Danang city and Hue is “neighbor”. Distance from Danang to Hue is about 100km. If you are staying in Danang and you have plan to go to Hue city. So How to get from Danang to Hue?

Hue City
Hue City

There are 4 options to get from Danang to Hue.

Option 1: From Danang to Hue by bus

This is cheapest way to get from Danang to Hue. It is only about 70,000d/ pax for ticket. But there is only 2 times for bus: in the morning at 09:00AM and in the afternoon 15:00. But you should pay for taxi from your hotel to bus staion, and from drop off area in Hue to Hue hotel. It is cheap but incontinences.

And you only go direct nonstop under tunnels. It is not interesting.

Option 2: From Danang to Hue by train

Soft seat on train from Danang to Hue is 90,000vnd/ pax. There are many times of train from Danang to Hue. But you should be at the train station early to buy ticket. Can’t book before, so maybe if you came to the train station and it was full.

Danang to Hue by train
Danang to Hue by train

The train will not stop on the way to see sightseeing or take photo too. And it is always delay.

Option 3: From Danang to Hue by local taxi

Local taxi is easy to catch from your hotel. But is is expensive for this option. Taxi charge per kilometer. If you go under tunnels, it is cheaper than go up to the Hai Van Pass. And you should pay for road tolls.

Option 4: From Danang to Hue by private car

You can go from Danang to Hue by private car is the best convivence way. It is not too cheap, it is budget way. Price is default for pick up any hotel in Danang center, and drop off at any hotel in Hue center.

Danang To Hue Private Car
Danang To Hue Private Car

You can choose go on the fastest way 2 hours, or you can go up to the Hai Van Pass and stop there to take photo. After that, see Lang Co Beach and Lap An Lagoon.

Most experience and English speaking driver will help you have a great moment.

You can book private car anytime, and our driver will pick up and drop off at your hotel. No need use taxi to go to station…

Contact to us now via

+ email: sales.danangprivatecar@gmail.com

+ WhatsApp: +84886660396

+ Link Booking: https://danangprivatecar.com/tours/danang-to-hue/

we will discuss and arrange good car for you.