-flops for a walk along Nha Trang’s beaches.

Creating heirloom paintings with your own hands.

The Nha Trang night market is also a place where tourists can witness and experience art and culture through the service of creating heirloom paintings. In some corners of the market, it’s not difficult to spot talented artists who can quickly sketch portraits of tourists.

In addition to portrait drawing, tourists can also choose from various other forms of art such as purchasing calligraphy, or buying engraved paintings, to create unique memories of Nha Trang

Buying souvenirs for your loved ones.

The souvenir stalls at the Nha Trang night market promise to keep tourists engaged for a long time. This place captivates many with its cleverly crafted and eye-catching small accessories in various unique shapes.

There are many souvenir items available at the market for you to buy and give to your loved ones as gifts.

Souvenir items come in a wide range of prices, and you can even own an impressive souvenir item for just a few thousand dong, perfect for creating lasting memories. Additionally, this market also has fashion stalls that make it difficult for many women to look away. It’s a convenient place for tourists to shop for themselves or buy gifts for friends and family.

If you’re in Ho Chi Minh City and want to visit Nha Trang, including the Nha Trang night market and other tourist attractions, you can book a private trip from Ho Chi Minh City to Nha Trang by car.

Should you buy things at the night market: Tips for shopping and having fun at the Nha Trang night market?

The Nha Trang night market is indeed an attractive destination, but there are also some things that travelers should keep in mind for a safe and enjoyable trip.

Be cautious of price gouging at the market.

While there are advantages, tourists visiting the Nha Trang night market should be cautious of price gouging and overpricing, especially for foreign visitors. Even Vietnamese tourists have often complained about the higher prices, which can be two to three times higher than other places.

A piece of advice for you is to ask for prices thoroughly before making a purchase, and if you have the time, compare prices at multiple stores to avoid overpaying for an item. Another travel tip for Nha Trang is that you can choose to buy from stalls located in the middle or towards the end of the market, prioritizing those with clearly displayed and openly marked prices.

Beware of pickpocketing.

Hidden within the noisy, bustling, and crowded atmosphere is the risk of pickpocketing and theft targeting tourists. Therefore, tourists visiting the Nha Trang night market should be careful about safeguarding their personal belongings, proactively secure their wallets and valuable items to avoid opportunistic thieves.

The Nha Trang night market is not just a marketplace but also a symbol representing the cultural life of a locality. In addition, to fully experience it, tourists can take some time to visit other prominent markets such as Xom Moi Market, Dam Market, various seafood markets in Nha Trang, to witness the vibrant trading scene of the local residents there.


Nha Trang has always been a top attractive destination for tourists in Vietnam. The city possesses numerous scenic spots, attractions, entertainment options, and top-notch resorts. With all the Nha Trang Travel Experiences that Danang Private Car’s is sharing, you will have a complete trip in this paradise. Let’s follow along!

Nha Trang Travel – “The Emerald Gem of the East Sea.”

Do you know which city in Vietnam is referred to as the “Emerald Gem of the East Sea“? It is none other than Nha Trang. If you are a travel enthusiast with a passion for the sea and islands, Nha Trang is the ideal paradise for you.

Listing all the unmissable tourist destinations and exciting experiences for visitors in Nha Trang seems like a challenging task. This is because Nha Trang offers an abundance of travel activities and captivating attractions.

Here, you will be able to admire breathtaking coastal scenery and explore various islands while experiencing top-notch entertainment and resort services.

Nha Trang is known as the “Emerald Gem” of the East Sea

But that’s not all – Nha Trang is also a treasure trove of traditional culture. It is home to many historical and cultural relics and sacred spiritual tourism sites. The city’s cuisine offers a wide range of delicious and reasonably priced dishes. Nha Trang’s cuisine is a harmonious blend of the culinary essence from all three regions of Vietnam, catering to the tastes of the majority.

So why hesitate? Start planning your trip to Nha Trang today! What do you need to prepare for your beach city adventure? How much will it cost? What delicious food can you enjoy in Nha Trang? How to get around the city? What are the must-visit attractions? DanangPrivateCar.com’s detailed review below will provide answers to all your questions about Nha Trang travel from A to Z.

Ideal Time to Travel to Nha Trang?

The weather factor is something you should consider first when traveling. Favorable weather enables enjoyable activities and experiences for every trip.

What is the best season to visit Nha Trang?

Nha Trang is a coastal city in the South Central Coast of Vietnam with a relatively warm climate. The weather can be clearly divided into two distinct seasons throughout the year. According to reviews from many people, the most beautiful time to visit Nha Trang is during the dry season, which spans from January to August every year.

During this time, there is abundant sunshine throughout the day, and rain is scarce. Although it is the sunny season, the sun in Nha Trang is not as intense as in the North Central Coast. This is an ideal condition for travelers to comfortably move between destinations and engage in various recreational and resort activities.

The most suitable season for traveling to Nha Trang is the summer season

Based on the travel experience in Nha Trang, the rainy season typically falls between September and December every year, with the highest concentration of rain occurring in October and November. Nha Trang’s characteristic is its focus on beach tourism, islands, and numerous outdoor recreational areas. Therefore, tourists usually avoid the rainy season when coming to the city.

Which month should you travel to Nha Trang?

As mentioned earlier, according to the experience of DanangPrivateCar.com’s, you should choose the dry season in Nha Trang for your trip. Among the months, the most ideal time to visit the coastal city is from late March to the end of August. These months are also the peak tourist season.

What to Prepare for Self-Guided Travel in Nha Trang?

Self-guided travel is always favored by travel enthusiasts. You can plan your own itinerary and explore countless pristine islands and beautiful blue bays waiting for you in Nha Trang. To have a complete journey, it’s essential to prepare a little bit in advance. Below is a LIST of necessary items:

Luggage and personal belongings:

When traveling to Nha Trang, for female travelers, prioritize bringing elegant outfits. Maxi dresses or princess-style vintage dresses are popular choices. Definitely don’t forget to pack shorts, sundresses, bikinis, or anything that showcases your body curves.

For male travelers, jeans, t-shirts, shorts, flip-flops, and such are the top priorities. A little tip is to plan specific outfits for each day to bring just enough clothing.

Preparing Luggage for a Beach Trip

During the daytime, Nha Trang has plenty of sunshine. So, don’t forget to bring a straw hat, sunscreen, towels, a light jacket, and sunglasses. These are not only beach accessories but also essential for protecting your eyes and skin.

Personal identification and documents:

Cash and personal identification are crucial items for every trip. According to Nha Trang travel experience, it’s sufficient to prepare a small amount of cash for emergencies.

Essential personal documents include: ID card/passport for flight, train, or hotel check-in, as well as for renting motorbikes or cars. Having your driver’s license/passport with you is also important.

Electronic devices and handheld maps:

For self-guided travel in Nha Trang, don’t forget your electronic devices: Camera, smartphone, power bank, and chargers for your phone/camera. Additionally, a handheld map is very useful for getting around. It will come in handy when you visit places far from the city center, where there might be no phone signal or electricity.

Electronic devices such as laptops, cameras, and power banks are also indispensable

Experiences of Self-Guided Travel in Nha Trang Using Various Modes of Transportation

As a well-known tourist city both within and outside of Vietnam, Nha Trang boasts a modern and diverse transportation system. You can reach Nha Trang’s tourist destinations using any means of transportation. Consider the options that DanangPrivateCar.com shares below, depending on your conditions, preferences, and family needs.

Traveling to Nha Trang by plane:

For domestic travelers: If you are coming from provinces far from Khanh Hoa, taking a flight is the optimal way to travel quickly and conveniently. Currently, many airlines operate flights from Hanoi, Da Nang, and Ho Chi Minh City to Cam Ranh Airport. It will only take about 1.5 – 2 hours to reach the beautiful coastal city.

For international travelers: Cam Ranh Nha Trang Airport offers some international routes to Thailand, China, South Korea, etc., though there are not many. However, you can book a flight from your location to Tan Son Nhat Airport in Ho Chi Minh City and then immediately book a private car from Ho Chi Minh City to Nha Trang with DanangPrivateCar.com’s.

Traveling to Nha Trang by motorbike:

Based on the experience of traveling to Nha Trang, if you are from neighboring provinces and within Vietnam, you can reach Nha Trang by motorbike. However, for foreign travelers, it’s not recommended to choose this mode of transportation due to the relatively challenging traffic conditions in Vietnam. Nevertheless, motorbikes are a popular choice among young travelers and biking enthusiasts. With a motorbike, you will have control over your itinerary and can freely stop to check-in at beautiful places along the way. This mode of transportation can also help you save a significant amount of money!

Keep in mind that when traveling by motorbike, you should prioritize safety and be familiar with local traffic regulations and conditions.

Traveling to Nha Trang by train:

If you want to experience the scenic views on both sides of the railway or have some “deep” check-ins, taking the train is an ideal choice for your trip. There are numerous train routes with many train compartments arriving at Nha Trang station every day.

Some tourists also choose to travel to Nha Trang by train

Price reference:

  • Train ticket from Hanoi to Nha Trang: 500,000 VND – 1,400,000 VND per person per trip, depending on the type of train compartment and travel time.
  • Train ticket from Saigon (Ho Chi Minh City) to Nha Trang: 300,000 VND – 1,000,000 VND per person per trip, depending on the type of train compartment and travel time.

Traveling to Nha Trang by car:

If you are traveling to Nha Trang with friends or family, driving a car is the optimal choice. Traveling in a large group and driving a car will be very convenient, safe, and cost-effective.

Similar to traveling by motorbike, when traveling by car, you can also freely create your own itinerary and make changes to your trip according to your preferences.

How to Get Around for Traveling to Nha Trang?

After setting foot in the beautiful coastal city, the next question that many people ask is: Which mode of transportation to choose for exploring the city?

Riding a motorbike:

Motorbike is the most popular means of transportation, chosen by many tourists, especially young ones. Roaming the city on a motorbike allows you to save a lot on transportation costs and is also fast and convenient.

“Backpacking” Nha Trang by motorbike

You only need to spend around 100,000 – 150,000 VND per day to rent a motorbike, depending on the type of vehicle. Then, simply fill up the gas tank and hit the road!

Taking a taxi:

Being the most renowned tourist city, Nha Trang has a well-developed taxi service. You can choose from various taxi companies in the city. Based on self-guided travel experiences in Nha Trang, it’s essential to be aware of the taxi fares to avoid overcharging. To be even more cautious, you can negotiate the price before getting in.

  • Opening fare: 5,000 – 11,000 VND.
  • Fare for distances under 30km: Approximately 15,000 – 18,000 VND per kilometer.
  • Fare for distances over 31km: Approximately 10,000 – 14,000 VND per kilometer.

Taking a bus:

Taking the bus is another transportation option you can try while traveling in Nha Trang. The city has an extensive bus system covering various routes. Buses run throughout the city, including routes to Cam Ranh Airport and famous tourist destinations. Opting for the bus within the city is quite convenient, and the fare is very affordable.

  • Bus fare: 5,000 – 8,000 VND per trip.
  • Operating hours: From 5 am to 6 pm daily.

Using Grab:

Grab bike and Grab taxi services are widely available in the coastal city, operating 24/7. You can choose this mode of transportation for your travel needs at any time.

Private Car with DanangPrivateCar.com:

With our private car service suitable for groups of friends or families looking to enjoy a relaxing vacation in Nha Trang, you won’t have to worry about waiting for public transportation or dealing with the expensive fares of taxis. Just plan your itinerary in advance, and our professional drivers will pick you up and drop you off on time without any worries. Additionally, with DanangPrivateCar.com’s private car service with experienced drivers who have years of experience in transporting international passengers, you’ll have a safe and cost-effective trip.

Private cars are a preferred mode of transportation chosen by many international tourists

To book right now, you can send an email to info@danangprivatecar.com or contact our customer care department to inquire about the private car rental service with a driver in Nha Trang. We will provide you with all the necessary information, including available vehicles, pricing, and booking procedures. Enjoy your trip in Nha Trang with the convenience and comfort of our private car service!

Where to Stay for Traveling to Nha Trang?

Your vacation will become perfect and complete if you find an ideal accommodation. Being a famous tourist city, Nha Trang offers a diverse range of accommodation options, from budget to luxurious and high-end resorts.

At homestays, hotels, or upscale resorts?

Among numerous choices, you can consider your budget, preferences, and needs to book a homestay, hotel, or upscale resort.

  • Homestay prices range from 300,000 VND to 600,000 VND per room per night.
  • Hotel prices will be around 600,000 VND to 1,200,000 VND per room per night.

But if you want to experience an exceptional vacation, enjoying various high-quality services and facilities, you should choose to stay at 5-star hotels or resorts. Vinpearl Nha Trang Resort, Amiana Resort, Vinpearl Resort Hon Tre, and MerPerle are some famous resorts in the coastal city.

Among the many choices, you can consider your budget, needs, and preferences to book accommodation
  • Prices for upscale hotels when traveling to Nha Trang independently range from 1,500,000 VND to 10,000,000 VND per night.

Some quality and budget-friendly hotel recommendations.

Are you looking for quality and budget-friendly hotels? DanangPrivateCar.com suggests you search for hotels located on Tran Phu Street. Staying at hotels along this coastal road, you will only need to take a few steps to enjoy the beautiful beach and clear blue sea.

Some recommended hotels are Lodge, Mường Thanh, Novotel, InterContinental Nha Trang, Sheraton Nha Trang… With the advantage of being close to the beach and the city center, these hotels have prices ranging from 800,000 VND to 3,000,000 VND per room per night.

Additionally, Hung Vuong Street, Nguyen Thi Minh Khai Street, Nguyen Thien Thuat Street, etc., also have many clean, beautiful hotels with various amenities for you.

Top famous tourist destinations in the center of Nha Trang

When you come to Nha Trang, what to eat, what to do, and where to stay? Nha Trang offers countless places for you to have fun to the fullest and check-in with “picture-perfect” moments. Below is a list of guaranteed meeting spots that will give you memorable experiences.

Nha Trang Beach:

Nha Trang Beach has long been famous for its blue and clean waters, with a long stretch of sand running along the city. From Tran Phu Street, you only need to take a few steps to reach the beach. The central part of Nha Trang Beach, where most tourists gather to check-in and swim, is around the Tram Huong Tower area.

Nha Trang Beach, with its 7km length, opens up a vast and refreshing panorama right in front of you.

See more articles about the top most beautiful beaches in Nha Trang.

Nha Trang Railway Station:

Located at 17 Thai Nguyen Street, Phuoc Tan Ward, Nha Trang Railway Station is not only a sought-after spot by tourists but also a popular place for young people in Nha Trang to visit and check-in.

Nha Trang Railway Station is renowned for its exquisite architecture, a harmonious combination of Vietnamese and French styles. Here, you will undoubtedly have fantastic photo opportunities during your solo trip to Nha Trang!

Bach Dang Park:

In addition to natural scenic spots, Nha Trang also attracts visitors with unique architectural constructions. Among them, Bach Dang Park is a must-visit spot for any traveler, especially if you are traveling with children.

Bach Dang Park is the “green lung” of the city, covering a large area. With its cool atmosphere, numerous unique historical architectural structures, and a location next to the beach, Bach Dang Park captivates tourists who come here for a leisurely stroll and to find moments of tranquility in their souls.

Stone Church (Nha Tho Da):

Stone Church is a famous tourist destination located right in the city center. Therefore, during the peak season of solo travel to Nha Trang, the church attracts hundreds of visitors daily. The church features European-style architecture with ancient and grand beauty. If you are a lover of culture and history, this is an ideal destination for you.

Dam Market (Cho Dam Nha Trang):

Located in the city center, Dam Market is the busiest and most famous market area. Here, you will immerse yourself in a world of culinary delights, souvenirs, and local specialties. If you are looking for unique and distinctive gifts to buy after your trip, take a stroll around Dam Market, where numerous items and local specialties are sold.

The route to the market is quite easy to find and convenient for tourists.

Ponagar Tower (Thap Ba Ponagar):

Ponagar Tower is a prominent architectural and cultural site of the Cham people. The tower is also located right in the city center.

This is a famous tourist destination in Nha Trang, and Ponagar Tower is the largest Cham Pa architectural complex in Vietnam.

This is a destination that attracts many domestic and international tourists during their solo trips to Nha Trang. The best time to visit Ponagar Tower is around the end of March in the lunar calendar each year when you can immerse yourself in the joyful and vibrant atmosphere of the Ponagar Tower Festival.

Vinpearl Land Nha Trang:

According to the Nha Trang travel experience, you cannot miss Vinpearl Land Nha Trang (Vinwonders Nha Trang). It is an internationally renowned amusement and resort complex. If you have a whole day to spare, spend it here.

At Vinpearl Land, you can experience all kinds of exciting games and activities. You can enjoy the cable car ride over the sea, indoor and outdoor games, adventurous activities, and water park fun. Don’t forget to check-in at “7749,” an impressive background for your photos!

Ticket prices for admission and round-trip cable car:

  • Adults: 880,000 VND/ticket.
  • Children from 1m to 1.4m: 660,000 VND/ticket.
  • Adults over 60 years old: 530,000 VND/ticket

Experience Nha Trang travel, cannot miss the islands.

Nha Trang is a coastal city known for its famous islands. Therefore, do not miss the opportunity to visit and explore the islands in Nha Trang Bay. Each island has its own unique beauty, but they all share a poetic and wild charm that captivates travelers.

Hon Chong – Hon Vo:

Hon Chong – Hon Vo is the first destination that DanangPrivateCar.com introduces to you. It is located on Pham Van Dong Street, about 3km northeast of the city center.

This is a cluster of large rocks with diverse shapes, stacked upon each other, running from the high shore down to the sea.

This is a cluster of large rocks with diverse shapes stacked upon each other, stretching from the high shore down to the sea. Hon Chong – Hon Vo is a “top-notch” Nha Trang tourist destination if you want to take “so deep” photos and admire the panoramic view of the city.

Hon Tam Island

Hon Tam is about 7km southeast of the city center. It is a famous island with lush green forests and long sandy beaches. The sea here is incredibly calm and peaceful.

Hon Tam is located about 7km southeast of the mainland.

When you come to this beautiful island, you can immerse yourself in the clear blue seawater. Or simply lie down to sunbathe, read books, and enjoy the salty sea breeze gently caressing your body.

Hon Mun Island:

What makes Hon Mun praised as the most beautiful place for coral diving in Nha Trang? Hon Mun is located about 12km from Cau Da port.

Hon Mun has a diverse tropical marine ecosystem.

Hon Mun has the convergence of two warm ocean currents, creating a diverse tropical marine ecosystem with about 2,000 coral species. If you spend time here during your solo trip to Nha Trang, you can experience diving to admire the corals at a depth of 6 – 8m. You will be amazed by the colorful underwater world.

Hon Mot

Unlike other lively islands, Hon Mot possesses a pristine and peaceful beauty. Here, you will have the opportunity to immerse yourself in the daily life of the fishing village. The houses are simple, covered with green moss on the roofs. In front of you, fishing boats gently rock on the sea. All create an incredibly serene atmosphere.

Hon Mot possesses a pristine beauty

The travel experiences on Hon Mot Island include coral diving, jet-skiing, parasailing, and enjoying fresh seafood prepared by the local fishermen.

Hon Mieu

Hon Mieu is favored and voted as the most beautiful island in the bay. It is close to the mainland, and when you visit Nha Trang on a solo trip, you can check-in at Bai Tranh. This charming beach stretches nearly 500m, with one side covered in smooth white sand and the other side adorned with numerous small rocks of various shapes.

Hon Mieu is voted as the most beautiful island in the Nha Trang Bay region.

The clear and calm seawater here is ideal for swimming and bathing. Bai Tranh is also a place where many water sports take place, such as running a motorbike on water, flying with parachutes, and flyboarding.

Diep Son Island

Diep Son Island is another destination you should not miss when traveling to Nha Trang. It is famous for its paths crossing the sea, which have become a highlight on travel forums.

Diep Son Island consists of three small islands: Hon Bep – Hon Giua – Hon Duoc. These three islands belong to Van Phong Bay, Van Gia town, Khanh Hoa province.

Diep Son Island is famous for its paths crossing the sea.

With its unique location, Diep Son Island has two connecting sandbanks. Among them, a 700m-long sandbank connecting Hon Bep and Hon Giua attracts more visitors. The remaining sandbank connects Hon Giua and Hon Duoc, with a length of about 200m.

Yen Island

Yen Island – Hon Noi is about 25km from the seaport. This island is recommended by tourists for its simple and pristine beauty. At Yen Island, you can admire the entire seascape from the top of Du Ha mountain. Moreover, the island has a double beach with smooth, white sand and clear blue water on both sides.

Robinson Island

The last island that Danang Private Car’s introduces to you for your Nha Trang trip is Robinson Island. It is a small island located in Bich Dam Strait, Vinh Nguyen Ward, Nha Trang. Although Robinson Island is still a new tourist destination, it has been developed into an attractive tourist spot.

Robinson Island has only been developed for tourism in recent years

This island is about 10km from Cau Da port. It takes about 15 minutes by canoe to reach here. Robinson Island has only been developed for tourism in recent years. It quickly becomes a check-in spot for “backpackers” and young people who are enchanted by its charm.

Nha Trang spiritual and cultural tourist destinations.

What does Nha Trang have to offer for tourists? The famous spiritual and cultural tourist destinations in Nha Trang are also of great interest to many visitors. Especially during Tet (Lunar New Year) and the beginning of the new year, people visit temples, cultural relics, and sacred places to find inner peace, rid themselves of worries, and pray for peace and good luck.

Long Son Pagoda:

Long Son Pagoda, also known colloquially as the White Buddha Pagoda, is located at 22 23 Thang 10 Street, Phuong Son Ward, Nha Trang. Nestled at the foot of Trai Thuy Mountain, Long Son Pagoda stands firmly against the mountain, exuding a sacred and serene atmosphere.

Long Son Pagoda is also known as the White Buddha Pagoda.

This is an ancient temple in the coastal city, featuring the largest Buddha statue in Vietnam, which is recorded in the Guinness Book of Records Vietnam.

Suoi Do Pagoda:

Suoi Do Pagoda is another prominent spiritual destination. Especially on full moon days, the first day of the month, or during festivals and Tet, Suoi Do Pagoda attracts a large number of tourists and Buddhists coming to visit and pay their respects.

The space of the pagoda is solemn and tranquil

With its solemn and ancient architecture, visiting Suoi Do Pagoda during a solo trip to Nha Trang allows you to admire the stunning natural scenery and find inner peace. People pray for peace and good luck for their families and loved ones.

Oc Cam Ranh Pagoda:

Oc Pagoda, also known as Coral Pagoda, gets its name from its unique architecture made from shells, corals, and sea snail shells. Its true name is Tu Van Pagoda, built in 1968.

This place is famous for its unique architecture, including the Bao Tich Tower and 18 levels of hell made from shells, corals, and sea snail shells. Bao Tich Tower, constructed in 1995, consists of two floors, with the upper floor dedicated to worship Buddha and the lower floor open for visitors.

This temple is made from countless seashells.

The tower boasts distinctive and intricate decorations and stands nearly 40 meters tall. When visiting Nha Trang on a solo trip, don’t miss the opportunity to see this tower, which has been listed in the Guinness Book of Records Vietnam as the tallest Bao Tich Tower.

  • Address: 3 Thang 4 Street, Cam Linh Ward, Cam Ranh, Khanh Hoa.

Tram Huong Tower:

When people mention Nha Trang tourism, many immediately think of the iconic Tram Huong Tower. It is a must-visit spot for tourists, promoting the image of the coastal city. The tower is predominantly colored in orange and pink.

Tram Huong Tower – The Icon of the Coastal City
  • Address: 2/4 Square, Tran Phu Street, Nha Trang.

Traveling to Nha Trang, exploring some suburban attractions.

In addition to the beaches, islands, and central city attractions, Nha Trang also offers many other appealing destinations in the suburbs. Although the travel distance may be a bit farther, you’ll find it completely worthwhile to make the effort to visit these places.

Van Phong Bay

Van Phong Bay is the largest bay in Khanh Hoa province. It has great potential in terms of economy and tourism. What makes Van Phong Bay “HOT” to experience? Below are some super attractive tourist spots in Vân Phong Bay:

  • Doc Let Tourist Area: This is a tourist area with a stunning beach that will leave you in awe. You’ll be mesmerized by the beautiful beach scenery, with clear and pure water and smooth, white sandy shores.
  • Diep Son Island: This is the famous “icon” island, known for having the most interesting paths crossing the sea in the country.

Đầm Bấy (Fun Island).

Dam Bay, also known as Fun Island, is a small bay located southeast of Hòn Tre Island. It’s about 6km from Nha Trang. Đầm Bấy is a Nha Trang tourist destination that captivates visitors with its pristine sea scenery. The water here is calm and peaceful all year round.

Tu Binh Nha Trang.

Tu Binh is the collective name for four incredibly beautiful and famous islands in the area: Bình Hưng, Bình Lập, Bình Ba, and Bình Tiên. They truly deserve the title of “paradise islands,” being among the most beautiful in Khanh Hoa.

“Tứ Bình” is the collective name for four beautiful and famous islands: Bình Hưng, Bình Lập, Bình Ba, and Bình Tiên

Here, you’ll find a landscape of unspoiled beauty with lush green trees and a clear blue sea. When you come here on your solo trip to Nha Trang, you’ll be able to admire the magnificent natural scenery and indulge in fresh seafood while participating in exciting underwater games.

Ba Ho Tourist Area.

Ba Ho Tourist Area is located about 25km north of the city center. Ba Ho Waterfalls originally was a crystal-clear stream originating from the 660m-high Hòn Sơn mountain and stretching 10km. After being dammed, three lakes at different elevations were formed.

Ba Ho Waterfalls in Nha Trang possess a wild and romantic natural beauty amidst the mountains and forests.

Ba Ho Waterfalls has many rocky cliffs, creating a charming landscape of hills and water. Taking advantage of the natural beauty, this area has been developed for tourism. Ba Hồ is a favorite destination for adventurous “backpackers” to explore and experience.

  • Address: Vạn Thuận hamlet, Ninh Ích commune, Ninh Hòa.

Monkey Island (Đảo Khỉ).

Nha Trang is also famous for Monkey Island, and the name alone gives you an idea of what this island is about.

On your solo trip to Nha Trang, to reach Monkey Island, you’ll have to take a boat. It takes about 10-15 minutes to get to Monkey Island – Hòn Lao. Here, around 1,500 monkeys inhabit the forest. You can encounter them almost anywhere while strolling around the island. Moreover, Monkey Island’s ecosystem is also diverse, with many other species of animals and plants.

At Monkey Island, there are approximately 1,500 monkeys living.

There’s an interesting program on Monkey Island that will surely captivate young travelers. It’s the monkey circus performances.

  • Address: Hòn Lao Island, Nha Phu Bay.

Hundred-Egg Tourist Area in Nha Trang.

The last destination in this list of Nha Trang tourist spots is the Hundred-Egg Tourist Area. This is a famous check-in, entertainment, and mud-bathing address in the Nha Trang suburbs. It’s located about 8km from the city center, on Nguyen Tat Thanh Boulevard, Phuoc Dong Commune, Nha Trang city.

Interesting experiences to try when traveling to Nha Trang.

As shared by DanangPrivateCar.com, it’s challenging to list all the attractive destinations and exciting activities to experience in Nha Trang. This place offers countless experiences that you will regret missing out on. So, where to go in Nha Trang?

Diving to admire coral reefs and explore the ocean.

When traveling to the islands, you cannot miss the opportunity to go diving and admire the coral reefs. Nha Trang Bay is a “must-go” destination in your journey to explore this beautiful city. The place offers picturesque scenery with clear blue waters.

Especially, the marine ecosystem here is home to hundreds of rare marine creatures. Various colorful coral clusters, soft and horn-like corals, and vividly colored fish are calling for travelers to explore.

Don’t miss the opportunity to go diving and admire the coral reefs when you visit Nha Trang.

Hòn Mun, Coral Bay is an ideal diving spot for travelers. Diving here will provide an unforgettable experience during your self-guided trip to Nha Trang. Diving services usually come with experienced divers to ensure your safety.

  • Price reference: Approximately 450,000 VND per person per session.
  • Duration: 30 minutes.

Admiring Nha Trang Bay on a yacht.

Are you looking for a romantic spot to experience with your loved one? Don’t forget that Nha Trang Bay is the most beautiful and romantic place to watch the sunset in Vietnam. The bay offers a straight horizon and rare emerald waters.

Admiring the coastal bay on a cruise ship.

Experiencing the sunset on Nha Trang Bay will captivate even the most fastidious travelers. According to the Nha Trang travel experience, admiring Nha Trang Bay on a yacht is an extraordinary experience worth every penny!

Witnessing the sunrise in the morning and the sunset in the evening.

Having come to the coastal city, you must witness the spectacular sight of the sun slowly rising from the sea or the golden light shining down onto the ocean during sunset. It is truly a pity if you miss these magical moments!

According to DanangPrivateCar.com’s experience, the hottest spot for watching the sunrise in Nha Trang is the area called “Bãi Tiên” on the Phạm Văn Đồng street. As for the sunset, the beautiful area is along the Cái River in Nha Trang. The best time is around 4:30 PM – 5:30 PM.

Challenging yourself with the “Flyboard” game.

Flyboard made its first appearance in Vietnam around 2012. Since then, this adventurous sport has become popular in Vietnam.

The Flyboard first appeared in Vietnam around 2012

Flyboard is a personal water flight device, designed and created by Franky Zapata. It is one of the popular water adventure sports in the West. You will fly at a height of about 10 meters above the sea, propelled by the water thrust from two flyboard air or flyboarding air tubes attached to your feet.

Capturing diverse backgrounds for “million-view” photo opportunities.

When traveling to Nha Trang, you cannot miss the “check-in” ritual. You will gather countless glamorous photos during your visit to this beautiful city.

Nha Trang is an endless source of inspiration for photographers, Instagram influencers, and TikTok content creators. There are numerous “Instagrammable” spots here that are so hot and promising to help you capture photos and videos that will get thousands of likes.

What to eat in Nha Trang?

Nha Trang’s culinary scene is incredibly diverse and rich. When visiting this coastal city, indulging in the delectable dishes is an equally enticing experience. Below is a list of famous delicacies, along with the addresses of “must-try” restaurants and eateries in the seaside city.

Must-try Nha Trang specialties

When it comes to exploring the Nha Trang cuisine, there are several dishes that any traveler would be eager to try. Without tasting these dishes, your trip won’t be complete.

First and foremost, there’s bún sứa (jellyfish vermicelli) and bún cá (fish vermicelli). As Nha Trang is a coastal city with abundant seafood resources, the dishes prepared with shrimp, fish, and other seafood are always fresh, delicious, and delightful.

Nem nướng is a famous specialty of Nha Trang.

Nem nướng Nha Trang (grilled fermented pork roll) is another specialty. Although nem nướng is available in other places like Da Lat, Vung Tau, and Saigon, the Nha Trang version has its own unique flavor. Other dishes like bánh bèo chén nóng (steamed rice cakes), bánh xèo chảo (pan-fried rice pancakes), bánh căn hải sản (seafood rice cakes), as well as grilled dishes such as gà núi nướng (grilled mountain chicken), bò nướng Lạc Cảnh (Lac Canh grilled beef), and vịt nướng (grilled duck), are all equally aromatic and tasty.

Famous Nha Trang snacks

Don’t forget to try some of the famous snacks in Nha Trang, such as bánh tráng trộn (mixed rice paper), gỏi khô bò (beef jerky salad), chén trứng nướng (grilled egg cup), bánh bèo nước cốt dừa (water fern cake with coconut milk). Additionally, you can enjoy bánh mì nướng muối ớt (grilled bread with salt and chili), xiên que nướng (grilled skewers), and cháo ếch Singapore (Singaporean frog porridge). As for desserts, Nha Trang is famous for its sinh tố (fruit smoothies), chè chuối nướng (grilled banana with coconut milk), chè trái cây (fruit dessert), and trái cây dầm (mixed fruit with shaved ice and condensed milk).

Recommended famous eateries in Nha Trang:

After learning about these “must-try” dishes, are you ready to join the “food tour” in Nha Trang with DanangPrivateCar.com? Here are some of the renowned dining spots in Nha Trang that are eagerly waiting to welcome tourists:

  • Bún sứa Năm Beo – Chợ Đầm: B2 Phan Bội Châu, Nha Trang.
  • Bún cá, bún sứa: 87 Yersin Street, Nha Trang (Intersection of Yersin – Bà Triệu).
  • Nguyên Loan Quán: 123 Ngô Gia Tự Street, Nha Trang.
  • Nem nướng Nha Trang: 15 Lê Lợi Street, Nha Trang.
  • Quán bánh bèo Bé Tư: 15 Huỳnh Thúc Kháng Street, Nha Trang.
  • Quán nướng Nha Trang Kupom: 79 Huỳnh Thúc Kháng Street, Nha Trang.
  • Cháo ếch Singapore: 58C Trần Nhật Duật Street, Nha Trang.
  • Bánh xèo chảo: Intersection of Tô Hiến Thành Street, Nha Trang.
  • Cơm gà Hà: 75 Ngô Gia Tự Street, Nha Trang.
  • Bánh căn hải sản: 51 Tô Hiến Thành Street, Nha Trang.
  • Quán ốc Nhưng, ốc Mỹ Lương Sơn: Residential area in Vĩnh Lương Commune.
  • Bánh tráng trộn Kim Sài Gòn: 27A Biệt Thự Street, Nha Trang.
  • Trè trái cây – Trái cây dầm: 21 Tô Hiến Thành Street, 50 Lê Thành Phương Street, Nha Trang.

In addition to these, there is no shortage of seafood restaurants in Nha Trang. Explore more of the famous seafood eateries while visiting Nha Trang.

What to buy as souvenirs when traveling to Nha Trang on your own?

After every trip, everyone would love to buy local products and specialties as meaningful gifts that bring joy to the recipients.

  • Dried seafood: Dried squid, dried tuna, sun-dried squid, tamarind-flavored dried squid, dried razor clam, fish cakes. These are all best-selling items among the list of specialties to bring back as gifts.
  • Khanh Hoa Bird’s Nest: This luxurious and highly beneficial health gift is sure to please the recipients. Khanh Hoa bird’s nest is renowned for its quality and variety, with various price ranges for travelers to choose from.
  • Souvenirs: These are items that you can buy to give to your family and friends. Nha Trang is famous for its handicrafts made from seashells, snail shells, and coral.
Dried seafood is chosen by many people as a gift when traveling to Nha Trang

You can explore the large markets in the city when visiting Nha Trang. Or, you can go shopping at the night markets, commercial centers, supermarkets, and specialty shops.

Sharing a self-guided travel itinerary for Nha Trang:

4-day 3-night Nha Trang travel itinerary

  • Day 1: Explore famous landmarks in the city center. Visit Ponagar Tower, Long Son Pagoda, Nha Trang Stone Church, National Oceanographic Museum of Vietnam, and stroll through Nha Trang Night Market. Enjoy Nha Trang’s local specialties.
  • Day 2: Have fun at VinWonders Nha Trang.
  • Day 3: Go diving to admire coral reefs – Embark on a “food tour” to savor Nha Trang’s specialties.
  • Day 4: Conquer the “cross-sea road” to Diep Son Island and explore other famous beautiful islands.
It’s recommended to allocate a considerable amount of time to fully experience all the popular attractions in Nha Trang.

3-day 2-night Nha Trang travel itinerary:

  • Day 1: Enjoy a full day of fun at VinWonders Nha Trang.
  • Day 2: Discover Hon Mun – Fishing Village – Bai Tranh – Have dinner and admire the sunset over the sea.
  • Day 3: Explore self-guided tourist spots in Nha Trang city center such as Ponagar Tower – National Oceanographic Museum of Vietnam – Stone Church – Nha Trang Dam Market.

How much is the total cost for a trip to Nha Trang?

The budget for a trip is a crucial factor that determines the quality of your journey. Depending on whether you are a domestic or international tourist, each individual’s circumstances will lead to different choices and a balance of expenses to be most reasonable.

Therefore, to answer the question of how much the total cost for a trip to Nha Trang is, the answer can only be relative and serve as a reference. The prices of flight tickets, hotel rooms, and other travel services can vary depending on specific periods.

  • Transportation costs from Hanoi/Saigon to Nha Trang: Flight tickets: 800,000 VND – 2,000,000 VND/one-way; Sleeper buses: 500,000 VND – 700,000 VND/leg/person; Trains: 600,000 VND – 1,500,000 VND/person/one-way. For foreign tourists, direct flight tickets from their countries to Nha Trang might be more expensive depending on their location.
  • Transportation costs within the city when traveling to Nha Trang on your own: Cam Ranh Airport – City center: Bus: 65,000 VND/trip; Taxi: 250,000 VND – 350,000 VND/one-way; Motorbike rental: 120,000 VND – 150,000 VND/day; Grab bike/taxi: 200,000 VND – 400,000 VND/person/day.
The trip to Nha Trang promises to be very exciting and not too expensive
  • Accommodation costs: If staying at 3-4-5-star hotels, the prices range from 500,000 VND to 1,500,000 VND/room/day, while resorts can cost from 1,500,000 VND/day.
  • Food expenses: Including breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks, coffee, etc.: Approximately 500,000 VND/person/day.
  • Entrance fees to attractions and service usage: 800,000 VND/person/day.
  • Shopping expenses: Depending on each individual’s conditions and needs.

In conclusion, the cost for an economical trip will range from 3,500,000 VND to 7,000,000 VND/person for 2 days 1 night.

Tips to note for a self-guided trip to Nha Trang:

To have the most perfect trip, quickly take note of the following experiences for your visit to the coastal city:

  • Nha Trang is a famous tourist city, attracting both domestic and international tourists. Every year, millions of visitors come to Nha Trang. Therefore, during peak seasons, “book” hotels, flight tickets, and train tickets early to be proactive and avoid situations of hotel rooms and travel services being “sold out.”
  • Keep personal belongings safe when visiting crowded tourist destinations. Avoid carrying too much cash or valuable items when going out.
  • Equip yourself with a waterproof bag for your phone when visiting beach tourist areas or engaging in activities like swimming, snorkeling, and water games.
  • Based on the experience of traveling to Nha Trang, to avoid inconvenience, prepare all essential personal documents, including ID card, driver’s license, and passport.
When visiting spiritual tourist destinations, remember to dress modestly and respectfully.
  • When visiting spiritual destinations, remember to dress modestly and politely. Walk lightly, speak softly, and behave gracefully. For religious offerings, choose vegetarian dishes, be pure, and avoid salty foods.
  • During your trip to Nha Trang, especially in hot sunny weather, prioritize wearing cool and breathable clothing. Wear flat shoes/sport shoes for convenient movement.
  • When buying local specialties as souvenirs in Nha Trang, carefully check the packaging, origin, and expiration date. You can haggle to get the best price.

Above are all the highly detailed Travel Experiences in Nha Trang that DanangPrivateCar.com’s has gathered. The city offers numerous beautiful sceneries and delicious dishes waiting for you to explore. Start planning your visit to the city right away!